"In retrospect many of Reagan's foreign policy decisions have lead to the problems we have today, but in the context in which those decisions were made they are much more understandable."
I HATE this argument. It's just so easy to dismiss ANYTHING with it. "Yes, your honor, in retrospect, shooting my wife in the head wasn't the right thing to do, but in the context in which I made that decision, it was much more understandable, bla bla bla"
Bullshit. Conservatives are always using this argument to excuse some evil act or monumental f_ck-up they committed in the past ... "You have to understand the way people thought back then, bla bla bla."
Almost every time, there were people who were saying it was a stupid idea BACK THEN TOO. I remember my history teacher during the 80's talking about the Islamic fanatics Reagan was arming in Afghanistan and how that decision would someday come back to haunt us and boy, was he right. But anyone who said so was ignored by the "liberal" media and Ronnie got his way and so did Osama.
This "you have to understand the context" excuse is being used RIGHT NOW to excuse the incredible blunder in Iraq. Bush and his apologists keep talking about how EVERYONE thought Hussein had WMDs.
Bullshit. Plenty of people were saying he DIDN'T have WMDs, that we shouldn't invade - they just got ignored by the "liberal" media and Bush got his way and...drum roll please - so did Osama.
Round and round it goes. Some people never wise up.
This comment was edited on Jul 2, 23:16.