User information for Leo Collinsworth

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Leo Collinsworth
Big Lenny C
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Signed On
December 4, 2003
Total Posts
9 (Suspect)
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9 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Wow
Feb 24, 2007, 09:09
Re: Wow Feb 24, 2007, 09:09
Feb 24, 2007, 09:09
Unfortunately, there are some bugs that can't be fixed through these patches (like the sloppy cutscene editing). Activision needs to release the SDK for the game.

There is one, sort of. Bloodlines is a Source engine title with Python scripting on the sides. The problem beyond that is two-fold:

1. The engine is pre-Half Life 2, and apparently isn't 100% compatible with the HL2 tools, not to mention Valve almost immediately patched HL2 to deal with memory leaks and other issues in the Source engine; VTM got no such luxury.

2. Troika should have been inducted into the Great Idea, Horrendous Execution hall of fame. Three games over six years and not a one was technically sound, even after you patch them when you could.

I will note this--a couple of patches ago, the intro in the apartment with LaCroix kicking the door open finally worked right.
This comment was edited on Feb 24, 09:10.
Re: No subject
Oct 20, 2006, 13:59
Re: No subject Oct 20, 2006, 13:59
Oct 20, 2006, 13:59
What NPCs specifically? Just curious because I've only played through the original game with the official 1.2 patch and - when time from school permits - running through it again with the unofficial patches.

Just generic, ambient characters at this point. The problem with restoring anyone significant is missing resource files (speech, animation, dialogue tree).

Of course, fixes to pre-existing dialogue trees make HUGE differences overall, so I suppose I'll not smite the folks for not adding new zones and quests.

Re: No subject
Oct 20, 2006, 13:04
Re: No subject Oct 20, 2006, 13:04
Oct 20, 2006, 13:04
Jesus Christ, haven't they run out of things to fix yet? This is quite remarkable.

It's Source engine with Python scripting. Now that a goodly portion of the inherent issues (that can be fixed without digging into the binary, of course) are patched up, they've been improving game balance, fixing bits and pieces of the maps (no more side-table in Gary's lair, rah rah), and restoring items and NPCs that didn't make the final cut. "Quite remarkable" just about sums it up.
This comment was edited on Oct 20, 13:05.
Jan 8, 2006, 00:44
Well... Jan 8, 2006, 00:44
Jan 8, 2006, 00:44
If it fixes the "attempts to start at 800x600 at 240Hz refresh" bug, I'll be happy enough.

Re: No subject
Oct 16, 2005, 18:56
Re: No subject Oct 16, 2005, 18:56
Oct 16, 2005, 18:56
<i>I got a few instant-kills with the revolver, but there's not a lot of accuracy here. It shouldn't take three and four blasts from the shotgun at close range to take down a zombie. There should be some head-splattin' at that point. Sometimes there was, but I ended up getting cornered in the bathroom by a zombie who just would not die.</i>

There's some weird things being done with the bullet physics, almost like they're doing realistic trajectory modeling--aim high to compensate for drop, and heads go flying.

The advantage of the shotgun: it takes limbs off easier, I find. Shoot out legs to force zombies to crawl at you and spots where you have to use the shotgun, like the beginning.

I get shades of They Hunger here--not attractive, but good, solid zombie smashing with a smattering of technical shortcomings. $20 is not too much to ask to smash a zombie hick in the face with a golf club, I say.

No subject
Jul 17, 2005, 18:08
No subject Jul 17, 2005, 18:08
Jul 17, 2005, 18:08
Personally, I'm beginning to doubt the value of the 72.77 drivers in general. I've had a lot of crashes, poor frame rates, and weird behaviour (like modes going out-of-sync for no good reason), so I doubled down to the 71.69 (or whatever) and it's been smooth since.

No subject
Mar 4, 2004, 14:41
No subject Mar 4, 2004, 14:41
Mar 4, 2004, 14:41
There's a rough explanation of a few things if you talk to Lisa near the beginning. She'll tell you the basics of the combo system, Adrenaline, and Hyperbombing. It's not incredibly in-depth, but it's enough to make sense of things.

Serious Sam it ain't; the pacing's too slow, the guns aren't wild enough (though I kinda like the Combo Gun system), and there's waaaaay too few enemies. It feels like a beta, in all honesty.

I can't get rid of a 'sticky' movement bug, where moving forward and back comes in fits and starts instead of smoothly. The readme says to change a bunch of advanced video settings I can't actually find anywhere (the video settings menu is really stark). It always seems do something forked near a sewer (one time it didn't load all the textures, the next time it did but then crashed).

It doesn't help matters that this is a Korean production; the forum, while available and free, is not in english, and it doesn't look like THQ is providing support for the English version at this time (they're doing the US publishing).

If it improves some, it could be a nice filler before Half-Life 2 and Doom III--something brainless where you can just shoot people and get points for it. But it's no Sam Killer in this state. It's hardly even Will Rock.

Re: No subject
Dec 13, 2003, 17:35
Re: No subject Dec 13, 2003, 17:35
Dec 13, 2003, 17:35
No, it's not. The first level plays something similiar--it's a modified version of the 'save Rexus' level, but it's longer and more involved, with some extra weaponry and The Pub. There's no timer, either.

The second level is entirely different; the XBOX demo had a 'defend the fort' level, while the PC demo has a standard mission-based one.

No subject
Dec 4, 2003, 09:18
No subject Dec 4, 2003, 09:18
Dec 4, 2003, 09:18
I sincerely hope that isn't a duplicate of the XBox demo, with its 4-minute time limit. Time-limited demos are ridiculous.

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