User information for Corporal Dan

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Corporal Dan
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Signed On
August 23, 2003
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21 (Suspect)
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21 Comments. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: There is nothing funnier than...
May 27, 2005, 23:46
Re: There is nothing funnier than... May 27, 2005, 23:46
May 27, 2005, 23:46
What the hell? All Duke's lines were taken from other, far more creative movies! Did Duke have ANY original lines of his own?

I think you have uncovered the real reason DNF has been delayed so long! They haven't found a movie (such as "Army of Darkness") that has enough quotable lines they can steal!
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Re: There is nothing funnier than...
May 27, 2005, 20:49
Re: There is nothing funnier than... May 27, 2005, 20:49
May 27, 2005, 20:49
This is known as the Kill Bill approach. Rip off all your ideas from other, lesser known games and movies and hope nobody notices. And if they do, cover your ass by passing it off as a respectful 'homage'.

Is this a backhanded swipe at Tarentino? If so, it's ludicrous. He is up front about his influences and masterful in his direction. If you want to belittle someone who rip off ideas, belittle the people that to it badly

This comment was edited on May 27, 20:50.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Apr 16, 2005, 00:02
Ummm... Apr 16, 2005, 00:02
Apr 16, 2005, 00:02
Then you won't mind when people do it. Since you don't care it shouldn't bother you. Now STFU troll, and leave people alone.

I'm sorry, could you translate that? I don't speak stupid.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Apr 15, 2005, 23:56
What? Apr 15, 2005, 23:56
Apr 15, 2005, 23:56
Quake II. They purposefully make reference to Quake II, the most craptastic singleplayer experience ever.

If you really believe that, you haven't played many single-player games.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Re: No subject
Dec 15, 2004, 19:25
Re: No subject Dec 15, 2004, 19:25
Dec 15, 2004, 19:25
Hope the games have nothing to do with the arseholes behind the recent Dawn of the Dead remake. I'm sure all fans of the genre will join me in saying it was horseshit.
Games with the nihilistic feel of the original films, though.... bring em on.

Umm, no, we won't. I love the original "Dawn.." as well as all of GR's movies. I also happen to love the new "Dawn.." Not all Dotd fans are as close-minded as you apparently are.

This comment was edited on Dec 15, 19:25.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
No subject
Nov 30, 2004, 18:35
No subject Nov 30, 2004, 18:35
Nov 30, 2004, 18:35
Call me crazy, but I think I'll wait to play the game before I trash it.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Perspective is a good thing..
Nov 23, 2004, 23:24
Perspective is a good thing.. Nov 23, 2004, 23:24
Nov 23, 2004, 23:24
I've worked with two software companies. Both of them used illegal software on a daily basis. Does that mean that Valve does? No. But I would bet the farm that if you looked at every pc used at Valve, you'd find something that wasn't quite kosher. Does this mean that Valve\Vivendi\whomever doesn't have the right to protect their investment by any legal means they see fit to implement? Absolutely not. They are perfectly within their rights to use cd-keys, require disk authentication, and whatever legal means to ensure their software isn't stolen. They are perfectly within their rights to ban users who have obviously engaged in software piracy. On the other hand, any user who is wrongly banned has every right to sue. A user stands to lose what they paid for the game - around $50 US. Valve\Vivendi stands to lose millions. I'd have to side with the big boys on this one.
But let's keep this in perspective. Stealing software is wrong, and if a person is charged and convicted, they will be punished. But to state that software piracy is the moral equivalent of murder is just plain stupid. I suspect that if only those who had never pirated any software---EVER, were allowed to post, this thread would be a whole lot shorter, and many of the people coming down so self-rightously hard would be oddly silent.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
The ultimate end of Ion
Nov 8, 2004, 18:47
The ultimate end of Ion Nov 8, 2004, 18:47
Nov 8, 2004, 18:47
This marks the final chapter of Ion's descent into irrelevance. After the debacle that was John Romero, Warren Spector was their only hope of producing material that had any real value at all. With his departure, they are no longer a viable entity.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Joeblow a moron?...
Oct 20, 2004, 22:17
Joeblow a moron?... Oct 20, 2004, 22:17
Oct 20, 2004, 22:17 are being awfully unkind to morons.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Reality Check
Oct 12, 2004, 22:00
Reality Check Oct 12, 2004, 22:00
Oct 12, 2004, 22:00
"They gave creative input, amongst other 3D Realms co-owner George Broussard perfected the idea of Bullet-Time."

The only thing GB has EVER perfected is how to spew bullshit out of one side of his mouth while stuffing food in the other.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Sep 28, 2004, 22:08
Honestly... Sep 28, 2004, 22:08
Sep 28, 2004, 22:08
I am really amused by those who refer to DOOM 3 in a negative light. I don't like opera, but that doesn't mean that all opera is garbage. It simply means that opera doesn't appeal to me. The quality of DOOM 3 is evident to anyone who understands FPS games. It is certainly not the best FPS I've ever played, but it is a technical masterpiece. Anyone who trashes it is only showing themselves to be unable to see real quality.

