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Re: PC Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag in November
Sep 30, 2013, 23:18
Re: PC Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag in November Sep 30, 2013, 23:18
Sep 30, 2013, 23:18
So... Watch Dogs is scheduled to release on November 19th as well. Guess they haven't gotten around to announcing the delay for the PC version of that one yet.
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Re: Steam Top 10
Apr 15, 2013, 04:39
Re: Steam Top 10 Apr 15, 2013, 04:39
Apr 15, 2013, 04:39
eRe4s3r wrote on Apr 14, 2013, 19:31:
Still think Rise of Nations was FAR superior to Age of Empires 2....

Rise of Nations might be getting the HD remake treatment too if Steam registry leaks are to be believed.
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Re: Ships Ahoy - Defiance
Apr 3, 2013, 08:29
Re: Ships Ahoy - Defiance Apr 3, 2013, 08:29
Apr 3, 2013, 08:29
The TV show has apparently already been renewed for season 2, so it seems the channel is behind the IP in general. The game is by Trion who made Rift, one of the few successful subscription based MMOs around so it does seem like they know how do these things right.

I do like the general idea of the game and TV show influencing each other but the practical realities of content creation time make me highly skeptical that there will be any substantial crossover. Anything that happens in the show will be in a script 3 months in advance. Any event that happens in the game will also probably start production work months in advance. At best I can imagine this will come down to some throwaway lines in the show referencing some event in the game. "Oh did you hear about that successful rebellion in St. Louis?" and that's it.

Also, the game has a season pass. I suspect if you want to keep up with the story that is being followed by the episodes of the TV show, you will also need to have the episodic DLC content that a season pass provides. Thus making this an MMO without a subscription but with an implicit subscription requirement through season passes if you want to stay current in the story.

Gameplay looks kind of meh to me. At least, not worth 60$.
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Re: On Sale
Mar 24, 2013, 03:51
Re: On Sale Mar 24, 2013, 03:51
Mar 24, 2013, 03:51
Jivaro wrote on Mar 23, 2013, 16:13:
Syndicate isn't worth 5 bucks is it?

I'd say it is. The core design is a bit undercooked and it's a short game but it is decent for what it is. Just remember to play with sunglasses on because it has the worst bloom in any game I've seen till date.
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Re: Jason West Retires?
Mar 4, 2013, 12:27
Re: Jason West Retires? Mar 4, 2013, 12:27
Mar 4, 2013, 12:27
Paketep wrote on Mar 4, 2013, 10:16:
They also allowed Acti to ruin the franchise MW2 onwards, and also dropped LAN and dedi support.

So, for my part, fuck that loser.

Still bitter 4 years later? Why am I not surprised.

West has apparently been gone for months now. How that remained a secret till today is mystifying.
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Re: THQ Asset Auction January 22nd
Jan 8, 2013, 04:01
Re: THQ Asset Auction January 22nd Jan 8, 2013, 04:01
Jan 8, 2013, 04:01
nin wrote on Jan 7, 2013, 22:53:
I worry the same about SR4. What's to stop someone from buying the IP and abandoning the devs and the work done so far, in favor of starting from scratch with their own angle?

This would not be cost effective at all. Not to mention the only appeal that the Saints Row brand has is that it's an over the top GTA type game. Changing it into something else would be counter productive to the bottom line.

Also, it's worth remembering that Saints Row 3 was going to have a stand alone expansion which was canceled and presumably all the work done on it was going to be rolled into Saints Row 4. I wouldn't expect amazing new things from SR4 as a result. They're almost certainly using the same technology and quite possibly the same city as well. In short, I'm expecting SR4 to be SR3.5 with a lot of content and technology already done. No one would take up the cost of abandoning all that to start from scratch.
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Re: James Bond: License Revoked?
Jan 5, 2013, 17:28
Re: James Bond: License Revoked? Jan 5, 2013, 17:28
Jan 5, 2013, 17:28
All signs point to this being a licensing problem. Maybe Activision thought they'd renegotiate the license and then couldn't settle on a price. Or if one wants to be cynical, most game sales come within the first few weeks after release anyway, so maybe that's all Activision wanted out of the release of Legends.

