I understand what you're trying to say in theory, but I don't really agree with much of it in practice.
1. PC games need to auto patch in exactly the same manner as on the 360. It needs to be seamless and handled automatically by the game.
I don't think so. From OS patches to apps and even games, what fixes one mans trash often breaks anothers. I could live with it if it asked me first, but gave me the option to bail.
I already have a PC, and know how to use google: "bioshock patch download". It's not difficult.
2. Drivers - Shipping games that need a driver upgrade to play and not including that on the game disc so the game can handle it automatically is a problem.
That makes sense, as long as I'm given the option. This has been done will millions of variants of DirectX for several years. As long as it's optional, who cares? But installing one driver might break two other games that I have. Games that I care about.
3. Multiplayer Games - ... I think PC games can no longer choose to focus on singleplayer games like they have in the past and must focus on building a MAJOR portion of the content around a multiplayer experience that players can only experience through a service they provide. I believe this is the driving force in most of my buying decisions for PC games. Does it have a strong multiplayer game in it?
I think that is bullshit. I know the three multiplayer games I like, I mainly play single player games. I'm not interested in seeing FEAR's or Crysis's, or Call of Duty's broken, boring, run of the mill multiplayer component.
I buy certain games for multiplayer and the rest for single player. Why should I have to connect to the internet to play Bioshock? Or STALKER? I didn't buy the games for their lame tacked on multiplayer component and I think developers should actually stop doing what your suggesting.
Is Baldurs Gate a multiplayer game? Why does every single devloper think that tacking on some broken, yet functional, deathmatch component is worth the effort? They are better off focusing their energies on the single player game instead of ticking off features in a list.
Leave the multiplayer for games that are designed for it, like Q3A or BF42.
I don't believe that every peiece of software I install on my computer has a right to 'call home' whenever it wants to. It's irritating.
How many computer systems have you seen where the app tray is longer than the task bar? Twenty million apps, all running their own process, staking out a peice of the pie just to call home when they want to. I'm so sick of it.
How about I just buy a single player game, install it and it doesn't fuck me over with DRM, 'call home' crap and background processes.
Everyone wants a piece of my CPU pie, including memory and bandwidth. Should we have a Valve Steam, an EA Steam, and Activision and Atari Steam, all taking up their chunk.
Hey! Let's throw in .Net version whatever and how about Windows Live and Rockstar Live and maybe we can get a chat program going for Bioshock and a couple for Call of Duty and shit, why not just install a couple of toolbars for my browser while you're at it as I might need instant access to some game homepages.
Just tired of the bullshit.
I think if you want it easy, get a console.