Please GOD, let there be some way to turn off the stupid assed music...
Every one of the Xbox 360 games on E3 was demoed on the PC through dev kit.
World of Gothic:
There are rumors about an impending release of the English version of the addon. Can you give us more details?
Stefan Berger:
English versions will be released, we at JoWood took matters into our own hands.
...anyone know when they're releasing anything for the xbox?
World of Gothic: Some time ago, you posted two job offers on your webpage. Did you find someone? In the job offer for a programmer you said that programming experiences with the X-Box and PS2 were advantageous. That led to a lot of discussions in the community. Do you think about releasing a console version?
KaiRo: All vacant positions were filled with competent and very nice New-Piranhas. At the moment, we are only working on the PC-Game Gothic III. If there will be more afterwards depends on the technical possibilities. To be prepared for the required evaluation, we looked for people with experience in that field.