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September 16, 2004
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29 Comments. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: wow
Dec 7, 2006, 13:17
Re: wow Dec 7, 2006, 13:17
Dec 7, 2006, 13:17

I get all misty eyed about the palm trees that caught fire and the poor poor animals on those south pacific islands that were bombed...

please... I must admit that I thought "shore gunner" or one of those Nazi's-spray-bullets-at-Utah-beach games was in poor taste but, hey... if d0rks will dump their $0.50 into the bloody machine then i guess i'm wrong...

exoneration of moral responsibility through greed is kinda the way we work in the US sometimes... of course ppl can complain, but when it's a borderline moral issue, we tend to let the $$$s speak a bit louder than the concience.

but i digress... why didn't this game include the a-bomb raids?


where's da beef?
Aug 21, 2006, 19:27
where's da beef? Aug 21, 2006, 19:27
Aug 21, 2006, 19:27
Am I to understand that this game is *not* about bull fighting?

nothing could be more exciting than pushing left to jump left or right to jump right whilst holding a red cape for a 14 pixel bull to charge.

and at 950 Mb! it's perfect ... music by PapaRoach..

Poor puzzle games get no love
Apr 20, 2006, 20:29
Poor puzzle games get no love Apr 20, 2006, 20:29
Apr 20, 2006, 20:29
I'm a bit sad that we haven't had any more Zoop's or tetris' in a long time... yes Bejeweled is kinda addicting and the fact I can play it while sittin' on the toilet is nice... but honestly... when was the last simple and enjoyable puzzle game released?

myst? pyst? myst VIII: the vengence of fog?

safecracking? ok kinda fun idea... a bit edgy but still thought intensive.

Storyline? ok myst / 7th guest and those things did have kind of a fun story line, so yah a better storyline than "get dead dude's stuff out" would be desireable... but still, if there was a demo, and the challenges engrossing but not insanely difficult,,,, i'd give it a spin

Re: For FUCKS sake
Feb 16, 2006, 18:41
Re: For FUCKS sake Feb 16, 2006, 18:41
Feb 16, 2006, 18:41
But what if your MP5 starts spraying Pepsi, or better yet budweiser?

maybe all the CT vs T animosity will stop over some frosty beers, and maybe the hosties will turn into bikini babes?

then all hell breaks loose when snoop dogg shows up!

ok yah... fuck that... eat lead not burger king...

damn burger king king.... i have nightmeres.

Where's ZG?
Sep 26, 2005, 14:20
Where's ZG? Sep 26, 2005, 14:20
Sep 26, 2005, 14:20
There really should be a Zul'Gurrub map...

i think it'd be fun to play WoW instances / areas as WC3 maps.

Re: WoW!
Aug 3, 2005, 13:45
Re: WoW! Aug 3, 2005, 13:45
Aug 3, 2005, 13:45
I would think that Blizzard can easily afford the bandwidth to deliver their patches directly to users and bypass the updater entirely.

And I think that if blizz can't even appropriate the required bandwidth (CPU+net) to run their servers which are makin them butt-loads of dough, then our hopes of a direct download patch have a snowball-chance-in-#@$@...

if bliz was smart Parallax, you'd be 100% right, but this is the company that launches China while they still can't sort out their scaling issues in the US.

fix killrogg NOW!

Re: No subject
Jul 13, 2005, 17:59
Re: No subject Jul 13, 2005, 17:59
Jul 13, 2005, 17:59
yah i had spec'd out my points in Fury... bloodthirst was my fav... (charge a sheep, slaughter it, have enuff rage for a heroic strike on a REAL mob with bloodthirst)... i used to *begin* combat by dealing 400-1200 dmg.

now bloodthirst restores 50hp over 5 hits and is an instant attack doing dmg + bonus. how lame now it's almost exactly the same as mortal strike

someone else here posted that they're warrior now own3d... could you share your build? I'm not sure how this latest patch improved things... besides giving us all a free re-spec.


Re: Any sales?
Jun 21, 2005, 16:35
Re: Any sales? Jun 21, 2005, 16:35
Jun 21, 2005, 16:35
Ya. I was wondering if someone was going to catch that one. When I think back to memorable FPS games, that one comes to mind. Jumping around firing missiles, definitely a unique gameplay experience for me. Although I've found it's best to remember the game as it was in the past rather than try playing it again... kinda like trying to fire up Bard's Tale for the C64 and seeing how crappy it looks.

the split rocket was the most fun and challenging to use... but watching a trenchcoat wearing machine gun blazing funk-nazi get wailed on from both sides at the same time... priceless

oh and what about god and shrooms mode? shooting orbs of light at the enemy while chuckling at the enemies plight?... techno colors freakout... who the hell came up with THOSE powerups?

a freakin' genius that's who!

Re: Yay
Jun 7, 2005, 14:53
Re: Yay Jun 7, 2005, 14:53
Jun 7, 2005, 14:53
I'm disappointed by the lack of interest in improving the game r experience between levels 1-59..

a lot of the new content patches have added stuff for the 60's (which is fine as they NEVER STOP PLAYING) but perhaps if those on their way to dinging 60 got some love they'd have more fun.

The new pirate goodies in the arena in SV are always hounded by a ton of 60's... it's sorta like being the 90lb. weakling at the beach.

There's a new officer's club in Org (and i imagine in the Alliance towns too), but there's no dive bar in the ghetto that only welcomes low level scum like me.

I guess i'm asking for a chance to enjoy some of the cool content too but without the angst of having to grind forever to get the goodies.

Not what i was hoping for
Jun 3, 2005, 12:57
Not what i was hoping for Jun 3, 2005, 12:57
Jun 3, 2005, 12:57
What i want is Star Control 4 (or would it be 5)?