Quite a bit of content disappeared from various digital distribution stores on the 1st of January. Always a licensing thing.
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Re: Black Ops II Sells $1B in 15 Days
Dec 5, 2012, 11:53
Re: Black Ops II Sells $1B in 15 Days Dec 5, 2012, 11:53
Dec 5, 2012, 11:53
DukeFNukem wrote on Dec 5, 2012, 11:48:
A billion dollars divided by $60 says they sold about 16.6 million copies in 2 weeks. 4x as much as Windows 8 did in a month so about 8x the number of copies of Windows 8 in the same space of time. Looks like Microsoft made a bad decision trying to target teens who twitter versus gamers. Not real bright are you Microsoft? *shaking my head*

This came out of nowhere o.0

A few days ago Microsoft claimed to have sold 40 million Win 8 licenses. I'm sure they're okay with the way their sales are going.

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Re: Far Cry 3 Released; Patched
Dec 5, 2012, 01:34
Re: Far Cry 3 Released; Patched Dec 5, 2012, 01:34
Dec 5, 2012, 01:34
wrlwnd wrote on Dec 4, 2012, 21:55:
Well, I was really looking forward to this.

But short story = bargain bin for me.

I'll pick it up when it hits the $15 mark.

Uh, it doesn't have a short story. The main 'quest' has 38 missions, out of which a few are just to go somewhere and talk to people, but it's still plenty long and fun. At least twice as long as shooters these days. And that's before you get to the real star of the show, which is free roaming the open world where there's tons of stuff to see and do. I've put in about 35 hours into the game so far and I expect it to last another 5-8 hours at least. And then there's the (not bad) co-op and the (pretty bad) multiplayer. Do you get 40 hour shooters these days?

The game is fantastic and in no sense of the word is it 'short'.
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Re: Battlefield 3 PC Patch Next Week
Nov 27, 2012, 09:19
Re: Battlefield 3 PC Patch Next Week Nov 27, 2012, 09:19
Nov 27, 2012, 09:19
The gunship nerf is welcome. It was no fun getting randomly killed all the time on Armored Kill maps by gunship fire.
Some of the most miserable and unhappy gamers on the planet are at Bluesnews
Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines Multiplayer Trailer
Nov 21, 2012, 21:13
Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines Multiplayer Trailer Nov 21, 2012, 21:13
Nov 21, 2012, 21:13
After playing Natural Selection 2, this trailer is decidedly underwhelming.
Some of the most miserable and unhappy gamers on the planet are at Bluesnews
Re: Black Ops II's $500MM Launch
Nov 16, 2012, 17:51
Re: Black Ops II's $500MM Launch Nov 16, 2012, 17:51
Nov 16, 2012, 17:51
Ah Call of Duty sales figures. The annual fuck you from the world to the elitist, self appointed arbiters of what should be fun in gaming, who think their opinion matters more than others.
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Re: Linux Diablo III Bans Follow-up
Nov 15, 2012, 19:02
Re: Linux Diablo III Bans Follow-up Nov 15, 2012, 19:02
Nov 15, 2012, 19:02
Beelzebud wrote on Nov 15, 2012, 16:07:
If only Blizzard had the kind of resources that InXile or MinMax games had, then they could afford to just do a proper Linux port.

But with a small indy studio like Blizzard you just have to take what you can get.

95% of all games do not have a Linux client, and I don't think Blizzard ever claimed that Linux was supported, so why single them out?

And how can people be surprised when their automated cheat detection system finds problems when people connect through an emulator on an unsupported environment?
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Re: Steam Top 10
Nov 12, 2012, 09:36
Re: Steam Top 10 Nov 12, 2012, 09:36
Nov 12, 2012, 09:36
Prez wrote on Nov 12, 2012, 01:28:
Well that sounds hopeful. I'd say I like to wait for PC version reviews but sadly most of the PC reviews done on ports today are done by reviewers who use a gamepad and mention precious little of the kinds of the PC-specific things PC gamers are interested in.

