User information for Awesome Spume

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Awesome Spume
Awesome Spume
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February 13, 2004
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1907 (Pro)
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Re: Op Ed
Feb 3, 2012, 15:41
Re: Op Ed Feb 3, 2012, 15:41
Feb 3, 2012, 15:41
If you buy a new car you get a warranty with it. Warranty is DLC. QED.

Boycott manufacturers who don't allow you to extend the warranty to the exact original period on their product every time it is sold on.

Do it.

You will be living in a hole in the ground with mud to play with.
Nov 6, 2009, 15:44
Re: WAR Nov 6, 2009, 15:44
Nov 6, 2009, 15:44
Good idea. Liked WAR, always meant to go back.
Re: No subject
Oct 5, 2007, 17:33
Re: No subject Oct 5, 2007, 17:33
Oct 5, 2007, 17:33
Wow. It actually goes to show you how the pyramids could be built, so many people working constantly......millions of man hours in a short time. 2.7 million fat kids in front of their tvs.

And you, watching them. Pants round your ankles?

Re: No subject
Sep 21, 2007, 18:00
Re: No subject Sep 21, 2007, 18:00
Sep 21, 2007, 18:00
Sorry I was just trying to make fun of Bats cos he seems super-gay. I don't care what his sexual preference is but I reserve the right to make fun of him for it.

I'll stop making these comments when I can delete Bats emails without worrying that I may lose a leg in the process.

EDIT: Bats - if you have anything manly to say then say it here....

This comment was edited on Sep 21, 18:02.
Re: No subject
Sep 21, 2007, 17:55
Re: No subject Sep 21, 2007, 17:55
Sep 21, 2007, 17:55
" You know - you are all acting like the police in question KNEW what he was intending to they have some special powers that would allow them to KNOW he wasn't going to wig out and do something bad.

Come on.

Let it go.

he got what he wanted.... "

Monster cock dick up his ass?

Re: Umbrella Chronicles
Sep 21, 2007, 17:48
Re: Umbrella Chronicles Sep 21, 2007, 17:48
Sep 21, 2007, 17:48
We get tired of you breath.

Nowhere happy everywhere.

Re: So, basically
Jun 30, 2007, 03:52
Re: So, basically Jun 30, 2007, 03:52
Jun 30, 2007, 03:52
(except for Venomhed and Spume, gaming is always free for them)

I spend about fifty quid a month on games. It's movies and music I rip off because the companies controlling the industries broke the agreement they had with their fans. Even then I probably buy about half a dozen DVDs a year and slightly less in CDs. The only games I don't pay for are ones I can't buy anymore. Jeeze. I may be a drunken lout but I'm a drunken lout that supports the games industry 100%.

EDIT: anyway, back on topic. The market will win in the end. For every company that thinks it can earn a monthly fee (Hellgate.) there will be five others willing to give it away.
This comment was edited on Jun 30, 03:55.
Re: ...
Jun 29, 2007, 17:36
Re: ... Jun 29, 2007, 17:36
Jun 29, 2007, 17:36
Is JD Riley's little brother? Maybe those two and War are one big happy family

Yeah, and they live next door to everyones favorite racist, venomhed.

I hear it's a charming neighborhood over there...

Why even bother? You're digging yourself a hole with these redundant comments. Nobody is after your post count record so kick back and think a bit before you reply to this random shit. You must have something better going on in your life to distract you from this crap.

EDIT: I'm actually feeling sorry for a guy whose only claim to fame is pitiful optimism and not getting hit by a car one time. I'm about ready to hang up my posting stick. This is pathetic. Trent Reznor sucks. You heard it here first....

This comment was edited on Jun 29, 17:39.
Re: finding leaders
Jun 29, 2007, 15:59
Re: finding leaders Jun 29, 2007, 15:59
Jun 29, 2007, 15:59
when the "leader" is a little 12yr old girl who you would ignore in any other environment.

I sincerely hope so.

Re: Kinda Cool
Jun 29, 2007, 13:56
Re: Kinda Cool Jun 29, 2007, 13:56
Jun 29, 2007, 13:56
I went to school with a guy called Dinsmore. Got tortured when that came out.

Re: No subject
Jun 29, 2007, 02:47
Re: No subject Jun 29, 2007, 02:47
Jun 29, 2007, 02:47
Steady Bats. Familiarise yourself with before putting any faith in reported crime statistics.

