I don't believe the numbers. Especially as it relates to the PC game. If there were that many people playing, there would be no waiting for games. Sorry, but this is all bluff and mirrors.
LittleMe wrote on Jan 30, 2010, 21:43: I think that's the game's strength is that they made player movement more realistic and that you can't spin on a dime and aim a heavy weapon with exact precision.
You must have been playing a different game from me. I saw a lot of hopping and bouncing.
I have played DICE games since BF1942. They are all pretty much the same. This game is an attempt to bridge the gap between MW2 and BF2. It fails. Aside from DICE lying to the PC community (re: prone and dedicated servers), the game is just more of the same. As the police say "move along, there is nothing to see here."
After playing the game for a full day I will have to pass. It has mediocre graphics, the game play is pure run and gun, no lean, no prone, and now no mod tools. Sorry DICE, but I'll pass on this one.
Anyone that buys this game gets what they deserve. IW has consistantly lied to everyone about it. I suspect it will be another poor excuse for a real game.
Once again, IW has screwed their fan base. It is amazing how little they know about the people that actually support this game. Can anyone say boycott?
You guys have got IW all wrong. In fact, let me fix this article. "We killed coop because we couldn't get it to work." They have used the same excuse for each game since CoD1. "It kills the single player experience." Then code for coop, morans. Jesus. It is not rocket science.
Looks like the thing is gaining momentum. I know Ziff-Davis (PC Mag publisher and part owner of G4TV) has the story. IW and Activision might just sit up and take notice...especially when the stock holders start asking questions.....
I,too, had the same problem. I got a 6800, and at higher resolutions, I got a BSoD. Happened every time....guess what. It isn't the video card or the drivers. The video card is putting out so much heat, it is causing your CPU to overheat. Look at your CPU temp and consider better cooling to it. I bet it fixes the problem.
It is in testing...wait, that is what they said about the last patch...I have everyone confidence that they will actually get it right this time........yeah....uh huh.
Dice can't even fix the one they have and they are already talking about ripping us all off again? Sorry, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I put EA Gameless up there with Sierra. Not really bright in the marketing department and in need of some REAL coders.
Raphael Semmes was NOT a privateer. He was a regular commissioned OFFICER in the Confederate Navy. It is soooooo nice to know that the kiddies have read their history.