User information for CreamyBlood

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Old, beer drinking gamer. I think my first game was the ASCII version of Star Trek on an IBM mainframe at my Dad's work. Second was probably Pong that he built out of parts from an 'Electronics Today' magazine on a black and white TV....
None given.


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November 18, 2003
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1211 (Pro)
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1211 Comments. 61 pages. Viewing page 6.
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Re: Judge: Microsoft Can't Sell Word In
Aug 14, 2009, 14:57
Re: Judge: Microsoft Can't Sell Word In Aug 14, 2009, 14:57
Aug 14, 2009, 14:57
I'm not sure, but I think the true story is that MS worked with this company to develop the tech to save as DOCM's. MS fucked them and they fought back. Hardly 'patent squatting'.

I could be wrong.
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Re: More Revolutionary Lionhead Teasing
Aug 14, 2009, 13:45
Re: More Revolutionary Lionhead Teasing Aug 14, 2009, 13:45
Aug 14, 2009, 13:45
I'm so bored with video games these days. I wish someone would make a fucking video game worth playing.

I thought that this console/masses thing would lead to good things. Damn bored, when is this console shit going to wear off?

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Re: RAGE Trailer, id's Three AAA Teams
Aug 14, 2009, 05:19
Re: RAGE Trailer, id's Three AAA Teams Aug 14, 2009, 05:19
Aug 14, 2009, 05:19
Sort of like FO3, make a dedicated RPG or don't bother.
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Re: Dawn of War II Map Pack
Aug 11, 2009, 19:28
Re: Dawn of War II Map Pack Aug 11, 2009, 19:28
Aug 11, 2009, 19:28
But there is no way to get that stuff without torturing yourself by playing ranked matches all day long.

I suppose you could play a different game if that's how much fun it is for you.
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Re: Risen Banned Down Under
Aug 11, 2009, 19:20
Re: Risen Banned Down Under Aug 11, 2009, 19:20
Aug 11, 2009, 19:20
In fairness, brugleweed and wood reefer sound pretty lame, and the from this description it makes the game sound somewhat lame in the Dragon's Age way - trying too hard to be mature and adult and failing due to it.

Well all three Gothics had weed and at least G2 had a hooker or two. I understand that Dragon Age is 'the new shit' because it's all 'dark, gritty and mature', but the Gothics already did that kind of stuff long ago and did it well (except for maybe G3).

If Risen or Dragon Age can come close to the same experience that G2:NotR was, I'll be happy. Hopefully we won't get a toned down NA version either.
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Re: Risen Banned Down Under
Aug 11, 2009, 19:00
Re: Risen Banned Down Under Aug 11, 2009, 19:00
Aug 11, 2009, 19:00
Btw, does anyone have any idea when Risen will be out?

Apparently October 2, 2009. News
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Re: Half of Americans are Gamers?
Aug 2, 2009, 09:39
Re: Half of Americans are Gamers? Aug 2, 2009, 09:39
Aug 2, 2009, 09:39
I think they meant 'gamblers'. The gambling industry likes to consider themselves 'gamers'.

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Re: More RAGE PS3 Follow-up
Aug 2, 2009, 08:44
Re: More RAGE PS3 Follow-up Aug 2, 2009, 08:44
Aug 2, 2009, 08:44
Carmack said, a long time ago that the whole point of Tech5 is to allow development of games on all three platforms without modifying the games assets, i.e., models, textures, etc.

So what? He's got the rough version working now and the PS3 is underperforming at the moment. Wow. Big wow.

I'm a PC gamer so I don't give a fuck but I'm sure that as they develop this and learn while they make their new game, they'll get it all sorted out.

Carmack has always said what's on his mind since the early days. I don't see why you console people have to get your panties in a knot about it. It's fun reading but seriously, he's making a multi-platform engine with a game tacked on as a feasability study. Nothing new here, except he's adding ALL consoles to the mix.

Shit, maybe the iPhone too for all we know.
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Re: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising in October
Jul 17, 2009, 21:18
Re: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising in October Jul 17, 2009, 21:18
Jul 17, 2009, 21:18
OF DR will kick this things ass in by being right on the edge of game and sim, just like BF2, just like Counterstrike.

BF2 and CS are on the edge of sim??? You have me so confused.
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Re: Wolfenstein Delay Confirmed
Jul 15, 2009, 11:41
Re: Wolfenstein Delay Confirmed Jul 15, 2009, 11:41
Jul 15, 2009, 11:41
My favourite and only online games I play were/still are:

Warbirds 3 (Current)
Enemy Territory: (With ETPro Mod) Splash Damage
RTCW: Didn't Nerve make it? (Dead)
Battlefield 1942 (for the lulz, still play)
Quake 3 and (I admit it Team Arena, still play, LIVE)
Quake World/Quake 2 (long dead for me)

I used to play co-op doom on the serial cable with my bro.

Sorry, Jerryk, I missed Tribes somehow, not sure how, but I'm sure I would have enjoyed it.

