...I'm disturbed by Bliz and Valves blithe assumtions that their hack detection processes are infallible. Valves response says in part...
Your account got banned because VAC detected a cheat being used with your account. Period. It didn't make a mistake.
This revelation that computers don't make mistakes is news to me. Okay, maybe computers don't make mistakes, but the people who program them and run them screw up all the time. Valve is saying that there's
no way that they made a mistake and banned an honest person?!?
And if you're banned, that's it. There's no appeal. No way to argue that you didn't do it. No way even to find out what you're alleged to have done, and when. You're a dirty stinking HACKER and you don't deserve to play with the good honest decent folks of the internet.
I realize that online cheating is rampant, and I'd much, much rather play with strict anti-cheat measures in place then go back to the "bad old days". I'm just bothered by Valves and Blizzards arrogant assumption of their own infallibility.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.