Well, true, Tolkien invented most of the things that involve current fantasy stories. This Shannara writer is terrible at making it seem like he had an idea to write down. WOT volume one didn't seem so plagarized as this book does.
This is only the first book I'm referring to, have not yet finished it, but I think I am close.
1. The bad guy is a spirit that want to enslave everyone.
2. Goodguy has magic stones that pinpoint his whereabouts.
3. There is a HUGE battle in a city very much like Helms Deep and the layout is almost the same as the white city in LOTR (can't remember the name...)
4. Bad guy is blacking out the sun to empower his evil beings that are weakened by it. These evil beings are driven by his will.
5. Thanks all I can think of right now, there are tons more.
I will check him out, I just recently started reading these books, I remember Shannara being recommended by someone, kind of disappointed so far, though. I read 4 books by Terry Pratchet, all involving Rincewind in the Discworld. I'm hooked on this guy too.
Edit: I know Helms Deep isn't a city but it's description is the same, just a larger scale.
The only downside to being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious.
This comment was edited on Dec 17, 14:35.
"The only downside to being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious."