User information for Jeff Stone

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Jeff Stone
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Signed On
July 24, 2004
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13 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Fingerbang!
Oct 19, 2004, 17:24
Re: Fingerbang! Oct 19, 2004, 17:24
Oct 19, 2004, 17:24
I'm pretty sure they can't ship bloodlines until hl2 ships so it would have to be after Nov. 16. I just read Q&A with Doug Lombardi and he said the same thing no bloodlines until hl2 is released. It can come out right after just not before.

Re: Yeah...
Oct 19, 2004, 02:36
Re: Yeah... Oct 19, 2004, 02:36
Oct 19, 2004, 02:36
why tf are you bitching about it coming out sooner rather than later?? Are you (*(*&(*&_ high? Also they might wanna get it out before the biggest shopping day of the year HELLO!! Day after christmas. Please think before you post k thx.

Re: Teho
Oct 18, 2004, 22:54
Re: Teho Oct 18, 2004, 22:54
Oct 18, 2004, 22:54
So many great games coming out in the next couple of months. There is no way I can play them all. I would have to quit work.

Here's my list:

GTA San Andreas: less than a week
Halo2: Nov. 9
Half Life 2, Bloodlines?, WoW, EQ2, Metal Gear Solid 3:All the same frickin week(Nov15-18). ;p

tooo many good games coming out at the same time.

I will have to skip WoW and EQ2 . Never beeen a EQ fan and WoW beta just sucked too much of my life out. I just can't play that game in small spurts. It's either 8 hours at a time or none at all so no WoW for me, but I will probably pick up the rest of the games considering the rest are relatively short single player games. I understand that some of those games have multi but I'll be playing all of them mainly for the single player portion.

Well if I'm leaving out any AAA titles someone let me know.

Re: No subject
Sep 25, 2004, 18:25
Re: No subject Sep 25, 2004, 18:25
Sep 25, 2004, 18:25
The lead producer or designer of the game in a interview said that valve give them the go ahead to release on Oct26 so the first source game will probably be Bloodlines. Vampires WILL BE OUT oct 26. You can argue with me if you want but Valve already delayed the game for that reason for a significant amount of time. The game is indeed coming out Oct 26 because Valve dropped the ball doesn't mean that Troika gets to suffer indefinately read my whole post again not just the first sentence.

This comment was edited on Sep 25, 18:30.
Re: No subject
Sep 25, 2004, 10:02
Re: No subject Sep 25, 2004, 10:02
Sep 25, 2004, 10:02
Vampire is coming out Oct 26 now. It was pushed back according to that agreement but it was stated can't remember where that they of course had a clause in there that if hl2 didn't ship by a certain date they could go ahead and release their game. Think about it if hl2 never released Troika wouldn't sign an agreement where there was a chance of their game never getting released.

Vampires has been done for quite some time now and either Valve took pity on them and let them go ahead or there was already a release date where they couldn't been held up by hl2's status.

This comment was edited on Sep 25, 10:04.
Re: complain , complain, complain
Sep 16, 2004, 23:29
Re: complain , complain, complain Sep 16, 2004, 23:29
Sep 16, 2004, 23:29
I gotta say I completely disagree with you about the movies aspect of your agrument. My decision to see a movie is generally made within the first few seconds of a trailer. I ask myself does this movie seem good or not simply from watching a 2 minute trailer. While there are some under the radar movies that turn out to be great those are few and far between. Most movies I see are the ones I decided looked good based on the relatively little content I saw through the trailer.

Re: first !!!
Aug 26, 2004, 23:26
Re: first !!! Aug 26, 2004, 23:26
Aug 26, 2004, 23:26
the download is ~1.0gig. I'm not sure if GCF files are compressed or not but the file's name is base source shared materials. That's in valve/steam/steamapps. Really the whole thing is moot. It's just a file but it does mean more than likely the game will be going gold very soon. Hopefully we will be playing it mid to late Sept. That's probably wishful thinking.

My only question is if we buy the game at the store can we use the cd-key to activate the steam version so we don't have to go thru the lengthy install on the cd?

Re: No subject
Aug 19, 2004, 16:51
Re: No subject Aug 19, 2004, 16:51
Aug 19, 2004, 16:51
Also in CS:S when you push on something you get some feedback and it's a great effect and further immereses you into the game world.

Re: HL2 preload tomorrow
Aug 19, 2004, 02:42
Re: HL2 preload tomorrow Aug 19, 2004, 02:42
Aug 19, 2004, 02:42
all you have to say is gt or ultra

Re: No subject
Aug 15, 2004, 23:24
Re: No subject Aug 15, 2004, 23:24
Aug 15, 2004, 23:24
Yeah the textures aren't great but what do you expect. Why make a great texture when you don't have too with bumpmapping and everything else.

Re: reviews
Jul 24, 2004, 22:43
Re: reviews Jul 24, 2004, 22:43
Jul 24, 2004, 22:43
Perhaps you can Find a QUOTE from camack suggesting "fudging"? There isnt any.

lol Hellbinder!

the quote is right here:

The benchmarking was conducted on-site, and the hardware vendors did not have access to the demo before hand, so we are confident that there is no egregious cheating going on, but it should be noted that some of the ATI cards did show a performance drop when colored mip levels were enabled, implying some fudging of the texture filtering.

as you said:

Way to pull crap out of your ass buddy.

Don't feed the trolls.

Re: No subject
Jul 24, 2004, 15:10
Re: No subject Jul 24, 2004, 15:10
Jul 24, 2004, 15:10
Until Ati writes a proper opengl driver they will always suck in doom3 and doom3 engine games. Their opengl performance has always sucked these benchmarks are no surprise at all. Btw I"m running a 9800np and upgrading to a 6800gt. Nvidia's performance in halflife 2 should be fine with the new cards.

Re: Internet conn. still req'd for HL2 S
Jul 24, 2004, 12:04
Re: Internet conn. still req'd for HL2 S Jul 24, 2004, 12:04
Jul 24, 2004, 12:04
Let's be fair I'm sure he is referring to the bugs that they have found. Not to say there are no more bugs just 16 that they know about.

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