User information for CreamyBlood

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Old, beer drinking gamer. I think my first game was the ASCII version of Star Trek on an IBM mainframe at my Dad's work. Second was probably Pong that he built out of parts from an 'Electronics Today' magazine on a black and white TV....
None given.


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November 18, 2003
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Re: Battlefield 3 Community Town Hall Summit
Oct 24, 2011, 04:41
Re: Battlefield 3 Community Town Hall Summit Oct 24, 2011, 04:41
Oct 24, 2011, 04:41
I think that Battlefield 1942 was one of my favourite online games ever, just after Enemy Territory. It was and still is hilarious. It has submarines, destroyers, aircraft carriers, fighter planes, no helicopters, infantry, AA guns, huge maps, tonnes of players.

It is a blast.

BF2 came out and it was serious, nerfed half of that but admitadly brought the infantry up to par. '42 had bad hit/scan compared to RtCW but it was fun!

BF2 slowed it down, sucked some of the life out of it and made it boring. Plus, I'm not sure, but they never fixed a lot of critical bugs. Oh, and 'unlocks'. Let's unbalance the game. (I had given up on it by then).

Then they had 2142, before fixing BF2 and now they have what? Small maps, regenerating health, vehicles that fly a million miles an hour over a tiny place. For many this has worked.

I myself think the two best hopes for online MP died with 1942 and Enemy Territory, nothing has recovered. They tried with Quake Wars, you know, assymetrical class and objective based true hit-scan shooters. With moderate XP advancement.

Now what do you have? NOW WHAT DO WE HAVE? Shit, shit, and more shit. It's an embarassment and really sad considering that the year is now 2011.

Where is the fun? Where is the fun I ask? Deathmatch spamfests dressed up in serious clothes does not make a game entertaining, to me.
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Re: Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world.
Oct 23, 2011, 20:44
Re: Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world. Oct 23, 2011, 20:44
Oct 23, 2011, 20:44
I have to agree LittleMe, my work has taken me to many rural and smaller towns and all that I see are the same string of chains all over the place. McD, HomeDepot, Chilis, etc. I've seen stripmalls for miles and miles around the province and they all look exactly the same as the big city I live in. I'm going to look up Corportism vs Capitalism because that's all there is wherever you go. What a bizarre reality and quite depressing really.

As to the XP article, the first paragraph revealed that he's a kid and doesn't know what he's talking about, I couldn't finish reading it.

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution: The Missing Link Next Week; Price Details
Oct 15, 2011, 07:18
Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution: The Missing Link Next Week; Price Details Oct 15, 2011, 07:18
Oct 15, 2011, 07:18
Bah. Another game I was interested in but have to wait a year for them to finish it. I'm looking forward to New Vegas though, if they ever complete it.

Out of curiosity, for you people that buy games with all the added on horse armour and weapons and extra missions, how much does it cost for the full thing these days? I'm guessing around a hundred bucks.
It's not a big deal if you're right into and having a good time and getting value for your money (I don't believe in the hour/dollar ratio).

I just found it easier when they patched the game, gave you some goodies and offered your a big expansion for $20. I'm not too interested in re-installing something and playing it over and over for a few hours of extra content every few months.

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Re: RAGE Patched
Oct 13, 2011, 16:08
Re: RAGE Patched Oct 13, 2011, 16:08
Oct 13, 2011, 16:08
Hey Creston,

Thanks for the in-depth review. I really wanted to do an impulse buy and download it but I'm so tired of being disappointed these days. I'm more of a run and gun type of guy and although hiding behind cover and popping out to shoot has it's place, I don't think I'd like to spend most of my time doing that. I can even live with mediocre AI in a mindless shooting game but combined with your synopsis and a few other reviews I just get the feeling that this game will either annoy me or bore me.

I'm not sure why in this day and age it's so difficult to make a fun FPS with the standard mechanics. I like to see the next 'level' and shoot stuff and have fun doing it. Even Q4 and D3 kept me staying up a few more hours just to see what was coming up next, and they aren't that great, but at least they had the spirit.

Anyways, I'll probably leave this for a year or so when it's all patched up and has all of the DLC in a GOTY edition for $15.

