User information for Steven WinterHawk

Real Name
Steven WinterHawk
I am a Native Writer / Computer person.
I believe in Sharing - considering todays technology, this world is too small to do other wise! I also believe that these people who are hung up on Possessing everything, are sadly caught up in their own F
None given.


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November 2, 2003
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17 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Torrent site Con Man?
Feb 11, 2005, 12:32
Re: Torrent site Con Man? Feb 11, 2005, 12:32
Feb 11, 2005, 12:32
The whole thing is crazy (especially the Movie Industry). I would not use this downloading service for movies, becuse it would be a WASTE OF COMPUTER TIME. What I mean, is, 90% of the movies made today are not worth spending the time to download. I sincerely doubt that the sales will increase as a result of this - I think most people only downloaded the movies because they were "free." No one would want to own most of them anyway - if they had to pay for them!!!!! Without this form of advertising (preview)- the sales will probable end up going down.
...just my take

Re: Senator wants Cockfights
Jan 28, 2005, 13:03
Re: Senator wants Cockfights Jan 28, 2005, 13:03
Jan 28, 2005, 13:03
What kind of Government / Law System
Wants to bring back Cockfights,
But are afraid someone might see Janet Jacksons
Breast? I leave that to your immagination.

Evolution Stickers Removed
Jan 14, 2005, 12:59
Evolution Stickers Removed Jan 14, 2005, 12:59
Jan 14, 2005, 12:59
Isn't it true that something is a Theory, until it is Proven? Well I would say to the Evolutionists: "Show me the Missing Link," that proves that man evolved from Primates?
Although it can be seen that various animals have evolved over time, the heart of the "theory" is that Man evolved from apes. The missing link has been faked a couple of times by various scientists, but never found, therefore Evolution is still a theory (this coming from a non-religious person). Being of Native ancestory, I think that Humans are Ok being human, and animals have always been OK as animals - why would animals need (or want) to "evolve" into a race that has de-evolved into politicians?

just my thoughts..

Re: aww crap
Jan 6, 2005, 12:32
Re: aww crap Jan 6, 2005, 12:32
Jan 6, 2005, 12:32
I agree with you completely.
after all - If I were to set up a company that distributes Z-tunes, I would want my Z-tune player to be the only player for my Z-tunes. Good buisness sense (as long as I am not afraid of competition from X-tune suppliers).
This fellow only has a problem because HIS NAME IS SUE!
Some people will try to make a buck anyway they can.

Microsoft may charge extra for security
Dec 17, 2004, 12:28
Microsoft may charge extra for security Dec 17, 2004, 12:28
Dec 17, 2004, 12:28
You know ... it's just like Rosana Danna would say: "It's Always Something!" One day people are complaing because MS is monopolizing the market, and Bill is accused of supplying sortware free (IE) to drive the conpetition out of buisness (Netscape)...and now they will complain about having to pay for add on programs to protect their PCs. "It's always something!" Personally I use MS Widows, and IE, but I perfer my security to be handled by Norton, Lavasoft, and tools like Widow Washer and Mcafee Quick Clean. There are also good firewalls available. You either want Bill and the boys to hold your hand (and control your PC) or you make a decision to buy good 3rd party software for your (basic - and pretty good) MS Windows operating system. It's not perfect, but that is what competition is for. It is your call - Put up ...or ....
well that's the way I see it.

Doom Movie
Dec 15, 2004, 12:23
Doom Movie Dec 15, 2004, 12:23
Dec 15, 2004, 12:23
To make a Movie about a video game called Doom, and then change the story (and perhaps the location) is only about attempting to make MONEY - riding on the coattails of the Name of the game. It is either about the game as it is played, or it is NOT a Movie about the Doom game. These people might as well make a movie about Spiders (with no Peter Parker) and call it SpiderMan? As far as I am concerned, they would be wasting their money.

'God gene' discovered by scientist
Nov 16, 2004, 12:32
'God gene' discovered by scientist Nov 16, 2004, 12:32
Nov 16, 2004, 12:32
"Phhhhhhhatttt!" (I stick out my tounge!)
Just like scientists to say that we (our spirituality now)are a result of our genes, (or enviornment). It would never occur to a logical mind, that our spirituality may be creating our Genes (our bodies and enviornment). I am not big on religion, but I do have the Intuition - and so does everyone (and so said Einstin) to know that Immagination and Spirit are the first Creator(s) - or ask a Quantum Physicist! "Phhhhhhhatttt!" Please take your heads out of the sand (or some other dark place at the rear of your bodies.

Re: Price increases
Oct 1, 2004, 12:54
Re: Price increases Oct 1, 2004, 12:54
Oct 1, 2004, 12:54
The article states that $10 mil goes to marketing? What ever do they do with the $10 mil that creates too many games? Maybe they need to borrow from the marketing $, because there are all too many over rated clunkers being churned out (eg. Laura Croft - Dark Angel, The Matrix reloaded, and just lately, the CatWoman). I am a long time fan of Laura, but that last game was a controller nightmare! I have (lately) found saving grace in the small games made by CapCom, and Bigfish - cheap, but they deliver.

