User information for KillerXR

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Signed On
January 26, 2005
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7 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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No subject
May 3, 2006, 19:29
No subject May 3, 2006, 19:29
May 3, 2006, 19:29
Remember kids, killing thousands of people is ok, but boobies are evil...

Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 14:27
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 14:27
Apr 5, 2006, 14:27
You further reinforce my belief that mac users have sex with their computers.

XP home supports dual core processors as well as multithreading. It's only when you go dual processors that you need xp pro. So the only point to using xp pro is jacking up the price of the dell in your flawed comparison.

Stop saying dumb things like "the dell gets a slightly larger screen" and use one of the 15" dells for comparison instead.

Yeah those software are available for both platforms, which make my earlier 2500 vs 1540 and 2000 vs 1133 comparisons actually truthful.

And once again folks, Dual Core != Dual Processor, you do NOT need XP Pro. So you guys can save some money next time.,,7832_8366_7595~95364,00.html

This comment was edited on Apr 5, 14:28.
Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 13:34
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 13:34
Apr 5, 2006, 13:34
You're trying really hard meatforce:

Openoffice = 0$
pdfcreator = 0$
Xp pro = useless unless you need domain logon, home is enough
The Gimp = 0$

So that's 3474 vs 1539 minus that 400 and something rebate. Oh, and that 9400 dell you're using has a 17" wide screen, you should be using the 15" model from dell.

Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 12:02
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 12:02
Apr 5, 2006, 12:02
"That's interesting - I'm not disagreeing with you, but I specced up a Dell identical to my ideal MacBook Pro"

Here's something more interesting, I specced a 15.4" dell core duo 2.0 GHZ with 1 gig of ram, dvd burner and a 100 gig hd and got 1543$...

But then again the base macbook pro is only 512 meg ram and 80 gig HD, I can get a 1.83Hz dual-core, 1 gig ram, 80 gig hd, dvd burner, X1300 128 megs Dell for 1,133$, pretty damn close to half the price of the "base" macbook that a previous poster said was 2000$, because the 2GHz one is actually 2500$...
This comment was edited on Apr 5, 12:03.
Good SW games
Feb 3, 2005, 10:15
Good SW games Feb 3, 2005, 10:15
Feb 3, 2005, 10:15
I also think Academy shouldn't be in a list of best SW games. The Rebel Assault series should be in there, as well as the N64 game Shadows of the Empire. I also liked the SNES games, altough I don't think many people will agree with me on those.

Re: .
Jan 27, 2005, 19:34
Re: . Jan 27, 2005, 19:34
Jan 27, 2005, 19:34
They should have called it "The fast and the furious : motorcycle edition".

Re: No subject
Jan 26, 2005, 13:34
Re: No subject Jan 26, 2005, 13:34
Jan 26, 2005, 13:34
Tim, you're such stupid fanboi. Are you a lawyer working for rambus?

You use the word "outperform" but you're only using the memory bandwidth to compare performance, you don't mention that RDRAM had/has a huge latency disadvantage. That's like comparing sports car using top speed as your only criteria.

Let's take a trip down memory lane and look at some benchmark from when RDRAM was introduced to see why it tanked: .

What's so hard to understand that Rambus are shady because they kept their patents secrets, got the IP into the standard, then started suing everyone?

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