User information for Tim Hancock

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Tim Hancock
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Signed On
July 22, 2004
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5 (Suspect)
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5 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Jul 22, 2004, 02:27
Re: GREAT! Jul 22, 2004, 02:27
Jul 22, 2004, 02:27
it isn't trolling if its pretty much fact rofl..

its like saying black people are the ones that do most of the stealing as being rasist when its sadly true..

Jul 22, 2004, 02:09
Re: GREAT! Jul 22, 2004, 02:09
Jul 22, 2004, 02:09
ATI: eh, so how is halflife 2

Gabe: its doing well

ATI: hey if you release it in september and promote our Card we'll give you 129312321 million dollars

Gabe: oh yeah we are like 'this' close ot finishing

ATI: sweet deal is done

Programmer 1: But Mr Newell, we haven't been doing anythign for the last 4 years, the code is just hl1 with some of MS's dx9 demos added in, how will we make it

Gabe: don't worry about that.. btw do you know anyone that can hack into my email by any chance?

phone rings

Carmack: hey wanna be a model for a zombie in Doom 3?
Gabe: Do I ever!!!

-- meanwhile some time later

Lead Programmer: look, Gabe, we are getting even frame rates, just like carmack.. thought he did point something out in his plan file..

*Gabe reads*

Gabe: ok lissen up people.. each wall HAS to render at least 8 textures, including 3 lightmaps of same res..

Intern Programmer: won't that hurt performance?

Gabe: hehe your learning quickly new boy..


*Gabe picks up the phone and dials*

Gabe: hello? is this SCO? oh yes hi, I'd like some tips on FUD.....


*Press conference*

Press: How is halflife 2 going

Gabe: Yes its progressing well since the code 'thief'. we are currently working hard writing the physics engine

Press: Excuse me Mr Newwell, but wasn't Halflife 2 using the havok physics engine? should hte coders have nothing todo with it?

Gabe: eh, um... I just need to go to the car and get my coat... *runs*

Re: No subject
Jul 22, 2004, 01:15
Re: No subject Jul 22, 2004, 01:15
Jul 22, 2004, 01:15
no no they're using VESA 3.0 VBE extensions

Re: five by five
Jul 22, 2004, 00:40
Re: five by five Jul 22, 2004, 00:40
Jul 22, 2004, 00:40
I wouldn't buy a Geforce FX if my life depended on it (hence why I currently have a 9800 pro) if I had to pick between them now, I'd flip a coin and possibly go with the 6800 GT purely because of price..

Hl2 is noway near next generation.. Have a hunt around you'll find a 'hl2 shader' pdf file on ATI's site, its a funny ready.. yes I can see why you need to render 3 *cough*static*cought* lightmaps + a ton of other texturing layers that isn't visible and isn't needed.. only to catch the FX's Lack of gpu texture registers problem and force the execution pipeline on the card to stall because its feature textures directly from AGP ram vs local gpu registers..

anyway the current NV vs ATI war is a good one, can't go wrong buying ATI or Nvidia right now.. big win for us..

Re: five by five
Jul 22, 2004, 00:32
Re: five by five Jul 22, 2004, 00:32
Jul 22, 2004, 00:32
Ahh sick of this fanboy stuff

read that you'll see that 6800 and X800 are even with Dx9 games.. now ATI fanboys sit down and shutup, Hl2 will run with Both ATI and Nvidia, is that a bad thing? no its a great things, means I don't have to go and buy two cards now...

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