Maybe some folks aren't happy about what they PERCEIVE to be in the new Fallout. But, when you look at this kind of sequel concept, very rarely does it please the most ardent fans of the original. They expect their experience with the sequel to be almost exactly the same as their experience with the original. Consider the Star Wars movies. I was a huge fan of the originals (I saw the original over 100 times in the theatre alone). I was so hyped when the new trilogy started, but was I satisfied in the same way as I was when I was 12 years old watching the Rebel Blockade Runner get caught by the Star Destroyer. No, of course not. Because I had grown, my experiences had changed me and I saw the world from a more, shall we say, cynical point of view.
Because it's been so long since the last Fallout game, people have changed. Many of those who are ardent fans will continue to excoriate the game simply because they don't realize that NOTHING would ever give them the same experience they had when they were younger. That's just one of the unfortunate aspects of sequels.