I also tried several UT demos but they didn't capture my attention.

I like twitch action with all the complexity you can throw at it, meaning team based objective orientated shooters. I've owned the 'new' team fortress for a couple years but only played it for ten minutes, so I can't judge it.

id has made a big difference in my online gaming life, whether directly or indirectly. They rock.

RTCW I actually played through about 1.5 times, but it wasn't great, it was okay. I liked Quake 4 better (Raven mediocraty?). I agree, this will be more of the same with bloom and boring thrown in. But we'll see, in about two years when I see it in a bargain bin.

Risen has hope for me, that's about it.

I'm dissapointed with video games these days.
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Re: BioShock 2 Delayed
Jul 15, 2009, 11:05
Re: BioShock 2 Delayed Jul 15, 2009, 11:05
Jul 15, 2009, 11:05
I didn't even finish Bioshock. I got so bored of it all eventually. I like the exploration and adventure at first but it all got so boring after awhile. I wish they'ed made it a straight up shooter or RPG, one of the other. Somehow they picked the median line for me, which was mediocre.

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Re: BioWare on Casual/Mature Games
Jul 7, 2009, 19:24
Re: BioWare on Casual/Mature Games Jul 7, 2009, 19:24
Jul 7, 2009, 19:24
Their next game will be a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' romance/love story/dating sim.
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Re: Risen to Rise in October
Jul 2, 2009, 15:05
Re: Risen to Rise in October Jul 2, 2009, 15:05
Jul 2, 2009, 15:05
Yeah, this is about the only game I'm looking forward to this year. I really hope it's on par with Gothic 2: Night of the Raven.

G3 was okay after the patches, better than Oblivion (which isn't difficult) but not as good as the first two.

I was looking forward to Alpha Protocol but it's starting to look like some kind of console shooter with labels everywhere, cover system, etc. etc.

Dragon Age looked promising but it too seems to be part of 'the new shit' shit.

Hope PB doesn't screw this up.
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Re: QUAKE(s) & More of id's iPhone Plans
Jun 30, 2009, 00:04
Re: QUAKE(s) & More of id's iPhone Plans Jun 30, 2009, 00:04
Jun 30, 2009, 00:04
Somebody has already ported both Wolf 3D and Quake to the iPhone, I have them both. I haven't bothered to play them because if I wanted to, I'd install them on my computer and use the mouse.
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Re: Heh
Jun 24, 2009, 20:26
Re: Heh Jun 24, 2009, 20:26
Jun 24, 2009, 20:26
Well, id Software kind of ruined the Doom franchise, Beth obliterated the Fallout franchise and Zenimax is a group of rich guys that seem to own half the major media on the planet.

Sounds like par for course.
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Re: ZeniMax Buys id Software!
Jun 24, 2009, 20:08
Re: ZeniMax Buys id Software! Jun 24, 2009, 20:08
Jun 24, 2009, 20:08
Another one!

Sigh, I didn't want to get involved in this ridiculous argument again...

=snip a whole whack of off-topic TF2/L4D stuff=

Great advice! Try listening to yourself next time.

This comment was edited on Jun 24, 2009, 20:09.
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Re: ZeniMax Buys id Software!
Jun 24, 2009, 19:21
Re: ZeniMax Buys id Software! Jun 24, 2009, 19:21
Jun 24, 2009, 19:21

So nobody should have ANY opinion on any upcoming game until release, after which it's suddenly allowed? What utter nonsense. You do realise this is a gaming site dedicating to news and discussion on exactly that topic? Right? Come on, stop shooting yourself in the foot.

How about leaving the complaints in threads where it's actually a relevant topic.

=snip a bunch of off-topic L4D/TF2 stuff=

But again, that's not even fucking relevant to this thread, so save your bitching for elsewhere.

Great advice! Try listening to yourself next time.
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Re: ZeniMax Buys id Software!
Jun 24, 2009, 16:20
Re: ZeniMax Buys id Software! Jun 24, 2009, 16:20
Jun 24, 2009, 16:20
Look at the positive side, maybe id Software can teach Bethseda how to make a game with balance, depth, actual gameplay, maybe some voice actors, QA, etc.

Then Beth can finally make a polished FPS as I can't see them ever making an RPG.
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Re: Battlefield 1943 Trial Planned
Jun 20, 2009, 17:40
Re: Battlefield 1943 Trial Planned Jun 20, 2009, 17:40
Jun 20, 2009, 17:40
I would have been happy if they'd just remade 1942 with better graphics instead of ah, 'trimming' it down.

Since there is a 'trial', I guess I can judge for myself if shrinking and 'streamling' the game improves gameplay.
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Re: Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery Preorder
Jun 20, 2009, 16:52
Re: Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery Preorder Jun 20, 2009, 16:52
Jun 20, 2009, 16:52
I thought that Anno 1701 was a lot of fun. I think I'll check this one out.
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