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Re: No subject
Feb 7, 2007, 17:54
Re: No subject Feb 7, 2007, 17:54
Feb 7, 2007, 17:54
I just think it's funny because we all knew BoB was full of devs. Notice that they say that the outed devs are no longer able to play the game on those accounts. It doesn't say all devs are out of BoB.

For those who don't know, BoB (Band of Brothers) is *the* biggest alliance. The only one that was nearly the size disbanded after months of having BoB totally destroy them. With this information coming out, it puts a grim shadow on the game. A shame too, I was looking forward to when they implement factional warfare and people who can't play the game 7 days a week can participate in some good PvP.

Re: No subject
Feb 2, 2007, 13:13
Re: No subject Feb 2, 2007, 13:13
Feb 2, 2007, 13:13
That is another crock of shit. Vista has been available to hardware developers for at least two years. The video card companies have had plenty of time to optimize their drivers

The vista drivers that came out last summer were shit, and the new ones are less shit, but still have a ways to go. Take games like final fantasy xi that acknowledged a problem and decided that they should start working on fixing it in january as an example and you'll see that most developers have taken a "we'll fix it when it comes out" approach to vista. It's out and the performance is iffy on some things, yes. If you're hardcore about games, I wouldn't upgrade or at least would keep an XP partition. It doesn't mean vista is going to suck for games forever. It means that everyone put off doing anything about working on vista until now and now that it's out they're going to have to fix things.

Re: No subject
Feb 2, 2007, 12:33
Re: No subject Feb 2, 2007, 12:33
Feb 2, 2007, 12:33
Worth noting that that the "in box" vista drivers are worthless and as an ATI user who just got the drivers from windows update on RC1 (dated 1/25) and then later got the 1/30 drivers off the ATI site, I saw a HUGE performance increase in WOW and actually was able to play a game I was testing that had openGL problems with the in box drivers. The drivers that come on Vista are worthless, at least for ATI.

The in box drivers are worthless, which is sad because I finally though they'd be pushing drivers through windows update and making it easy but you still have to get them yo damn self.

Re: No subject
Feb 2, 2007, 12:19
Re: No subject Feb 2, 2007, 12:19
Feb 2, 2007, 12:19
They really REALLY dropped the ball.

Funny, I don't see a major difference, especially for day-zero drivers. Not saying that I'm going to get rid of my xp partion by any means but that's not nearly the difference I see with beta2 (crashing) and RC1 (25% loss at least)

I upgraded to my drivers on my RC1 install and WOW went from half as slow as running on XP to having a 25% loss at the worst, and that's a build that's months old. If the numbers now say 5% loss with the final release, then the next few sets of drivers will be bringing it back up to running almost the same, with a slight nod to XP since it doesn't have the graphical desktop.

This comment was edited on Feb 2, 12:23.
Re: No subject
Jan 14, 2007, 04:08
Re: No subject Jan 14, 2007, 04:08
Jan 14, 2007, 04:08
Dave Perry is overseeing three or four Korean MMO translations. He's technically the head of this, 9dragons, some dancing mmo, and i think at least one other one.

This comment was edited on Jan 14, 04:08.
Re: No subject
Jan 10, 2007, 13:16
Re: No subject Jan 10, 2007, 13:16
Jan 10, 2007, 13:16
No if it was the BF people it would delete the patch automatically, then tell them to redownload it and would require you to totally reinstall the game from your original CDs.

Re: No subject
Dec 18, 2006, 19:01
Re: No subject Dec 18, 2006, 19:01
Dec 18, 2006, 19:01
why the hell would you want to resupply an unlimited ammo object? Why in gods name does it even need to be "fixed"?

Because you could get resupply points for resupplying something that doesn't need resupplying, ie exploit.

No longer able to use Sentry Gun pushing player into Titan Crate collision

I'm pretty sure this is how people glitched through walls into the core.

Re: No subject
Dec 8, 2006, 02:02
Re: No subject Dec 8, 2006, 02:02
Dec 8, 2006, 02:02
Eh, I actually thought Firefly would be an awesome MMO but it would have to be something epic and immense. Think Star Wars Galaxies but done right. I doubt that's going to happen here.

I'm mostly disappointed b/c I'm a huge fan of the orginal series, and I'm sure that his MMO will be a horrible flop. People (network exects, mostly) might look at it and see it as proof that the franchise isn't marketable, and hence be less likely to resurrect it for new episodes.

Even Joss Whedon has said that Firefly is done. After the movie did so poorly in the theaters, it's over.

Re: Demo?
Dec 6, 2006, 23:50
Re: Demo? Dec 6, 2006, 23:50
Dec 6, 2006, 23:50
I don't see anything about how I crash to desktop 3/4 of the times I go to load into the next level...

Xbox bittorrent?
Nov 27, 2006, 13:41
Xbox bittorrent? Nov 27, 2006, 13:41
Nov 27, 2006, 13:41
I'm a big fan of bittorrent, but the answer here isn't bittorrent. I dont' want to have to depend on other users to get a product that I paid for.

"battlefield 2 hotfix"
Nov 24, 2006, 19:00
"battlefield 2 hotfix" Nov 24, 2006, 19:00
Nov 24, 2006, 19:00
Well played sir.

Re: bf snipers..
Nov 21, 2006, 20:20
Re: bf snipers.. Nov 21, 2006, 20:20
Nov 21, 2006, 20:20
now at the end of every titan round... i crash to desktop! can't even go to next round. thanks a lot EA.

You should see the troubleshooting thread where a member of the EA team blames the crashing on both the new ATI drivers and the new nVidia drivers.

Re: bf snipers..
Nov 21, 2006, 16:47
Re: bf snipers.. Nov 21, 2006, 16:47
Nov 21, 2006, 16:47
Apparently this patch causes everyone to Crash to Desktop at the end of any Titan round.

Patch Notes
Nov 21, 2006, 11:10
Patch Notes Nov 21, 2006, 11:10
Nov 21, 2006, 11:10
Battlefield 2142™ ReadMe File V3.5
November 14th, 2006
Copyright Electronic Arts
Battlefield 2142

- Ground Defence kills now count towards Ground Base Defence Ribbon
- Using the Medic Hub now counts towards Silver Medic Excellence Badge
- Silver Titan Destruction - Badge awarded when core is destroyed
- Debriefing End of Round screen displays player stats
- Enemy Squad Leader Spawn beacon is no longer visible on the 3dMap
- Can now bind same key to crouch for common and land vehicles
- User now unable to repeatedly spam a squad leader to join a locked squad
- Spinning tank turret no longer pushes player inside clipped geometry
- Users can play single-player (offline) mode when EA servers are unavailable
- Fixed issue that caused Battlerecorder Playback And Camera Control Interface function
- Corrected missile silo numbers in Titan Mode
- Squad Leader Spawn Beacon can now be used after a round or map change in online games
- Missing game information in Swedish and Danish when a mutiny occurs against your commander added
- Inconsistent game references removed
- BF2142 showing up as Battlefield 2 in Windows firewall exception list fixed
- Patching update message will shut the game down instead of minimize if EA Link is installed on users machine
- Stats tracking optimizations
- Revised AR's deviation per bullet
- Titan no longer moveable by the Commander once Titan shields are down
- Installer checks for BF2142 running in the background before installing patch
- Improved player collision protocol
- Optimized EA Master Server connection calls

Re: No subject
Nov 9, 2006, 18:35
Re: No subject Nov 9, 2006, 18:35
Nov 9, 2006, 18:35
There's no Starfuck or in-game ad tracking in this one like in Chaos Theory is there?

Dunno. Though I don't see what difference it would make either way. The ads in CT weren't exactly intrusive.

Starforce isn't ads. Starforce is an intrusive copy protection scheme that goes on your computer as a low level driver.

And no, it doesn't have Starforce because, as i understand it, ubisoft abandoned Starforce earlier this year with the release of homm5 and all subsequent games they published.

*edited to sound less like a retard*
This comment was edited on Nov 9, 18:35.
Re: No subject
Nov 7, 2006, 17:59
Re: No subject Nov 7, 2006, 17:59
Nov 7, 2006, 17:59
Let me be the first to ask:

Is this the patch where the game will run on most people's computers?

Seriously though, review have said that the gamecube/ps2/xbox version of the game actually has different content (and generally seems more finished) than the xbox 360 version. Is this version closer to the 360 version, the xb/ps2/gc version, or does it have elements of both?

Factor 5
Oct 24, 2006, 23:57
Factor 5 Oct 24, 2006, 23:57
Oct 24, 2006, 23:57
No factor 5 on the Wii? Noooo!

But I wanted Rogue Squadron 18! Hoth!

Re: No subject
Oct 24, 2006, 10:32
Re: No subject Oct 24, 2006, 10:32
Oct 24, 2006, 10:32
For what it's worth, prey's single player was better than Quake 4.

Re: Color me stupid
Oct 17, 2006, 14:26
Re: Color me stupid Oct 17, 2006, 14:26
Oct 17, 2006, 14:26
Edit: If anyone can tell me what this error relates to I'd be grateful, this is what it throws up when I try to run it:
AppName: core.exe AppVer: ModName: flash8.ocx
ModVer: Offset: 0006e038

My guess is that the EA downloader has flash animations on the pages it loads, so either uninstall flash (which will make them simply not appear) or upgrade to the newest version of flash (which is 9)

This comment was edited on Oct 17, 14:26.
Re: No subject
Oct 17, 2006, 13:37
Re: No subject Oct 17, 2006, 13:37
Oct 17, 2006, 13:37
Only games I've bought from EA lately are battlefield and timesplitters. I do have to admit that I bought battlefield 2 after buying battlefield vietnam. That means I'm an idiot - and you can write that down.

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