cliffski wrote on Aug 19, 2010, 05:39:
There seems to be this impression that the game did not sell. the game sells very well. Its the best selling game I've ever made, and I live from the royalties.
I think its silly that people assume that if you ask 'why did the people who didn't buy GSB, not buy it?" people assume it did not sell.
It sold fine, but I'd like it to sell better, and I'd like it to be the best game it could be.
World of Warcraft sells well, but would blizzard benefit from knowing the reasoning behind those people who have not bought WoW? Of course they would.
I have never said the game didn't sell well, i am very pleased with it's sales. Some people never get past the headline and automatically go into 'bash-developer' mode, and accuse them of 'whining' just because they ask a question of gamers.
Just an observation. Every time I see you comment on a board, I don't think the "tone" in your head while you're typing is the same "tone" people read into your words. "Some people" think you come across as a jackass. Not me, I think you're swell. But "some people"...