You did however inspire me to check out DE:HR, I'm a big fan of the original game yet am still leary about how badly they've sucked out the gameplay. But I'll hunt down another thread and see if blues posters with tastes similar to my own liked it.

Again, great review, thanks.
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Re: RAGE Patched
Oct 13, 2011, 02:54
Re: RAGE Patched Oct 13, 2011, 02:54
Oct 13, 2011, 02:54
So what is the consensus here? I'm of the opinion that this is yet another 'made for consoles' boring video game. It has graphic issues.

Is this like every other release? IE: Wait a year until the game is patched/finished/DLC'ed (I'm still waiting for you New Vegas) then finally buy it?

Or will it disappoint me like Crysis 2 and innumerable others, and not really be an FPS after all the effort? I really don't care about the graphics but just want to play a fun FPS that isn't nerfed down to complete boredom. My keyboard still has S and F keys, I don't need to hide behind boxes and play shooting gallery games disguised as shooters. I just want to run around and kill stuff while being stressed out.

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Oct 9, 2011, 17:52
removed Oct 9, 2011, 17:52
Oct 9, 2011, 17:52
This comment was deleted on Oct 10, 2011, 08:31.
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Re: Quoteworthy - id's Tim Willits on Always-on Gaming
Aug 11, 2011, 09:53
Re: Quoteworthy - id's Tim Willits on Always-on Gaming Aug 11, 2011, 09:53
Aug 11, 2011, 09:53
Where is my hammer of stupid +1?
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Re: Quoteworthy - id's Tim Willits on Always-on Gaming
Aug 11, 2011, 09:52
Re: Quoteworthy - id's Tim Willits on Always-on Gaming Aug 11, 2011, 09:52
Aug 11, 2011, 09:52
"In the end, it's better for everybody. Imagine picking up a game and it's automatically updated. Or there's something new you didn't know about, and you didn't have to click away. It's all automatically there. But it does take juggernauts like [Diablo 3] to make change. I'm a big proponent of always connected. I'm always connected. Our fans are always connected. There will be a few people who will resent the fact you have to be online to play a single-player game. But it'll change."
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Re: Quoteworthy - id's Tim Willits on Always-on Gaming
Aug 11, 2011, 04:12
Re: Quoteworthy - id's Tim Willits on Always-on Gaming Aug 11, 2011, 04:12
Aug 11, 2011, 04:12
Normally I don't reply unless I've read all 157 comments and the article. But I just read the article, and I'm like, "really?". Bookmarked. Fucking Zenimax. Thank god I have beer and a cat.

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Re: Scott Brothers Creating Call of Duty Elite Content
Aug 11, 2011, 04:02
Re: Scott Brothers Creating Call of Duty Elite Content Aug 11, 2011, 04:02
Aug 11, 2011, 04:02
I'm with the 'lets make games more like' MB movies. Less thinking. More 'A' button clicking.

I'll still have to buy a controller though. My inner hate, hates that idea.

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road DLC Delayed
Aug 11, 2011, 03:44
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road DLC Delayed Aug 11, 2011, 03:44
Aug 11, 2011, 03:44
I expect that in 10 more months, when they finish with the patches and addons, I can buy it for seven dollars.

That's right, seven dollars, when they finish making the game. Muhuuhahhahahha.

I'm so smart. I can hardly wait for 2012. I can play the finished game.

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Re: DRIVER San Francisco PC Delayed, No Demo, Mac Version TBD
Aug 11, 2011, 03:40
Re: DRIVER San Francisco PC Delayed, No Demo, Mac Version TBD Aug 11, 2011, 03:40
Aug 11, 2011, 03:40
I'm on the hate Ubi bandwagon, but besides that I bought a wheel awhile ago and love Dirt 2. It made me get into Toca3 (five or six year old game) and rFactor. At least they are sims. And are actually fun.

But really, Dirt 2 is FUN, they made a game. Horrible, I know. What other gnenres am I missing by playing that? Where did the fun games go?

I'm looking at you Enemey Territory. My love.

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Re: Runic on Diablo III vs. Torchlight 2 RMTs and DRM
Aug 11, 2011, 03:18
Re: Runic on Diablo III vs. Torchlight 2 RMTs and DRM Aug 11, 2011, 03:18
Aug 11, 2011, 03:18
Oh yeah. Another dumbed down dungeon crawler for the masses. The year is 2011 and this is what we're left with, quite dissapointing.

