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Re: No subject
Sep 15, 2006, 12:56
Re: No subject Sep 15, 2006, 12:56
Sep 15, 2006, 12:56
I don't know why anyone would care who liked the movie and who didn't? Anyway, it is pretty bad from everything I've read that wasn't a "preview."

But who honestly expected this or any other movie game to turn out good?

Re: \m/
Sep 13, 2006, 12:03
Re: \m/ Sep 13, 2006, 12:03
Sep 13, 2006, 12:03
The controls are awkward at first, but the game is programmed so you have an unexperienced fighting style at the beginning as well. As you get skill and also get physically better at the controls it gets better together and I thought that was pretty cool.

As previously mentioned Gothic has had NPCs doing "jobs" for a long time now and it does add a lot to the immersion in the towns. Thank god they don't run up to each other and repeat the same mudcrab story 900 times. If NPCs in Oblivion actually did JOBS around town instead of yapping all day it might be cool instead of annoying...

They should have released it in the US at the same time cause now everyone who is looking forward to it and would have bought it are going to have to download it. If it's good enough they will still get some sales here, I guess.

No subject
Sep 13, 2006, 11:48
No subject Sep 13, 2006, 11:48
Sep 13, 2006, 11:48
I'm waiting for CSI: MMORPG.

What a disaster when movies and TV shows are being turned into MMOs when 99% of the normal games based on them are abominations.

Re: No subject
Sep 13, 2006, 11:45
Re: No subject Sep 13, 2006, 11:45
Sep 13, 2006, 11:45
I've played through this twice, unfortunately I didn't miss much the first time. And the last section/ending still sucks.

Would have been cool to see more vampire themed games though.

No subject
Sep 12, 2006, 09:22
No subject Sep 12, 2006, 09:22
Sep 12, 2006, 09:22
I wish I got 100+ hours out of it like a lot of people say but after I finished the thieves and assassins guilds I just got severely bored. The mage quest line seemed like crap but maybe I was just too sick of the game by then.

Stealing was horribly boring, combat was too predictable. After the graphics lost their charm it was easy to see all the flaws. Not to mention the idiotic level system they put in place. Yeah there are mods, but you shouldn't need mods for things like that. I didn't even know about the death system or I probably would have hated that too.

But anyway, if I remember correctly the Knights are not really a faction but you do get to "join" them which basically means you can sleep in their little house... wow. Representative of how "deep" oblivion is if you ask me.

Re: No subject
Sep 9, 2006, 03:06
Re: No subject Sep 9, 2006, 03:06
Sep 9, 2006, 03:06
You guys crack me up.

Re: screenshots look pretty...
Sep 8, 2006, 12:55
Re: screenshots look pretty... Sep 8, 2006, 12:55
Sep 8, 2006, 12:55
World of the Ringscraft? Ha ha ha!

No subject
Sep 8, 2006, 12:48
No subject Sep 8, 2006, 12:48
Sep 8, 2006, 12:48
Too bad Night Watch was horrible. Maybe instead of fixing it they just decided to release the next game, how EAish of them! Ha ha ha!

Re: No subject
Sep 8, 2006, 08:48
Re: No subject Sep 8, 2006, 08:48
Sep 8, 2006, 08:48
This game rules so hard even in beta that I am eagerly anticipating my check from EA for this statement.

Re: No subject
Sep 6, 2006, 17:10
Re: No subject Sep 6, 2006, 17:10
Sep 6, 2006, 17:10
LazerMane is an idiot. We happen to disagree on the quality of one game so obviously he is mentally deficient.

Re: Challenge it
Sep 6, 2006, 16:53
Re: Challenge it Sep 6, 2006, 16:53
Sep 6, 2006, 16:53
Was anyone really subscribed to this? Seemed like the US beta wasn't even a year ago, but I only remember it at all from all the bad jokes.

At least they can play Helbreath, any PVP war game that uses comic sans in it has got to be high quality!

Who cares
Sep 4, 2006, 22:45
Who cares Sep 4, 2006, 22:45
Sep 4, 2006, 22:45
Why is entertainment such a dirty word? It isn't ok just to create entertainment you have to be creating ART! In a couple hundred years nobody is going to have a gallery with Half Life 2 on demo mode in it. Sure it takes some creativity and a lot of hard work but so do a lot of things.

I guess game designers just want to know if it's ok to be snobby and pretentious, and start putting their names before the game titles... Oops too late, better start calling it art then!

Then again, with some of the things I've seen in museums they might as well call it art. That just proves how arbitrary the label is in the first place, though.

Re: Sonata
Sep 4, 2006, 22:34
Re: Sonata Sep 4, 2006, 22:34
Sep 4, 2006, 22:34
How can you like Planescape Torment, but not include Baldur's Gate in some capacity?

Why not? They are radically different settings and have quite different gameplay. I myself like torment much better than BG, frankly I think it's a bit overrated these days. I don't think it holds up as well as fallout and torment do. BG2 is a bit better, but I've still never been able to finish BG.

Re: Must Buy!
Aug 31, 2006, 20:16
Re: Must Buy! Aug 31, 2006, 20:16
Aug 31, 2006, 20:16
I don't get what people see in this game. In the demo the combat was meaningless since nobody could hurt you, the only challenge was getting to the next way point in time. I didn't like the vehicle controls either.

If you really get to explore and influence things in the full game it might be better, but in the demo it was all about running from check point to check point before time runs out.

Re: Oh thank God
Aug 31, 2006, 13:16
Re: Oh thank God Aug 31, 2006, 13:16
Aug 31, 2006, 13:16
But Churchill DID die and was replaced by a reptilian robot cyclops doppleganger! You blind sheep need to find the REAL history!

How'd I do?

Re: No subject
Aug 31, 2006, 13:11
Re: No subject Aug 31, 2006, 13:11
Aug 31, 2006, 13:11
It's funny that people have no issue playing a gangbanger and killing cops and running over hookers, but a christian game!? This is terrible! Nobody has a problem slaughtering demons unless someone says you are doing it for god and not the space marines.

Re: No subject
Aug 29, 2006, 23:36
Re: No subject Aug 29, 2006, 23:36
Aug 29, 2006, 23:36
Might be a real game... same publisher!

Re: Ford Bold Moves Street Racing
Aug 25, 2006, 23:20
Re: Ford Bold Moves Street Racing Aug 25, 2006, 23:20
Aug 25, 2006, 23:20
Why hasn't anyone thought of letting you swap cars in the middle of races before! It makes so much sense! And you will need to swap cars when you have a mechanical problem just like a REAL FORD! It's taking things to a whole new BOLD level!

Re: No subject
Aug 25, 2006, 16:08
Re: No subject Aug 25, 2006, 16:08
Aug 25, 2006, 16:08
heheheh I don't know why anyone likes us

What gave you the impression that anyone did?

This is gonna be the best movie game since the matrix.

Re: No subject
Aug 25, 2006, 16:04
Re: No subject Aug 25, 2006, 16:04
Aug 25, 2006, 16:04
PA and Oprah... yeah, that makes sense?

I don't really understand why people have such strong feelings about comics, pretty funny. Then again, this is the internet and nobody really cares about anything they just have nothing better to do.

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