xXBatmanXx wrote on Aug 3, 2014, 08:33:
The city or state puts a camera up somewhere and everyone cries about privacy, yet everyone wants to put a camera and mic on a cop and record everything we do.
Cutter wrote on Jul 14, 2014, 20:06:
Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers texting...seems like many disasters just waiting to happen.
[VG]Reagle wrote on May 10, 2014, 09:21:
Wrong. It needs to not be nationalized. The only way it will stay free and working right is to be free market. The government screws up everything they touch. Nationalized means "governemnt owned". As soon as they own it they will pass ridiculous laws. Not to mention the NSA will go ape shit.
jdreyer wrote on Apr 30, 2014, 15:24:
Don't think Boeing had anything to do with the NSA scandal, but they're paying the price. Still, the Gripen NG is a sweet ride.
Agent.X7 wrote on Feb 20, 2014, 19:14:
I think there are still a couple of holdouts from the EU in what is generally considered Europe, but yeah, pretty much. Most people don't say Europe and think that Russia is grouped right in there.
Agent.X7 wrote on Feb 19, 2014, 16:46:
Uh, our country is bigger than all of Europe. By quite a bit. And that's not even including Alaska and Hawaii.
InBlack wrote on Feb 19, 2014, 09:49:
Well said Pigeon. The article is complete and utter paid-for-shill bullshit. In my country (Croatia) the biggest cable company is currently promoting and provding a six month 120MBIT connection FREE trial for new users. Unrestricted, unlimited broadband with NO caps. For less than a dollar. If I wasnt already a customer I would be signing up ASAP. If a shitty east european country can do it, there is NO REASON whatsever that this should be a problem in the US. The infrastructure investment is just SPIN. Dont believe a word of it, optic-fibre is realtively cheap. The real reason for the terrible caps on broadband in the states is PERCIEVED PIRACY. The digital publishers, retailers, distributors, record companies, etc. are working in collusion with ISPs on this.