I consider Gothic 2 or Risen well done action RPG's games but now. Now we get this. It's horrible.

Why don't we just call them 'action idiot fests for people that don't like adventures and like to mash on buttons'. (Get the mutton reference, it rhymes?)

I wish a developer would actually make a game instead of pandering to the masses. What's the point of having a five year old PC if it just plays idiotic, boring retarded shit like this?

I ask?

I ask?

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Re: Bethesda Sues Mojang Over Scrolls TM
Aug 7, 2011, 03:30
Re: Bethesda Sues Mojang Over Scrolls TM Aug 7, 2011, 03:30
Aug 7, 2011, 03:30
Zzet wrote on Aug 6, 2011, 13:01:
No need to tarnish an excellent development house due to the actions of a bullish owning company.

Best laugh I had all day, kids say the cutest things.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Collector’s Edition Details
Aug 6, 2011, 10:38
Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Collector’s Edition Details Aug 6, 2011, 10:38
Aug 6, 2011, 10:38
I'd be happy if they just made a game with it this time around. I really can't see it happening though.
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Re: Brink Patched
Jul 19, 2011, 05:34
Re: Brink Patched Jul 19, 2011, 05:34
Jul 19, 2011, 05:34
I'm kind of curious because I'm a huge RTCW fan which I hear is dead now but just re-installed W:ET. ETPro is nowhere to be found but I'm having fun with No Quarter even though I haven't figured out all the rules and features, etc.

My computer died just after I bought Quake Wars and I was enjoying it but it was a little stuttery on my machine. I still have it and plan to check it out again but why did it fail so bad? Is it because team deathmatch in CoDW2 (whatever it's called) came out at that time?

I like team, class fast objective based warfare. QW added the asymetric component to it with vehicles, like B2 had at the time. It never seemed to take off.

Is that truly what people want these days, and then? Just team spam deathmatch?

I feel like Splash Damage was on the right road to making a great game and now the online twitch games with thought and fun don't seem to exist.

I've never played Brink, don't think I've even seen a video for it, probably confusing it with Borderland, which I've never played.

Just a little bummed out but happy that W:ET is still around.

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Re: Steam Download Changes
Jul 16, 2011, 04:42
Re: Steam Download Changes Jul 16, 2011, 04:42
Jul 16, 2011, 04:42
I luv big werds.

'content system', 'streamline publishing process', 'aggregate bandwidth', 'web-caching proxies', 'content', 'painful', 'much smaller'.

My favourite is: 'satisfy spikes in demand when there's a big release.'

Seriously, who writes this shit?

At least the 'updates will be much smaller overall'.

For fucks sake.

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Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Jul 13, 2011, 15:04
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Jul 13, 2011, 15:04
Jul 13, 2011, 15:04
Not sure why it took him two weeks to crack their WEP, should have only taken a few minutes.
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Re: Play Xbox360 Games on PC - Windows 8.
Jul 13, 2011, 01:29
Re: Play Xbox360 Games on PC - Windows 8. Jul 13, 2011, 01:29
Jul 13, 2011, 01:29
jdreyer wrote on Jul 11, 2011, 23:37:
Here's the terrifying potential of this: Developers will no longer bother to make PC games, ...

Here's the terrifying reality of this: Developers no longer bother to make PC games right now.

Most of those games you listed are designed for the consoles and basically suck because of it. Just because they slap on mouse support, crank up the resolution a bit and sometimes add higher textures still makes them shitty console games.

Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but most games I've tried in the last few years haven't been very good. Including the CoD shit, Fallout 3, Bioware 'so-called' RPGs, Crysis 2, Batman, Bioshock, Bethseda crap, and yes, even the Witcher. It's disappointing but most of our PC games are just half-baked consolised junk. I don't really care about the graphics.

How about they make PC games for the PC again? We have enough Xbox shit already.

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Re: RAGE Trailer
Apr 11, 2011, 02:03
Re: RAGE Trailer Apr 11, 2011, 02:03
Apr 11, 2011, 02:03
Just wondering what FPS game has been made in the last five or seven years is really 'amazing'. I'll take 'half decent' but I think I've played them all.

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