Oh...I was running a 3D accelerator web publication during the 90's. I was married, with a child, and in the Air Force. I was really ONLY into 3D cards back then. Those days were much more exciting then today, as there was dozens of competitors in the 3D market, and new features came out left and right. It is amazing how far we come, but if you had told me only ATI (AMD), and Nvidia would be left standing 25 years later, I would have thought you were nuts...especially that ATI(AMD) would still be around, because they were terrible! I was super sad then 3Dfx went under and was bought up by Nvidia. I also liked Rendition. Technically Intel is still around, but they were not a player in that market really, and PowerVR is also still around, but they are only in the mobile market now. GL-Quake on my Voodoo1 changed my life!