and that just scratch’s surface of M$’s DRM practice, so no thanks until there is no other choice for gaming but to upgrade I aint going there!
Um, my friends got busted because someone who came to their house and couch-crashed downloaded a movie through P2P when they were running XP vanilla on Cox. Newsflash, your ISP *can* see what you're doing with no assistance from the OS.
Specifically, however, you suggesting that Doug's comments are just "rhetoric" is rather silly - he's making very valid points. MS is not billing "Games for Windows" as "Please buy Vista", they are billing it as support for Windows gaming. Over 95% of the Windows using population is using XP or earlier. Are they supporting Windows gaming for them?
Yes and no. Obviously they want to push people to vista, where they've built in things to make gaming easier. Naturally, we all read games news sites daily or almost daily so we know about hardware, software, drivers, etc but Vista does do some things like the Windows Experience Index which applies a number value to your machine. The idea is that my new system is a 4.7 or some such, and if a game says it needs a 3, I can run it. That's good for the industry because a lot of the people who play games, be it WOW or whatever, don't know a whole hell of a lot about their systems.
However, they've been pushing games for windows for 3 or 4 months now. Company of Heroes was one of the first major Games for Windows products, and I know that a few upcoming ones are like LOTRO. None of the games I've seen that are games for windows, with the exception of Shadowrun and Halo 2 PC, are Vista exclusive.
I suppose saying "rhetoric" is a little harsh, and I guess I can understand the skepticism about whether MS (M$ vi$ta, laffo) is in it for the long haul. I just think he's being a little too critical about it. If it's a marketing push to get people to vista, but it helps sell games now and actually makes some sort of difference because MS is paying for more windows games space in Best Buy, I don't see why it would make much difference if it lasts 6 years or 6 months.