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106 Comments. 6 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Jan 8, 2005, 16:47
Doom Jan 8, 2005, 16:47
Jan 8, 2005, 16:47
What's this DOS thing that the DOOM game requires? Some fancy new operating system?
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: No subject
Jan 8, 2005, 11:18
Re: No subject Jan 8, 2005, 11:18
Jan 8, 2005, 11:18
DNF doesn't belong on this list. It hasn't been widely advertised, at least not in 2004. Heck, I've barely heard a peep out of 3DR in the last year.

A lifetime achievement award, I can see. On the 2004 list, no.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: !
Jan 7, 2005, 07:55
Re: ! Jan 7, 2005, 07:55
Jan 7, 2005, 07:55
You don't have to disconnect from the internet, though. You can wrap your monitor in tin foil, and it'll be protected just as well.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: Things like this...
Jan 2, 2005, 00:55
Re: Things like this... Jan 2, 2005, 00:55
Jan 2, 2005, 00:55
I'll drop my very own SST in here. Say, when can we stop with the SST stuff and start discussing things out in the open? Is there like, a statute of limitations on this sort of thing?

I'll join the "G-Man is NOT a future Gordon" camp. My only reason being that it would be just way too trite and predictable. The only thing worse would be having Gordon wake up and find out that it's all a dream, and he overslept and he's going to be late for his job at the anamolous materials lab.

I hope Blue is still up and can fix this if I screwed up the SST again.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: Gunnar
Dec 25, 2004, 13:41
Re: Gunnar Dec 25, 2004, 13:41
Dec 25, 2004, 13:41
Obviously, you guys need more practice.

I'm shocked and amazed that nobody linked this yet.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: via Source?
Dec 22, 2004, 23:26
Re: via Source? Dec 22, 2004, 23:26
Dec 22, 2004, 23:26
And paying for it solidifies its use in the future

For those of us who like Steam, this isn't a bad thing.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
A random selection?
Dec 21, 2004, 19:37
A random selection? Dec 21, 2004, 19:37
Dec 21, 2004, 19:37
You mean everyone who downloads the demo gets different cars?
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: Rhonda
Dec 18, 2004, 14:52
Re: Rhonda Dec 18, 2004, 14:52
Dec 18, 2004, 14:52
Since I've been out screwing with Christmas lights... you could get one of those programmable timers, plug it into the wall, plug your computer into it, and set the timer to shut the computer off at a certain time. Granted, it'll stop the whole computer, not just the process, but it'd work.

(reminder to self... next time I set up a phone # data entry field, have the program check the number, and if it's 867-5309, go up to the "First Name" field and change in to "Jenny".)
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: Source updates...
Dec 18, 2004, 14:38
Re: Source updates... Dec 18, 2004, 14:38
Dec 18, 2004, 14:38
It's possible to disagree with someone elses opinion without having to call it "stupid". I think dropping news of steam updates is a point worth considering. Proabably it'll happen at some future point, when the technology is mature and people are confident with it. Right now, it's kinda new and if some future update starts wiping peoples hard drives or blowing up their monitors, I'd certainly like to hear about it. This would be the first place I checked.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Too bad
Dec 16, 2004, 21:02
Too bad Dec 16, 2004, 21:02
Dec 16, 2004, 21:02
Looks like my kids won't be getting a playstation for Christmas after all.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: Confession time
Dec 15, 2004, 07:44
Re: Confession time Dec 15, 2004, 07:44
Dec 15, 2004, 07:44
Creston - if the date is *that* important to you, it's March 7th, 2017. 10:07 in the morning. Just tell yourself that, and see if it helps.

As others have said, the story is there... it's just not being spoon-fed to you.

The rocket thing bugs me a little too. But just about every time you run into some big bad enemy that you need to rocket to take out, there'll be an ammo box full of rox somewhere in the vicinity. Convenient, that. I suppose the low ammo limits for the big guns is a gameplay thing.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
No subject
Dec 8, 2004, 01:51
No subject Dec 8, 2004, 01:51
Dec 8, 2004, 01:51
I am not a man! I am a free number!
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
HL2 Fun
Dec 6, 2004, 00:49
HL2 Fun Dec 6, 2004, 00:49
Dec 6, 2004, 00:49
I just ran across this. I'll SST it, though if you're far enough along to have gotten the grav gun you can read it without problems.

Next time you're playing catch with Dog, hang onto his "ball" when playtimes over. Thats the round silver spikey dealie. Take it with you when you head to Ravenholm. It's a little tricky getting it up the ladder, just grab the ladder, then turn around and go up backwards.

The ball does a great job on zombies. It seems to be pretty much indestructable. But the fun thing is that the zombies think it's an enemy! Take out one zom with the ball, and the rest of them will stagger over and start clawing at it. They hit it and knock it a few feet away, then it rolls right back to them! Meanwhile you can calmly walk up behind them and club them to death.

I was turning off deathtraps so I'd have more zombies to play with.

This comment was edited on Dec 6, 09:36.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Dec 5, 2004, 13:51
Slacker! Dec 5, 2004, 13:51
Dec 5, 2004, 13:51
I haven't even started my Christmas shopping. I probably won't for another two weeks, minimum. I always take a weekday morning off from work around Dec 20th, and get all my shopping done in one swell foop. Stores open at 8 AM usually, and there's no one there. Everything stocked and neatly arranged an hasn't yet been pawed over by thousands of desperate shoppers.

All I need is a list of who I need to shop for and a couple of ideas for each of them. That's the hardest part of shopping. When I go to visit my folks tonight, I'll look around a little and get some ideas on what would make a good gift.

