User information for JeZZyBaLL

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Nothing that I can do will change the structure of the universe.But maybe, by raising my voice, I can help in the greatest of all causes - goodwill among men and peace on earth.
--Albert Einstein
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September 19, 2003
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31 Comments. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Keep whining about cost...
May 4, 2006, 17:59
Re: Keep whining about cost... May 4, 2006, 17:59
May 4, 2006, 17:59
At least your predictable Riley.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Keep whining about cost...
May 4, 2006, 07:06
Keep whining about cost... May 4, 2006, 07:06
May 4, 2006, 07:06
Read on....

From Ritual Entertainment & Sin Episodes Official Site

"Titled Arena Mode, the new game mode pits players against foes driven by the game's Personal Challenge system in levels built just for this mode - it's really Geometry Wars in FPS form and great fun! Oh, did I mention the Levelord is making maps for it?

"...Episodic Content combined with Digital Distribution gives us all kinds of freedoms; allowing us to innovate and quickly generate new content. Arena Mode is an example of this, helping us illustrate Ritual's commitment to our community, and showing off our vision of what episodic gaming can really be. Shortly after Emergence is released, we'll be doing an update – giving everyone a chance to play with this new mode, and adding staggering amount of competitive replayability to the game.

Also, as I'm already talking about the future, multiplayer is coming. I don't want to go into to in too much detail, but the speculations and chatter about Co-Op are actually well founded. We're absolutely investigating different Co-Op options, and Arena Mode is providing a foundation for some of our ideas. ...

much much more....

Someone still want to whine about thier <$20 price tag?

Ever since I've been a fan from the SiN demo..these guys deliver.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Mar 13, 2006, 09:43
Sopranos Mar 13, 2006, 09:43
Mar 13, 2006, 09:43
Although I'm giddy with the return, the episode felt forced with so many story lines being dropped. The s{hanging in the basement was foreseeable, but the added sopranos touch of him pissing himslef as he died, a grusome touch. I was truly shocked at junior shooting tony though!)]s
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: Eurogamer info on how the episodes work
Jul 6, 2005, 19:47
Re: Eurogamer info on how the episodes work Jul 6, 2005, 19:47
Jul 6, 2005, 19:47
Can Riley & Beamer just get a room? Please pound it out and then let's get back to SIN!!! Even more details here!

This sounds GREAT! and the enhancement to the source engine already in progress sound likes great improvements!
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: No subject
Jun 28, 2005, 22:36
Re: No subject Jun 28, 2005, 22:36
Jun 28, 2005, 22:36
You guys trivialize to try and support your minority opinion.

Like 14/7 translating to SiN. I wouldn't even call that a puzzle, more of a logo.

Getting SiN (which is a piece of another puzzle still unsolved) from 14 - 7 on the splash page took figuring it from the periodic table. That came about due to the chemical tie-ins from the back story nad quite a bit of good sleuthing. Yeah. That's not a puzzle. Ok. Have another cup of llama juice.

No pay off?

Concept art
(Code needed "Demosthenes")

Character Previews (thought by many to be updated JC - Blades haxor sidekick from Sin)

Game Music? (from Rit's music guy)
(Code needed "Genome")

Developers (Puzzle yet)
(Code needed "Money")

Backstory (Who is G - How does it tie in?)
(Code needed "Doom") (Lot's of speculation on this as the new Engine?)

4-5 more code words as yet unsolved and sure to lead to more items that are sure to tell us more.

Quite a bit of holes filled in on Sherily Palmer Blade's mother thought to have perished in a fire.

And this isn't even the announcement in 6 days...most of these items alone would have PC gamer and lot's of sites jumping to include them in news or as lead items....

Your opinion is your opinion - but don't spew that you "solved things already" (Enahs - pronounced Enough) -prove it. There's 4-5 keywords left...let's see how easy you come up with them and what we get. After all it's jsut counting according to you...

Apparently you'll only be happy when you get that "happy ending" from your keyboard - Minority.

Quite a bit of good stuffhere if you'd like to follow the progress...23 pages and counting.

Thanks for the laugh...
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: No subject
Jun 28, 2005, 18:21
Re: No subject Jun 28, 2005, 18:21
Jun 28, 2005, 18:21
I sloved that one over a week ago.

Prove it. This (the 14-7 puzzle) wasn't counting and it shows how ignorant and what a troll you are. There have been images that needed to be read and altered, periodic chart puzzles, coding puzzles, calculus, etc. All of which are part of the back story and relevant.

We are now way beyond the first "counting" puzzle as you describe it.

Troll on Enah. Puzzle Poser. You couldn't solve your fingers being crossed. HA!!!!

