I'm stalled on Bioshock a little past halfway I imagine. I don't know why exactly but probably because I got sick of rifling through ten million boxes to get stuff I don't really need or care about.
Plus fighting the same enemies over and over again, it almost became a chore. I hope they pick a direction in the sequel and stick with it, like make the weapons/plasmids somewhat meaningful, or just make a straight out action shooter with variety.
I like the story, graphics, setting and atmosphere but the gameplay just lost my interest. I'll get back to it and hopefully it picks up again.
As to Star Wars, I like New Hope and Empire the best, Return got corny with the Ewoks, it was a franchise without a doubt by then. The first two I can still watch on network television with commercials and still enjoy them.
The last three are a blur, but I didn't like any of them. I actually went to the theatre to watch one of them with my mom when she was visiting, (no idea which one) and I was so bored I went out for probably three cigarettes. After about an hour and a half we left because we just didn't care anymore.
Complete disappointments, all of three of the prequels. It almost seems like modern media, whether games or movies are contrived to completely bore you out of your mind. Or maybe I'm just getting old, jaded, cynical and too demanding. Not sure which.