Edit - Type message body, THEN hit "Send".

This comment was edited on Dec 5, 14:01.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Yeah it's good, but....
Dec 4, 2004, 15:33
Yeah it's good, but.... Dec 4, 2004, 15:33
Dec 4, 2004, 15:33
...I'm disturbed by Bliz and Valves blithe assumtions that their hack detection processes are infallible. Valves response says in part...

Your account got banned because VAC detected a cheat being used with your account. Period. It didn't make a mistake.

This revelation that computers don't make mistakes is news to me. Okay, maybe computers don't make mistakes, but the people who program them and run them screw up all the time. Valve is saying that there's no way that they made a mistake and banned an honest person?!?

And if you're banned, that's it. There's no appeal. No way to argue that you didn't do it. No way even to find out what you're alleged to have done, and when. You're a dirty stinking HACKER and you don't deserve to play with the good honest decent folks of the internet.

I realize that online cheating is rampant, and I'd much, much rather play with strict anti-cheat measures in place then go back to the "bad old days". I'm just bothered by Valves and Blizzards arrogant assumption of their own infallibility.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: On Half Life 2
Dec 3, 2004, 20:28
Re: On Half Life 2 Dec 3, 2004, 20:28
Dec 3, 2004, 20:28
n00b seems to be a very popular insult these days. I get it a lot, even though "you suck!" would be a lot more accurate. Anyway, I'll amend my award to "Best Game I've ever played", just to avoid controversy. Since I've only been playing computer games since 1978, I don't really have enough experience for an informed opinion.

I remember Blue gave the original HL "Game of the Year" honors... I remember because it was part of the title graphics in the "Uplink" HL Demo. They had three or four little "Best game" plugs, but Blues is the only one I remember.

Free T-Shirts - Yes, there are free t-shirt awards for reaching various posting number milestones. Please let me know if you think you're qualified. There's a $20 shipping and handling charge for each t-shirt.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: Con ay yo cona say, you bitch
Dec 3, 2004, 14:10
Re: Con ay yo cona say, you bitch Dec 3, 2004, 14:10
Dec 3, 2004, 14:10
I never had a problem with the brightness level at any part of the game. Outdoor/aboveground areas were well-lit, the undergournd/spoooooooky stuff was appropriately dim, but still navigable and lit up nicely when I hit the flashlight key. I'm running a 9700 and.... some driver version, I forget which.

Yeah, I'll give HL2 my coveted "Best Game Ever" award. I've got no problem giving my award to a FPS in a field saturated with great titles. First person shooters always evoke a much more visceral response then other game types. Warcraft III is a great game, but Arthas is still Arthas. Gordon Freeman, on the other hand, is me.

Now, so as not to offend the delicate sensibilities of those who haven't played the game through yet, (and to keep them from retaliating with San Andreas spoilers), some SST:

Yep, the squads at the end of the game were fairly useless. When they got in my way, I'd just send them out into the middle of the street, or something. All in all, I'd much rather have the ant lions. Hmmm... where's that mod?

Most annoying of all, were their constant utterances of "Reload, Dr Freeman!" EXCUSE ME? Reload?!? I'm Gordan Effing Freeman, the Saviour of Mankind, and I've been killing extraterrestrial beings from other dimensions since probably before you were born, and I *don't* need some expendable piece of cannon fodder reminding me to reload!
Just keep your yap shut and catch some bullets!

The battle in Prospekt in the two-hallway area was easily the most frustrating part of the game. I probably reloaded a dozen times in there. Then a few days later I ran across a piece of strategy in the Steam forums. Tried it out, and I got through the whole thing losing maybe 20 health.

Just take the guns out of the cabinets, set them down, walk around to the other side, and put them back in. Now they're all facing outwards. The cabinet keeps them from falling down or being knocked over. Park yourself in cabinet number four. Combine soldiers will dash in, get caught in a 3-gun crossfire, and go down really fast. All you need to watch out for is the occasional soldier who decides to shoot you instead of the guns, and stray grenades.

End Message
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: thoughts about......
Dec 2, 2004, 20:57
Re: thoughts about...... Dec 2, 2004, 20:57
Dec 2, 2004, 20:57
I'd be much happier if servers did away with individual scores entirely. No individual points for a frag, or a cap, or an assist, or a defend. If your team caps, your team gets a point. That's it.

I've had plenty of TFC games where I kicked ass (okay, maybe stonewalled, because I play Engy D), but still wound up with a negative score. That didn't matter... the big goose-egg beside the other teams total score was what counted.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
Re: HL2 Tweaker
Dec 2, 2004, 20:45
Re: HL2 Tweaker Dec 2, 2004, 20:45
Dec 2, 2004, 20:45
Yep, it's documented in readme.txt. Along with instructions for copying it to the correct location (which I suppose might be necessary if the Steam installation directory isn't in the registry somewhere).

Anyway, I pretty much figured that this was probably someone whose good intentions far outstripped their technical expertise. Hopefully version 1.1 will fix these problems.
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
HL2 Tweaker
Dec 2, 2004, 12:23
HL2 Tweaker Dec 2, 2004, 12:23
Dec 2, 2004, 12:23
Downloaded it. Screenshot looks good, might be a useful utility. Then I read the instructions, and found out that after you've created the tweak.cfg file, you have to open it with a text editor and manually put quote marks around all the values. In other words, change the line

cl_showFPS 1


cl_showFPS "1"

I are not a programmer, at least not a VB programmer. Is it *that* hard to write quote marks to a text file?
It's the land of the brave, and the home of the free, where the less you know the better off you'll be.
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