This comment was edited on Sep 28, 22:10.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Great Game
Sep 27, 2004, 22:22
Great Game Sep 27, 2004, 22:22
Sep 27, 2004, 22:22
I love it. It's eating up my time.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Sep 10, 2004, 08:40
Winner!!! Sep 10, 2004, 08:40
Sep 10, 2004, 08:40
Game Show Host: "For 1000 points, how do you spell vaporware?"

Contestent: "D U K E N U K E M F O R E V E R"

Game Show Host: "That's for 2000 points and the game, how do you spell lying bastard?"

Contestent:"G E O R G E B R O U S S A R D"

Game Show Host: "That's correct!! You win the grand prize! A copy of a REAL game...DOOM 3!
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
ATI - heat artifacts
Aug 16, 2004, 19:06
ATI - heat artifacts Aug 16, 2004, 19:06
Aug 16, 2004, 19:06
The "random black and white" artifacts you're seeing are heat related. I had to underclock the memory on my 9800 Pro to get them to go away. This is a known problem with many 9800 pro's. I was lucky enough to get the company I bought the card from to allow me to exchange it for a quality Nvidia product. No more ATI for me..
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Aug 5, 2004, 18:53
Incredible Aug 5, 2004, 18:53
Aug 5, 2004, 18:53
It's really incredible the things people can be snobby about. As a PC network admin, I HATE Win98. It's a poor choice for critical business applications, especially when a user needs to run several at the same time and they all use network resouces.

On the other hand, if you intend to run only one application at a time, or say one game, and you aren't too concerned with the occasional crash, it is probably a better choice. Win98 allows a much more direct interface between the software (the game) and the hardware. Win NT, Win 2k, and Win XP all introduce a whole new layer between the application and the hardware (it's call the HAL or hardware abstraction layer for those of you who care.) that does wonders for stability but does cause somewhat slower performance. That is a simple fact of life.

I would not consider using Win98 at home or work. But I can certainly understand why a hard-core gamer might.

This comment was edited on Aug 5, 18:54.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Aug 3, 2004, 22:51
Atifacts:answer-underclock Aug 3, 2004, 22:51
Aug 3, 2004, 22:51
I wasn't overclocking..but I think ATI must have been. I installed Radclock to give me access to the core and memory speeds. Then I gradually bumped it down until the artifacting went away. I had to bump the core to 317 and the memory to around the same to clear up the corruption.

I've owned five GeForce cards without a problem. I thought I'd take a chance on ATI. I've learned my lesson.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
texture corruption
Aug 3, 2004, 21:12
texture corruption Aug 3, 2004, 21:12
Aug 3, 2004, 21:12
Does anyone else have texture corruption running DOOM 3 with an ATI Radeon 9800 pro 128? I'm getting some strange "sparkles" on some surfaces. It's very annoying.

Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Game Music
Jul 19, 2004, 18:34
Game Music Jul 19, 2004, 18:34
Jul 19, 2004, 18:34
The following is a dissertation on the importance of background music in a First Person Shooter Game:

Please join us tomorrow for an informed discussion on the real differences between George Bush and John Kerry.

Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling. No fans, completely s
This comment was edited on Jul 19, 18:39.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
..On a completely different note..
May 28, 2004, 17:42
..On a completely different note.. May 28, 2004, 17:42
May 28, 2004, 17:42
Someone indirectly associated with an id employee has told me that this person (the id employee) asked if he could delay something until after June 15th, as that date was an important "deadline". The phrase "shipping date" came up. For what's it's worth.

Please ignore him, (You know who I mean.) He's retarded. As a matter of fact, He's profoundly retarded. To be honest, he makes rocks look smart.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
Blowski = ignorant
Apr 30, 2004, 20:05
Blowski = ignorant Apr 30, 2004, 20:05
Apr 30, 2004, 20:05
...Ahhhh, I get it. You're not just Anti-American, you're homophobic as well.

Using the word "gay" as a derogative term really kills any agrument you may have had. It labels you as a juvenile, childish troll...and does so accurately.

Please ignore him, (You know who I mean.) He's retarded. As a matter of fact, He's profoundly retarded. To be honest, he makes rocks look smart.
Dual P5 4.75 GHZ, 5 GB QDR5600 RAM, GF\Radeon 107900 XT Hybrid 528 mb video card, 10 650 GB Hyper SCSI3 HD's in a RAID 15 array. Platinum\Aluminum alloy case w\ liquid Nitrogen cooling.
21 Comments. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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