Got piled on yesterday in the OOTB and the Painkiller threads. I think I gave people what they needed. If you are still unhappy, let me know and I will try to make you happy.
On a completely different subject, can someone tell me what country 9-11 happened in? I thought it was the USA, but then I read this.
Al Felzenberg, former spokesman for the 9/11 commission,
If an Isreali is the spokesman for the 9/11 commission, doesn't that mean that 9/11 happened in Israel? I am so confused ;(
Anyone ever notice that 9/11 is 911, the USA emergency number? You gotta laugh at the humor of people. "Call 911, the USA, (or Isreal depending on the answer to the above question), is under attack!
(Complicity? Yesterday you asked "JoeBlow: I'm curious, after all the entertainment you've given us, I have to ask... what race/nationality/religion are you? I'm just curious and you don't seem to care what people think so I figure you'd answer."
You can ask Enahs to answer your question. He is stalking me because he wants to have gay sex with me. He could probably provide you with a photo or two. I hope he doesn't have a picture of me on the toilet. Dang. Now I am going to be looking at the other guys in the men's room wondering which one is Enahs with his pervert camera
Have a good day all of you, I know I am going to. Peace on Earth! Goodwill to all men!