Mr. Tact wrote on Aug 1, 2012, 08:55:Dev wrote on Aug 1, 2012, 04:27:Maybe. My guess would be the worst case scenario would be a readily available BIOS update would allow the loading of "another OS." BIOS manufacturers are not going to throw away entire portions of their potential customer base.
Because its supposed to be more secure. Prevent pre-boot time rootkits.
And without that little feature, hardware makers can't slap that little "Designed for windows 8" sticker on.
DukeFNukem wrote on Jul 25, 2012, 17:10:
He's not, read post #1 again with your glasses on.
Kastagir wrote on May 28, 2012, 19:15:
I appreciate the seemingly honest answers, but this was actually a rhetorical question. Online requirements for a single player game and mindless slogging only serve to strengthen the similarities between Diablo 3 and a certain Blizzard MMO. Combine this with the myopic (both figurative and literal) approach toward gameplay and I'm invariably left with a desire to do something else with my time, even if that means re-playing an older, but far superior, game.
Kastagir wrote on May 28, 2012, 14:42 :
Though I am admittedly an outsider, having never played either WoW or Diablo 3, but having seen and heard enough about both of them I feel compelled to ask: what's the difference?
bhcompy wrote on May 8, 2012, 10:16:The developers are Russian...
Translated into European? What.. do they spell color "colour"?
Pineapple Ferguson wrote:
Try these links. Maybe something in there can help.
Anybody know if this download has been tweaked to play on multi core? I've tried every trick I could find but the Thief Games just won't play.
theyarecomingforyou wrote on Dec 19, 2011, 19:20:Actually to calculate your increase % you'd take your new odds, subtract the old odds to find the change and then divide that by your old odds. So if you have a 75% chance of winning and before you had a 25% chance of winning, you have increased your odds by (75-25)/25 x 100% = 200%!Halo wrote on Dec 19, 2011, 17:13:Wrong. Adding 100% points would increase it by 100% points. Adding 100% would increase it by nothing. Take a calculator, type in 0 and add 100% - you get 0. If you had no chance of winning without entering then there is no percentage that you can add that will increase it - you either have a chance of winning or you don't. You certainly don't increase your odds by 100%. That's nonsense.
Try adding 100 percentage points.
theyarecomingforyou wrote on Jan 24, 2010, 16:36:Actually, you're paying for a license that usually allows you to install a copy on 1 machine, among other things.In other words you're paying $50 to rent a game.No, asshole - you're paying $50 to buy the game. ... I mean, how many people honestly sell their games on or trade them in? Do you? Or is this more about the principle than the practicalities?
All site cookies (except the session one that tallies which threads you've read) are set to expire in 12 months. So this must be something that happens on your computer.They should stay set to whatever you have selected. Does that not work for you?It does work, but seems to expire every month or so...