User information for Horde4Life

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April 26, 2003
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87 Comments. 5 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: No subject
Jul 1, 2008, 01:56
Re: No subject Jul 1, 2008, 01:56
Jul 1, 2008, 01:56
Blizzard, Vivendi, Activision, etc. are publicly traded companies - they have to report their financial numbers accurately or go to jail. Most of their revenue obviously comes from WoW, they must report those numbers accurately, if those numbers are in fact wrong someone would have called them out on it, and no one has.

Re: Buy tickets
May 12, 2008, 18:12
Re: Buy tickets May 12, 2008, 18:12
May 12, 2008, 18:12
U can't, u need to show the credit card you used to purchase the tickets in order to get the tix = u fail.

Re: No subject
May 9, 2008, 19:02
Re: No subject May 9, 2008, 19:02
May 9, 2008, 19:02
You know what? I'll still look to pirate the game or find a way to hack the shit out of it. Google: Fairlight, Razor1911 or Reloaded, they'll have some cracks.

Fuck EA, this is just the tip of the iceberg for them, if they could they would shove a probe up your ass if it meant that their beloved stock price goes up a penny.

EA is the anti-Christ of pc gaming, we don't have to worry about piracy killing pc gaming, EA will do it for them.

Need a good hack site
May 6, 2008, 21:07
Need a good hack site May 6, 2008, 21:07
May 6, 2008, 21:07
Someone email me a good hack site.

Re: @Jerykk
May 6, 2008, 20:45
Re: @Jerykk May 6, 2008, 20:45
May 6, 2008, 20:45
Sadly, I won't be playing either game now. It really sucks too because I was so looking forward to ME.

EA is the anti-christ of gaming.

Just tell us WTF it is
Feb 14, 2008, 21:36
Just tell us WTF it is Feb 14, 2008, 21:36
Feb 14, 2008, 21:36
What is the big deal? Just tell us what they're making already - they're wasting more time and energy covering up the fucking thing. Unless its so freaking next gen, like maybe an MMOG where we plug into a matrix and we run around in a full blown virtual world while sitting at home in a dentist chair and a big pair of 3-d goggles on our head. But if you're not making one then just tell us what the fuck it is.

Feb 1, 2008, 22:46
BFD Feb 1, 2008, 22:46
Feb 1, 2008, 22:46
Shove it Roper.

Feb 1, 2008, 22:46
BFD Feb 1, 2008, 22:46
Feb 1, 2008, 22:46
Shove up Roper.

Another EA f-up
Jan 31, 2008, 18:18
Another EA f-up Jan 31, 2008, 18:18
Jan 31, 2008, 18:18
I love it, the BF series is a hacked up pos. Maybe if they spent more time coding in more security and less time on splash screens and in-game ads this wouldn't have happened.

I've done my best to not buy any EA games for the last two years and so far I haven't.

The old days of gaming it used to be - games for gamers by gamers. EA's mantra; gamers = cash and increased stock price/options and bonuses, rape them.

Wait a minute.............
Jan 9, 2008, 12:01
Wait a minute............. Jan 9, 2008, 12:01
Jan 9, 2008, 12:01
An EA title that is having issues with a patch causing problems?!?!?!?!?! Hell has frozen over because this surely never happens - all QA departments associated with any EA title are top notch.

/sarcasm off

Fuck off EA - I hate you.

Re: No subject
Jan 8, 2008, 22:45
Re: No subject Jan 8, 2008, 22:45
Jan 8, 2008, 22:45
No - leg and head enchants can be applied by a character lvl 60 or over to a BOE item and given to a character less then lvl 60, i.e. lvl 29 or lower - provided that that character meets the level requirements for the BOE item.

Re: BioWare
Jan 7, 2008, 13:00
Re: BioWare Jan 7, 2008, 13:00
Jan 7, 2008, 13:00
/em puts gun in mouth
/em pulls trigger
/em pisses and shits all over the floor

EA you are the anti-christ of video games.

