First game ever owned and system it ran on: Pong, first atari/tv thing?
Number of games you buy a year: 10+
Number of games in your ‘library’ right now: 50-75
Number of magazines (gaming and otherwise) you subscribe to: 2 (not game related)
Number of books you read each year: 4-8
Reading Blue’s News since: Quake
Posting at Blue’s News since: First post. Guess I prefer to be a lurker.
Age: 59
Gender: Male
Occupation: Retail Manager, resident IT whore
When I was 6 I wanted to be a(n): Doctor
Favorite beer: I prefer good Scotch but seldom drink anymore (dammit!)
Beer that is in your fridge right now: Bud
Favorite real life sport and team: Football/Raiders-Forty Niners
Shoe size: 8.5
Formal or casual: Either is fine.
Favorite all time game: Quake.
Game (or game genre) that you just don’t ‘get’: MMORPG
Bad habit: Too much time in front of the computer
Funniest moment on these boards: Nin to Fred diatribe.
Game that you are the most tired hearing about: Duke whatever.
Most underrated game: Descent 3
"May the road rise up to meet Ye"