and we will do our best to make the game as enjoyable as possible.Uninstalling the game and returning your rental (you didn't buy it, did you?!) = makes the game as enjoyable as possible.
Fact 1: Piracy on the PC is an enormous problem /piracy on consoles is virtually non-existent
Fact 2: There are no hardware compatibility issues with consoles
Fact 3: Console games are finished before they are shipped; not through patches
Fact 4: PC gamers are hardcore; i.e. grumpy old bastards who complain about every little thing and do so very loudly, usually after they pirated the game they are bitching about.
(Okay, so No. 4 is a bit of an exaggeration)
Conclusion: PC games are not nor will they ever be in the same league as console games. They will always be a distant second. I say this as an unapologetic PC gamer, but truth is truth.
Gamers with the ability to socialize do, Exitium.What's Guild Wars then? A single player, offline, antisocial game? Boy, you are a fucking moron. The point I was trying to convey but apparently failed, not due to my own shortcomings, but because you are really stupid, is that if I wanted to play a co-op game I'd rather go with a quality title like Guild Wars instead of some nth rate bullshit like Dungeon Lords.
You challenged us to name one thing that is persistent in Guild Wars. At the close of every BWE, the devs sprang some sort of surprise on the players. Last month it was gift boxes full of gnomes, fireworks, and celebration. The month before it was an invasion of Gwen's that firebombed everyone while quoting Blade Runner. Those events happened simultaneously for everyong that was ONLINE. I missed one of those two events, so I have proof that they happened regardless of whether I (or anyone for that matter) was there or not.Great, so there was a worldwide event in which the whole world experienced fireworks and gnomes falling from the sky in presents. I guess that makes Guild Wars a completely persistent title regardless of the fact that 100% of the game world isn't persistent with the exception of the BWE end event.
argument over, IGN said so. Thats because IGN is always is and always will be 100% correct in thier writings, in what they say and what they give out for scores... yea right. pft. nice try.Oh sure, just ignore everything else I said to explain why Guild Wars isn't an MMORPG (like the fact that it isn't a persistent world). Nice try.
Honestly I think the whole problem is that players have only ever known one kind of MMORPG, that being the mold of Everquest, and so people automatically assume that if a game isn't just like that, well then it must not be an MMORPG. It really helps if you break it down.GW doesn't have a persistent game world. Fact.
Massively Multiplayer Online = Thousands of players simultaneously playing in the game world, which is persistent and generally rather large.
GW: Check.
The first thing that needs to be said is that Guild Wars is not an MMO. There's a lot of misunderstanding going around, but GW is an online RPG that blends elements from Diablo-style online multiplayer, while integrating some MMO elements. The cities and certain dungeon entrances are basically hubs, but once you exit those areas for the wide expanses of desert, rolling hills, and snowy mountains, you'll be flying solo, most of the time. You can teleport instantly back to a town, even during combat, which is nice. And you can also log off at any point. It's kind of annoying to watch yourself die as you answer the phone or go to answer the door, and GW gets rid of this. When you log back on, however, you'll be back at one of the hubs, where people mill around, doing the typical MMO thing--chatting, emoting, and trading.
Fundamentally, it comes down to a difference in an individual's own understanding of what a MMORPG, or MMO game of any type, is. By my personal definition, Guild Wars is unequivocally a MMORPG. By someone else's defintion, it may not be. So what. People are different, their opinions will be, too. I am not a 'retard', 'dumbass', or 'idiot' simply because you don't agree with me, am I? Surely we are of enough intelligence and maturity to agree to disagree.
Do you believe everything you hear? Why not log in and check out the honor system and the "unfun" stuff. I've been nothing but happy with the "unfun" stuff they've introduced and the honor system has made PVP goal oriented. You can now do and get rewarded for doing it. No other MMORPG has any system like this for reward those that PVP.
Hmmm. Such a child...Well, for what it's worth, despite my rudeness, I'm not some dumb idiot who calls Guild Wars an MMORPG just because it's an online game. It's hardly massive - 8 player games can scarcely be considered massively multiplayer. Multiplayer, yes; massively, no. To state that the game is 'massively multiplayer' due to the number of people playing it is illogical, because it would imply that games like CounterStrike and Diablo II are in fact, massively multiplayer as well, which they certainly aren't.
I think we got your point within the first five insulting posts you made. Following every half-articulate argument with an insult really doesn't help convince people of your point of view you know. Just a suggestion.Half articulate? Please tell me you're joking. It's one thing to insult me for my point of view (rude and brash as they may be) but insulting me for inarticulate posts due to the high volume of 'slanderous remarks' contained within the post is hardly an appropriate argument to use against me.
Guild Wars is not a MMORPG? Is that the same logic that the guy who said HL2 is more like MYST than a FPS used? Gimme a break, guys.Calling Guild Wars an MMORPG is exactly like saying that HL2 is more like MYST than an FPS. Dumbass.
Guild Wars is an interesting game, but it IS NOT an MMO. BY definition an MMO would have thousands of players in one world at one time, not 8 people in a Deathmatch map.Are you on crack? Stop misrepresenting Guild Wars.
Lets call this game what it is - a 3rd Person Unreal 2K4 mod. All they are missing is a player matching server which would make it easier to form groups.
And yes, I've PLAYED it for at least 4-6 hours already.