Square Enix has a decent record recently of doing right by the PC versions of their games. Deus Ex was well done as was Sleeping Dogs. The Hitman Sniper Challenge was also pretty good so it bodes well for the full game. I think Nixxes is doing the PC port (same guys who did DXHR).
Some of the most miserable and unhappy gamers on the planet are at Bluesnews
Re: Steam Top 10
Nov 11, 2012, 19:29
Re: Steam Top 10 Nov 11, 2012, 19:29
Nov 11, 2012, 19:29
jacobvandy wrote on Nov 11, 2012, 16:28:
Impressive showing for that greenlit indie game Towns; I was looking at picking that up, myself. Remember this list is sorted by revenue, and it's only $12.

If you're considering buying Towns, I'd recommend having a look at the Steam discussion forum for the game before deciding. There seem to be a lot of threads saying that the game is unfinished and still basically a beta.
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Re: Additional Borderlands 2 Classes Confirmed
Nov 11, 2012, 19:27
Re: Additional Borderlands 2 Classes Confirmed Nov 11, 2012, 19:27
Nov 11, 2012, 19:27
I think it's more likely that he was agreeing that the Gaige DLC did well commercially. I enjoyed the 100+ hours I put into completing this game but I still do believe that it punches far above it's weight when it comes to sales.
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Re: Diablo III Expansion Plans; StarCraft: Heart of the Swarm Early Next Year
Nov 8, 2012, 04:41
Re: Diablo III Expansion Plans; StarCraft: Heart of the Swarm Early Next Year Nov 8, 2012, 04:41
Nov 8, 2012, 04:41
Hopefully early next year means in the first couple of months and not past Summer or something :\. The D3 expansion is probably over a year out so it's hard to get too excited about it right now. I wonder what classes they'll add to D3 in it.
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Re: Roberts on PC Star Citizen
Nov 4, 2012, 12:20
Re: Roberts on PC Star Citizen Nov 4, 2012, 12:20
Nov 4, 2012, 12:20
Cutter wrote on Nov 4, 2012, 10:19:
That's not right. That's not what KS is intended for. It's there for you to bring a single project to completion - one that you would otherwise be unable to fund yourself. It's not their to raise some money and say 'Thanks, now I'll go talk to the really important people.' As I've stated before, it may not technically be against the rules but it most definitely goes against the spirit of them. That's just one more in a long list of why he's not to be trusted, much less given crowdsourced money IMO.

Yup. This doesn't feel right and it's why I'm not backing it either. I am glad that it reached it's targets though, so hopefully if everything goes well I will be able to buy a fantastic game when it does release.

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Re: Roberts on PC Star Citizen
Nov 3, 2012, 17:17
Re: Roberts on PC Star Citizen Nov 3, 2012, 17:17
Nov 3, 2012, 17:17
Jerykk wrote on Nov 3, 2012, 16:46:
Stupid logic. Most ports are not buggier than their console equivalents. In addition, most ports look and run better than their console equivalents AND are cheaper. Given these facts, why would you ever buy the console versions of multiplatform games? On top of all that, if you want more games designed specifically for PC, why would you buy console games? Stupid.

My thoughts exactly. There are almost no cases in which the PC port of a game offers an inferior experience (unless the developer fucks up monumentally).

Also, by the time this guy's game comes out, the next generation of consoles will also be out and they won't have 512 megs of RAM. Five bucks says he will try to port it to those consoles as well if it's possible. He's just saying the right things right now to get people to contribute to the Kickstarter.
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Re: Two TrackMania2 Additions Announced
Nov 3, 2012, 02:42
Re: Two TrackMania2 Additions Announced Nov 3, 2012, 02:42
Nov 3, 2012, 02:42
HoSpanky wrote on Nov 2, 2012, 21:14:
If they offer a deal for both of em, I may pull the trigger. the new Need for Speed is apparently quite a disappointment, and there really hasn't been a really gonzo racing game in quite a while.

Slightly off topic, but have you tried Driver San Francisco? That is one seriously underrated and overlooked arcade racing game.
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