I was a beta/alpha tester
Nov 7, 2007, 16:38
I was a beta/alpha tester Nov 7, 2007, 16:38
Nov 7, 2007, 16:38
We, testers, had a lot of complaints and suggestions. And the wacky NPCs was one of them; on one hand we're supposed to believe that our families have been eaten by demons then we run into NPCs saying all this wacky shit, it broke the immersion for sure. I just think that Bill has played too much WoW and now he thinks we need eccentric NPCS and seasonal quests in HGL that provide food with temporary buffs, how original.

But we were all complaining that the game had a memory leak issue, still does, we complained that the skills were meaningless, still are, we complained about lag issues, there are still lag issues, and we complained about the repetitive nature of the environments as well. What does Bill go on record and claim to have fixed based on user feedback? The humorous NPCs? Holy fukkin good god - we're fooked.

The game had a launch date of 10/31, the game goes live and the subscription service was broken, so they bring the servers down in an effort to, what they claim, upload the Halloween content? The game just went live?!?!?!?!?! And why allow people to login at all? Just have the content patch required at login.

Also, there are reports of players being billed daily for the subscriptions as well as guilds getting deleted for no reason.

The core of the game is fun, blasting shit loads of demons in waves and waves in cool armor with cool weapons is hella fun. But this game is so unbaked and raw you could get sick from sniffing the box.

No one hates EA more then I do, EA is not to blame here. Bill Roper signed on with EA and he knew what he was getting himself into - I'm sure the lawyers on both sides reviewed the legal documents/contracts and everyone agreed to the terms. Bill singed the deal, cashed the checks and rolled this beta release out the door, they were even clicking champagne classes when it went gold.

Re: whatever
Oct 13, 2007, 15:31
Re: whatever Oct 13, 2007, 15:31
Oct 13, 2007, 15:31
[i]Once I see a fix for the above and removal of securom I'll buy the game.

Agree, I'm not touching this game to all the bullshit is taken out, this is a step in the right direction (deactivation tool) but the scumbags should never have included it to begin with.

Re: Well
Oct 11, 2007, 23:04
Re: Well Oct 11, 2007, 23:04
Oct 11, 2007, 23:04
Jesus Fucking Christ - EA please die.

Re: Cool!
Sep 25, 2007, 19:01
Re: Cool! Sep 25, 2007, 19:01
Sep 25, 2007, 19:01
I agree with Florida on all of his points. The loot wasn't very exciting, the quests were your standard fetch/fedex quests as well. It all felt very thin, but on the bright side its not far from being a really great game. I'm going to hold off and see where it goes.

I get into a lot of betas, and most of those betas always had me going "oooh, ahhh - I cant wait to get xyz skill, or xyz item, or until I can get a mounts, etc". With TR you just don't have that, there is not real carrot being dangled in front of your face, after being in the beta for a while you kinda just wonder what is the point? So, your run out and blast crap for 15 minutes, or until you're bored, then you log off.

Re: Cool!
Sep 25, 2007, 18:24
Re: Cool! Sep 25, 2007, 18:24
Sep 25, 2007, 18:24
@ Prophet

I know you said that you played it most of the weekend, a weekend is nothing in comparison to playing it for weeks and weeks, months or years. The really fun stuff gets old super quick, then you're left with not much except mowing down tons of enemies.

I agree, the game has great potential - and we could certainly use another sci-fi MMOG right now because I'm sick of dwarfs and elves. But at the moment TR is thin.

Re: No subject
Sep 17, 2007, 13:33
Re: No subject Sep 17, 2007, 13:33
Sep 17, 2007, 13:33
Oh no, no - I pre-ordered 2 copies. just emailed out all the pre-order beta codes this morning.

Re: No subject
Sep 17, 2007, 12:47
Re: No subject Sep 17, 2007, 12:47
Sep 17, 2007, 12:47

If this game is a disappointment I will shit the bed.

Re: No subject
Sep 13, 2007, 13:30
Re: No subject Sep 13, 2007, 13:30
Sep 13, 2007, 13:30

This comment was edited on Sep 13, 13:43.
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