I wanna continue the story i started back in '89... I wanna command a battleship in outer space, upgrade and arm it, and engage in FPS / flight and tactical RTS style battles...

/me misses star control ... the ur-quan masters was an awesome port (bless them)... but i want more...

ow my head hurts
May 25, 2005, 16:11
ow my head hurts May 25, 2005, 16:11
May 25, 2005, 16:11
of course... if we could only play doom3 in doom3 on a console.... the endless circle of doom!

sorta like using the holodeck to create a computer, keyboard, and mouse so you play wolfenstein.

no no shoo those virtual hotties away .... i'm about to get the gattling gun!.. dammit MLI MLI

Re: No subject
May 16, 2005, 15:59
Re: No subject May 16, 2005, 15:59
May 16, 2005, 15:59
there is no fucking way that is an ingame screenshot - and if it is i have serious doubts about any kind of performance whatsoever

Performance/ money is our problem... their problem is to produce on their claims.

"If they build it, i will buy new CPUs...." -- me

look it's not THAT hard to sell drugs to buy new computer parts... jeez ... look at that game.. u know u wanna play it in it's full 1600x1200 glory...

psst hey kid, want some crack?

Re: Wait
May 16, 2005, 13:33
Re: Wait May 16, 2005, 13:33
May 16, 2005, 13:33
tis a shame that gfx look awful. Why must we always be forced to choose 3 of realism, fun, challenge, graphics, engrossing?

this applies to many games these days...

Drink while playing!
May 10, 2005, 13:01
Drink while playing! May 10, 2005, 13:01
May 10, 2005, 13:01
I have lots of great memories of playing this while drinking beer at 10 am on a few saturdays in a row what a blast with 3 other friends... totally smash and grab gold coin collectin' fun immature fun.

great times with beer...

Re: cool.
Feb 8, 2005, 12:51
Re: cool. Feb 8, 2005, 12:51
Feb 8, 2005, 12:51
I would have held my tongue on ur dissin of tribes, but...

Shoot a guy with 10 rockets and he doesn't die....gets old after a while.

well i seem to recall firing bazookas point blank at enemy soldiers and watch them caugh and then kill me with a pistol in one or two shots.

realism is relative... Desert Combat was a good mod for bf1942. i wonder if the bf2 can leverage any of the work done building that game?

Re: No subject
Jan 26, 2005, 13:39
Re: No subject Jan 26, 2005, 13:39
Jan 26, 2005, 13:39
Duke is hurting because people no longer really find that kind of character interesting. Action movies no longer have stars like him, they have stars like the rest of us, only better groomed.

Maybe i'm too perceptive (insert joke here), but taking this sorta start into an FPS would be different. Duke running around trying to save people who don't want him and don't like him. A throwback to an older era... ppl dis em and tell him the 80's are over. Duke's an outcast and everywhere he goes ppl are carrying crowbars instead of jetpacks. It's a sad day for Duke...

but since everyone's back to a sense of safety, kodos and kang come to whoop butt and duke's re-instated...

i dunno, i guess my idea sucks... i'm sure what'll happen is the story writers will punt in a major way and just resort to asking the movie plot vending machine... (it lives in hollywood next to the casting list vending machine) and has produced great films like:

"The day after tomorrow"
"deep impact"

Bruckheimer lives close to the vending machine... it sure makes things easier... ya know... not thinking ... bout... stuff...

chicken is better when cooked.

Re: General comment rules...
Jan 21, 2005, 14:31
Re: General comment rules... Jan 21, 2005, 14:31
Jan 21, 2005, 14:31
Michael Bolton's hairdresser?

p l e a s e girlfriend... /me puts up hand...

ow ow ow it's the irony stick

Re: Excellent, more maps
Jan 14, 2005, 18:00
Re: Excellent, more maps Jan 14, 2005, 18:00
Jan 14, 2005, 18:00
funny, i can't imagine most of the kids i've played with doing that either.

i agree... it's only when i play CS:Source around 1a.m. PST do I actually find skilled players with headsets coordinating attacks, using flashes properly, and playing as a team... unfortunately i'm too busy playing WoW to play CS:S lately... (*must find purple items*)... lol

i'm a nasty std

Re: No subject
Dec 23, 2004, 12:57
Re: No subject Dec 23, 2004, 12:57
Dec 23, 2004, 12:57
Sure the grav gun is fictional, but nothing else in the game flirted with invisibility. And I really enjoy using it a way to grab cover as I approach a target.

Sounds like a fun mod, singlerplayer enhancement that doesn't distract from the game's original intent.

What I really want is a bit more realism in character believability (i.e. mirrors to see my sexy face, ability to aim independent of my head movements, seeing my legs / feet etc...

My copy of halo2 is getting dusty, by my WoW dude just got a new ax!

Re: WoW - slow download speeds
Dec 22, 2004, 13:04
Re: WoW - slow download speeds Dec 22, 2004, 13:04
Dec 22, 2004, 13:04
Hey DukeP,

using customers to pay for bandwidth of each patch

yah the theory is kinda lame for the greedy algorithm in a theory way, but you can shut off the p2p stuff if you like.

BitTorrent and other such p2p sharing systems really do work, and work well. They change the dynamics of a patch download. The best time to get the patch is when everyone else is getting it... that way the most number of players are playing sooner rather than all the people waiting in line.

BTW: don't disable your firewall, don't disable NAT, just route ports XXX to your IP. Setup your router to route these ports to your hosts while you download. Then shut off those ports.

This changed the performance of the download from around 2k/sec for me to around 144k/sec. My download only took around 15 minutes and in the process i had uploaded almost twice what I had downloaded. This is great! I took one copy and provided two, meaning the WoW users as a whole benefitted from my download.

sorry you had a bad time, but it's not a bad system they have setup...

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