User information for Dave Sutton

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Dave Sutton
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September 4, 2004
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6 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: GeForce RTX 3070 Reviews
Oct 28, 2020, 13:16
Re: GeForce RTX 3070 Reviews Oct 28, 2020, 13:16
Oct 28, 2020, 13:16
Perhaps that is when ATI slowly started to improve. The Rage 128 Pro was the first thing they released that I started to see they were making progress, and then the first Radeon showed even more promise. It wasn't until the Radeon 9700 Pro that they released something Amazing.
Re: GeForce RTX 3070 Reviews
Oct 28, 2020, 11:46
Re: GeForce RTX 3070 Reviews Oct 28, 2020, 11:46
Oct 28, 2020, 11:46
Oh...I was running a 3D accelerator web publication during the 90's. I was married, with a child, and in the Air Force. I was really ONLY into 3D cards back then. Those days were much more exciting then today, as there was dozens of competitors in the 3D market, and new features came out left and right. It is amazing how far we come, but if you had told me only ATI (AMD), and Nvidia would be left standing 25 years later, I would have thought you were nuts...especially that ATI(AMD) would still be around, because they were terrible! I was super sad then 3Dfx went under and was bought up by Nvidia. I also liked Rendition. Technically Intel is still around, but they were not a player in that market really, and PowerVR is also still around, but they are only in the mobile market now. GL-Quake on my Voodoo1 changed my life!
Re: GeForce RTX 3070 Reviews
Oct 27, 2020, 20:52
Re: GeForce RTX 3070 Reviews Oct 27, 2020, 20:52
Oct 27, 2020, 20:52
You would have had to be around during the 1990's to get the Bitboys, Glaze3D reference. I so wanted the Glaze3D to have actually been made, but I don't think it ever got pass the simulation phase of development.
Re: MADDEN NFL 19 Tackling PCs
Jun 10, 2018, 10:48
Re: MADDEN NFL 19 Tackling PCs Jun 10, 2018, 10:48
Jun 10, 2018, 10:48
I use to buy every single football game on the PC from the 90's still 2008 when EA effectively killed football games on the PC! I have wrote them a nasty gram every year saying I will not buy a console just to play Madden, and to either bring Madden back to the PC or allow the NFL license to be used by someone else to create a true NFL game on the PC if they were not going to do it. When Microsoft started letting you play some games on the Xbox or a Windows 10 PC last year I looked to see if Madden was one, but it was not. I was just about to finally break down and buy a stupid console just to get some football play in after all this time, until I read this news! I am extremely happy to hear this! Now if General Mills will just bring back Smurf Berry Crunch cereal, I can die a happy man!
Re: Blackwake Early Access
Feb 26, 2017, 21:58
Re: Blackwake Early Access Feb 26, 2017, 21:58
Feb 26, 2017, 21:58
Bought it, love it!!!
Sep 4, 2004, 02:48
blood Sep 4, 2004, 02:48
Sep 4, 2004, 02:48
There is a option to turn on Blood in the game settings menu. I noticed it when I was looking for the mouse sensitivity option.

6 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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