I can see it now:
Hardcore gamer and developer-wannabe (HGDW): "Hello, investors. I'd like you to invest in my newest game. It will appeal to about 100,000 people and cost a buttload of money. It will not have much replayability beyond multiplayer battling. To cut costs, we'll just go with an existing genre... how about FPS? You'll make about US$0.75 per copy before counting server maintenance costs. You'll have to stop game support after 9 months, too, because the cost of support will begin to go above the sales revenue at that point."
Investor #1: "And, you, Mr. Wright?"
Wright: "I'd like you to invest in my newest game. It will appeal to anywhere from five to thirty million people. It will promote creativity among its players, and players can play peacefully or aggressively. In fact, the entire gameplay experience is open-ended, reactive, and interactive. You'll make about US$2.50 per copy because you won't have to pay millions for lots of graphic design, level design, or textures. The game will create most of these procedurally, and players will be creating their own creatures and sharing them with other players. The server system costs will be minimal, because they don't have to do anything but share data, so we can keep game sales momentum going far beyond 18 months."
Investors (all): "No, we'll invest in HGDW's game because it's HARDCORE."
Wright: "But you'll make tons more money, and players will get more enjoyment because they can do whatever they want! What can be more hardcore than a game that people will play for 12 straight hours, with no network overhead costs except when sharing creations? Are you insane?"
Investor #2: "yu suk Wil Write teh emo l4mer"
Wright: "Huh?"
That would be a sorry gaming world.