EDIT: not that the pussy will see this as the retard self-censors.

This comment was edited on Jun 29, 02:48.
How did Supreme Com sell?
Jun 29, 2007, 02:39
How did Supreme Com sell? Jun 29, 2007, 02:39
Jun 29, 2007, 02:39
It's already gone budget-ish on

After the demo I lost all interest in it.

Kinda Cool
Jun 29, 2007, 02:37
Kinda Cool Jun 29, 2007, 02:37
Jun 29, 2007, 02:37
And obviously not the first time they've met.

If I hadn't gotten so lazy I could get into these adventure games.

Re: No subject
Jun 24, 2007, 05:47
Re: No subject Jun 24, 2007, 05:47
Jun 24, 2007, 05:47
It should be compulsory to carry a gun. Modern society is lacking that frontier Wild West feel.

Jun 24, 2007, 05:25
Re: HD-VMD Jun 24, 2007, 05:25
Jun 24, 2007, 05:25
If they get studio support, sure. Otherwise they'll be a footnote in history. Screw em. Whichever format is easiest to copy will win.

Re: Ex-Marine Kills Bear, Saves Sons.
Jun 23, 2007, 02:19
Re: Ex-Marine Kills Bear, Saves Sons. Jun 23, 2007, 02:19
Jun 23, 2007, 02:19
Now, you'd think given how jews love to go on about how persecuted they've been down through the ages, they'd be the last people to be persecuting anyone else. Go figure.

You should get in touch with the Palestine tourist information board. They have any number of wacky anecdotes about the ultra tolerant Israeli people.

Microsoft pulls Office
Jun 23, 2007, 02:10
Microsoft pulls Office Jun 23, 2007, 02:10
Jun 23, 2007, 02:10
So install Openoffice.

Re: No subject
Jun 23, 2007, 02:02
Re: No subject Jun 23, 2007, 02:02
Jun 23, 2007, 02:02
If GTA4 faces a similar situation, there could potentially be enough backlash to prompt some sort of re-evaluation of the system itself.
However, I don't anticipate GTA4 going down that path in the first place. (Perhaps unfortunately.)

Rockstar got kicked in the nuts and they're hurting. The silly talk about them doing this deliberately to provoke a reaction is wish fulfillment. We're not talking about Pepsico or IBM here - Rockstar could find itself shutdown in a matter of months and it won't make even the slightest ripple in the market. Making a game which is banned outright in the UK (W T F?)and effectively banned in the US is a retarded decision for a company which has to keep its investor's happy. GTA4 will be cushions and safety swings after this or they don't exist anymore.

For what it's worth I think the decision to ban Manhunt 2 in the UK is completely wrong. I have no desire to play the game and had nothing to do with the first one either but a game is a game is a game. These aren't murder simulators or we should be banning kids from playing cops and robbers or whatever the equivalent is today.

In the UK it's compulsory for a game to get a rating and that rating represents a legally binding age limit that a retailer can be heavily fined for breaking. Banning a game outright is just pandering to the attention whores in the media and I hope whoever came up with that decision gets fucked out of the BBFC ASAP.

And finally, as everybody knows serial killers are inspired by the Beatles not by video games. Ban music.

EDIT: oh and if the "National Institute on Media and the Family" hadn't issued a press release condemning Manhunt 2 they wouldn't exactly be doing their jobs now would they? More to the point, who the fuck are the National Institute on Media and the Family and have you even heard of them before now? Is it one angry guy posting self righteous hatemail in his underwear? Or two?
This comment was edited on Jun 23, 02:05.
Jun 22, 2007, 17:27
Re: LOL Jun 22, 2007, 17:27
Jun 22, 2007, 17:27
Ciredric mainly posts about online games. Mainly negatively. He likes LOTRO and Eve though. I trawled through his posts and for the most part I like what he says but there's a nagging impression he's a company shill for CCP.

Re: Please please please...
Jun 22, 2007, 13:31
Re: Please please please... Jun 22, 2007, 13:31
Jun 22, 2007, 13:31

Nostalgia is a weird thing. I KNOW the game you're talking about (played it to death with my lil bro) but I looked up Rocketball and that's not the game I remember but it probably is that game. Do you follow?

EDIT: speeling.
This comment was edited on Jun 23, 02:21.
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