User information for Stanley Jones

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Stanley Jones
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Signed On
September 7, 2004
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7 (Suspect)
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7 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: EVE Online Exploit
Dec 11, 2008, 11:59
Re: EVE Online Exploit Dec 11, 2008, 11:59
Dec 11, 2008, 11:59
2-3 trillion isk is the current guess.

Current guesses are: ~42,000+ USD, give or take, for the game time alone.

(1 year of play time is about $150 a year, which can be purchased through ISK->Game Time transfers, so assuming all 70 characters had their time payed for by the exploit, thats ($150 * 70) * 4 = ~42,000 USD)

This is not including the extra money (ISK) made through the exploit which was used for other purposes such as high end asset purchases etc.

This comment was edited on Dec 11, 2008, 12:07.

One more thing: As a rough guide, 300 Million ISK (the in game currency) will buy you 30 days of play time. So you could argue that 300 Million ISK is worth about $15 USD in real money.
Re: No subject
Feb 20, 2008, 19:15
Re: No subject Feb 20, 2008, 19:15
Feb 20, 2008, 19:15
zirik: Uhh yes I did but I guess you diden't?

"The alliance comes at a time when PC video game sales are falling. PC games sales in the United States were $910.7 million in 2007, down from $970 million in 2006, according to research from NPD Techworld. PC game sales in 2007 dwarfed in comparison to the sale of software for video game consoles like Sony's PlayStation and Nintendo's Wii, which were $6.6 billion."

Oh and before you whip out the flame, yes I realise they are lumping all consoles together vs. the PC. Even if that is the case, that still means that consoles are selling more games as a group, which will prompt developers to develop for consoles instead of PCs.

This comment was edited on Feb 20, 19:16.
No subject
Feb 20, 2008, 16:15
No subject Feb 20, 2008, 16:15
Feb 20, 2008, 16:15
This thread has no facts, a lot of rhetoric, a lot of whining & lots of BS. (what is this Slashdot?)

Shesh guys, this is a good thing. Maybe PC gaming will move to the forefront once again.

(who uses the meme "M$" anymore?? what are you from the 90's???)

No subject
Oct 11, 2007, 18:12
No subject Oct 11, 2007, 18:12
Oct 11, 2007, 18:12
Re: Post#3
Feb 9, 2006, 13:41
Re: Post#3 Feb 9, 2006, 13:41
Feb 9, 2006, 13:41
Any torrent's for this out there? Anyone?Anyone?Anyone?

Re: No subject
Dec 20, 2004, 20:04
Re: No subject Dec 20, 2004, 20:04
Dec 20, 2004, 20:04
Amen to that brother.

That steam shit scares me.

give it a rest guys
Sep 7, 2004, 00:06
give it a rest guys Sep 7, 2004, 00:06
Sep 7, 2004, 00:06
Uhhh NWN has won over 80 awards. Steaming pile of .... success? Yeah the original campaing was crappy in the in the first couple chapters and turned most people off. Its gets better in the later chapters but you probably have the FPS attention span and thus uninstalled in the middle of chapter 1 (i.e your an ADD poster child)

Alot of the comunity modules are way better, and the two expansions packs are great. HOTU especially. Its really amazing ... blew my socks off. If you havent played it (which belive is the case) go pick it up. Its probably in the bargin bin by now.

So give Bioware a break. NWN did preaty damn well considering what they were trying to do (bring table top to the computerised masses). What you guys are looking for is pure table top. Your not gonna get that in a game. NWN is proof.

And BTW: MAD MAX is just trolling ... its obvious he dosent know ****.

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