This comment was edited on Jun 28, 18:24.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
No subject
Jun 28, 2005, 16:53
No subject Jun 28, 2005, 16:53
Jun 28, 2005, 16:53
I can only laugh at the whiners here. !!!! HA!

Lot's of us are having great fun at the clues. Loyal Sin players know the images (BTW that wasn't a chick with's JC from the original Sin). All of the clues to date provide interesting and relevant backstory to the game.

Ritual continues to be a creative company not just satisfied with giving thier loyal fans a press release.

Lurk on puzzle whiners. You'll get your official release soon. In the mean time - did you know we solved the 14 -7 from the splash page?

Look at the periodic table :
14 = Si (silicium)
7 = N (nitrogen)

14 7 = SiN

HA! Love it!

This comment was edited on Jun 28, 16:56.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: Wake me when it's done.
Jun 24, 2005, 23:12
Re: Wake me when it's done. Jun 24, 2005, 23:12
Jun 24, 2005, 23:12
Amen to that. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer actual press releases and/or Developer interviews then silly puzzles such as this.

This is a countdown to an announcement...there will be PLENTY of time for all of that. This is about pr and buzz and frankly they've succeeded....

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein

C'mon - flex yours a bit ;D

This comment was edited on Jun 24, 23:13.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: Wake me when it's done.
Jun 24, 2005, 15:15
Re: Wake me when it's done. Jun 24, 2005, 15:15
Jun 24, 2005, 15:15
Like puzzles or not, it's been brilliant as a buzz starter and pr "stunt".

Being a HUGE fan of Sin and Ritual, it's also been great backstory/story for the game and pending announcement of Sin 2.

Additionally, how many other studios do you see using this creativity in thier launches/announcements. Hello? Most won't even waste the enegy of posting in forums....

Right. Ritual still is one of the most passionate and fan connected developers out there. We should be so lucky as to have more like them.

Kudos - Rit.

Now back to trying to decifer the damn puzzle......


This comment was edited on Jun 24, 15:16.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: Sin 1
Jun 20, 2005, 15:26
Re: Sin 1 Jun 20, 2005, 15:26
Jun 20, 2005, 15:26
As an "original player of Sin" from the demo days and all through patch 1.11 and even now (yes we have 2-3 servers where you can still find a game), I am elated to hear of Sin possibly coming back.

The creativity that still exists at Ritual and many of the original team are still in tact. I would bet my paycheck the same (slight) mistake won't be made again to allow Activision to bully a launch before it's time. I won't bother arguing the point. Any member fo the real inside community knows the truth. The patch was out in days and I never looked back.

This all being said, I don't want to set myself up for disappointment. Sin and the community broke my "cherry" in gaming. I don't know if you can ever recapture that or the fondness I have for the game. Nothing ever really was as fun - the people were a big part.

I only hope multiplayer is as fun as it always was and is. Gotta have an offhand grapple (best ever). Sin's CTF was by far the best I ever have played as well.

I would encourage you all to stop by the "inside" community at as we already are seeing the players coming back out of the woodwork. It's a very friendly community. I'm sure you'd be welcomed.

I go by JeZZyBall there. Oh, and I'm the one who sent in the item to Blue on the solution to the puzzle.

I sure do hope "Elexis Is Back".

This comment was edited on Jun 20, 17:56.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: Shit
Jun 19, 2005, 11:33
Re: Shit Jun 19, 2005, 11:33
Jun 19, 2005, 11:33
Ok, so for everyone who is too lazy to count:


starting with the headline as first paragraph and including every space in the counting.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: Shit
Jun 19, 2005, 08:38
Re: Shit Jun 19, 2005, 08:38
Jun 19, 2005, 08:38

Come on need to learn to dig a little deeper...right click / view source...
"There is a message"
"The order is clear"
"The numbers never lie"
"First is the KEY!"

P12 means Paragraph 12...Gee what could 66 mean?...hehe (psst, it's a letter).
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: No subject
Jun 18, 2005, 07:40
Re: No subject Jun 18, 2005, 07:40
Jun 18, 2005, 07:40
is Levelord still making maps for Ritual?


Michael Russell / QA Manager, Ritual Entertainment

Tell him to get back to work. Oh and GINORMOUS BOOBS please, and thongs....must have thongs.

This comment was edited on Jun 18, 07:42.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Jan 6, 2004, 07:23
Sin2 Jan 6, 2004, 07:23
Jan 6, 2004, 07:23
I am continually impressed by the fans that stay with this game. I personally loved Sin & Wages of Sin. Now indeed people are playing HL2 via mod's, but would you believe there are STILL 1-2 servers that run SiN MP. I reinstalled after 3 years 3 days ago. Had the best time I've had in a long time gaming with 6-7 players in DM. The taunts, player models, weapons, and maps are still some of the most unique and well done in my 13 years of gaming.