Micfosoft defending media player
Oct 1, 2004, 12:31
Micfosoft defending media player Oct 1, 2004, 12:31
Oct 1, 2004, 12:31
What a sucky - winey way to do buisness!
Let us immagine that Ford has built a car that hs beccome the overwelming leader - the standard for cars, such that
90% of the world owns a Ford. Now suppose that a Ford comes with a mediocre radio. Now If I build a superior radio, I would think that Ford owners would replace the standard issue with my radio (or use two radios, since Windows, in this case, will do this). But NO - I have built a less than great radio, in fact it is not much better than the Ford radio! So what do I do? Do I go to my govenment, and force Ford to take their standard radio out? Yes - if I am Real Media. If you want people to buy your radio (or mouse trap) - You build a better Radio. That is how competition works. - Or get together and build a better, compettive Car (O/S).

Law Sends Sharers to Slammer
Sep 29, 2004, 12:31
Law Sends Sharers to Slammer Sep 29, 2004, 12:31
Sep 29, 2004, 12:31
Parents beware - Keep your music downloading children under a strict watchfull eye! The Terminator might be showing up at your door sometime soon!
"The Future is Here - Terminator 3 1/2"

Re: First JPEG Virus
Sep 28, 2004, 12:32
Re: First JPEG Virus Sep 28, 2004, 12:32
Sep 28, 2004, 12:32
The site says that the infecting virus "phones home" - sends out to an IP address. Doesdn't this give them the address that the virus came from? Even if it was the last sender? So it can be traced.

Anti-Spam standard body dismantled
Sep 24, 2004, 12:34
Anti-Spam standard body dismantled Sep 24, 2004, 12:34
Sep 24, 2004, 12:34
I have an idea: why don't they just sprinkle some of that "Network Smart Dust," (see the prevous Tech bits post) on the Spam, and make it magically go away?

Wireless Internet and "Smart Dust"
Sep 24, 2004, 12:24
Wireless Internet and "Smart Dust" Sep 24, 2004, 12:24
Sep 24, 2004, 12:24
I don't know how it is for Internet users in the USA (I am in Canada), but it seems to me that all this "Amazing" Internet technology, is a bit too far out, considering we do not have the basic ground line (or otherwise) to make it work. I recently moved from one part of the city (near Toronto) to the west part of Brampton, and Bell Sympatico says the I cannot get a High Speed connection, because "I am too far from the switch." If I we cannot even get regular high speed, in a busy city (or it costs us more than anyone in their right mind aught to pay - as far as I am concerened, they can blow all this HI-FY, Starwars technology OUT THEIR EARS. take any way

Federal Bounty to Nab Spammers
Sep 20, 2004, 12:44
Federal Bounty to Nab Spammers Sep 20, 2004, 12:44
Sep 20, 2004, 12:44
Two things:
1. the ISPN that handle the spammers know who is sending - how could they not know about a thousand (or million) emails going out.

2. Go after the people who pay for the adds. If they were not being paid - the spam would soon dry up, and if the links to the people who the adds are for, do not work, then their money would be just going down the drain.


Body Scanning
Sep 14, 2004, 12:52
Body Scanning Sep 14, 2004, 12:52
Sep 14, 2004, 12:52
Wasn't it not so long ago, that the mention of being finger-printed (via big brother) made us cringe? when I read a story like this I recall a Flintstone TV episode, where, whenever Fred heard the word "bet," he would go all starry-eyed, and temporarily loose control. He would repeat "bet-bet-bet" on and on until the urge was satisfied (never). In todays world, a lot of people only need to hear: "new technology" and they go into a "where do I get it - where do I sign up" frenzy! Finger-printing - I can almost see the FBIs and the Hackers, rubbing their hands in anticipation! Barnum was right - there is a sucker born every micro-second.

Spammers Use sender Authentication
Sep 1, 2004, 12:57
Spammers Use sender Authentication Sep 1, 2004, 12:57
Sep 1, 2004, 12:57
I do not believe any of this will work, unless there is a system set up that makes Email senders responsible for their messages - something like the way a "cookie" works, in reverse. It shoud be set up so that, if the person (or spammer) will not accept am Email acknowledgement back, (before the Email is accepted by my conputer), then the Email would be rejected. This way, if a spammer sends out a million Emails, they would get a million messages back. Yes, the would plug up anyone who's PC is an unknowing "slave," but that is another form of responsiblity the needs adressing. If I were to "look away" when someone borrows my car, and the person uses my car, in a non-responsible way - am I not also at fault?
I would enjoy sein these spammers get a million or more like their own back at them, and the only way this will happen, is if they are responsible for what they send out.


Googles GMail
Jun 2, 2004, 12:14
Googles GMail Jun 2, 2004, 12:14
Jun 2, 2004, 12:14
I already get kind of "Free" mail every day, delivered straight to the mailbox outside my door, except I call it JMail.


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