So let's move on from Publisher vs Patch.

Why wouldn't we want to see a game from a great bunch of creative dev's. Why wouldn't we appreaciate the updated antics of Blade (Who's new renders look great), Elexis (who new breasts look good and who face needs to look more like the old version IMO-remember these were prototypes). I'd love to hunt down more CheesyPoofs for a secret ending. Play CTF with the grapple and swing from skyscrapers like Spidermans Bad Brutha.

I want more of the imagination and bawdy fun that SiN had.

Reload SiN now get on-line and play some. I'd still pay for this game today.

Bring on SiN II. I'll buy 3.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Pop Ups
Dec 14, 2003, 09:45
Pop Ups Dec 14, 2003, 09:45
Dec 14, 2003, 09:45
Sounds Like IP spamming. Try tis...

then go to SERVICES,
then a new windows will appear and show you a list of things then go down and find MESSENGER then right click on it,
then click on STOP
or Use The Drop Down and choose DISABLE. Select OK. all the way out.

ReBoot for Good Measure.

Hope that helps. Works for me.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Buy Sin
Dec 4, 2003, 07:15
Buy Sin Dec 4, 2003, 07:15
Dec 4, 2003, 07:15
Try Amazon. There are copies used and new from collectors. Prices are reasonable...
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Sin-Wages Of Sin & Sin 2
Dec 3, 2003, 17:08
Sin-Wages Of Sin & Sin 2 Dec 3, 2003, 17:08
Dec 3, 2003, 17:08
Many of the comments are warranted related to version 1.0 of SiN, I will agree. However-as my man Static has written, Activision was to blame and when 1.01 came out-all was well for those who stayed with it or discovered it at 1.01 to 1.11.

This game was groundbreaking and still today influences games by way of features and innovations. I'll list a few:

Location Damage
Sniper Rifles
Female Villian
Grapple (Best one ever!)
Interactive Environments (Doors, Pay Phones, People, Vehicles, Flashlights, Etc.)
Computer Hacking (Puzzle Solving)
Spider Mines (With Cameras)
Hover Bike Matches (WOS)
Air Gun (WOS)
Guided Missles (WOS)
Oh the maps!
First maps to use the size illusions (your small-everthing else is oversized)
The map based on Escher's illusionary drawings-go through a door and be upside down in a room...wild!)
the list goes on....

It's Multiplayer was the smoothest netcode ever. (Yes-even enhanced from th Quake engine it was based on...)

It's add on pack Wages of Sin was equally solid.

I'll make you a guarantee. If you haven't played it. Find it in a bargain bin. Patch it to 1.11 (See Although not as graphically up to date as todays games-you'll have a BLAST at singleplyer still today.

Is there any guarantee SiN2 would be as solid..No. Can I respectfully ask a COMPANY that has to pay employees to do it on spec...hell no. But after you play SiN, you'll ache like I do to find something special like we had back in the day playing SiN.

The creative sick minds that launched SiN originally are still around, and I'd lay down a bet they could get a sleeper hit if they pursued it.

Paradox? Levelord? you listening?
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Your Yard
Nov 9, 2003, 12:52
Your Yard Nov 9, 2003, 12:52
Nov 9, 2003, 12:52
maybe I misred this Dog Item...but:

Who the hell picks up your yard. My GOD man!
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: Ritual Screenshots
Oct 13, 2003, 20:45
Re: Ritual Screenshots Oct 13, 2003, 20:45
Oct 13, 2003, 20:45
In a follow up to my Post-several of the developers are saying on fansite Ritualistic that the animation sotry is complete BS. That everything worked and was fine when they sent it to Valve....
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
Re: Ritual Screenshots
Oct 13, 2003, 06:46
Re: Ritual Screenshots Oct 13, 2003, 06:46
Oct 13, 2003, 06:46
I just read this post which "might" (thi stuff is rumor rampant and who knows if its true, but seems to maybe make sense in this senseless drama)

from rizzuh (CS Nation)

I talked to cliffe about the models. He said that the player models just wouldn't work: The animations were poorly done and would often do very weird things. Ritual was either unwilling or unable to fix it.

In my opinion, the weapon models looked worse so I really don't miss them.

I know that, in the end, it's what the consumer wants is what they should get, but unfortunately technical problems really stopped this from happening. It's really no big loss to me because they very much got the gameplay right, in my opinion.[q

Now I disagree with the Weapon Model Statement, but maybe this wasn't about the artwork, maybe it was indeed some animation issues. Who knows.....

This comment was edited on Oct 13, 06:48.
You put de lime in de coco-nut, you shake it all up; you put de lime in de coco-nut it make you feel bettah.....
31 Comments. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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