User information for Billy Badoit

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Billy Badoit
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Signed On
April 4, 2003
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18 (Suspect)
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18 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Hundred Acre Wood Announced
May 8, 2023, 01:47
Re: Hundred Acre Wood Announced May 8, 2023, 01:47
May 8, 2023, 01:47
JTW wrote on May 7, 2023, 21:57:
This 'joke' is getting extremely tired already. Yeah, we get it - you're allowed to make evil Pooh now.

That isn't enough to make an awful looking game (or awful looking movie) entertaining.

From the art style, I don't even get the connection to this IP. Aside from trying to cash in on the shock value like you said, it doesn't even make sense.
Re: etc., etc.
Apr 22, 2023, 03:06
Re: etc., etc. Apr 22, 2023, 03:06
Apr 22, 2023, 03:06
They do not know what they are doing.
Re: Earthquake Relief Bundle
Mar 2, 2023, 02:37
Re: Earthquake Relief Bundle Mar 2, 2023, 02:37
Mar 2, 2023, 02:37
I'm thinking the average citizen of Turkey and Syria has orders of magnitude less salary than the US citizen (assuming that's the "our country"). But you can donate your time and money to a local food bank if you are insulted. Maybe vote for new ideas to try to solve these problems. But it doesn't have to be exclusive, you can help humans both at home and abroad. Getting some nice games and other digital content doesn't hurt for sure.

But I gotta say, holding Humble Bundle accountable for the institutional failures of government, that keeps giving me a good laugh, lol.
Re: Call for Ubisoft Paris Walkout
Jan 18, 2023, 03:40
Re: Call for Ubisoft Paris Walkout Jan 18, 2023, 03:40
Jan 18, 2023, 03:40
American workers would wish they had it as good as the French (if they knew what they were missing).

Wish them a fair consideration like anyone else.

Blaming rising CPI prices/inflation on labor costs, come on. Those costs have risen so much faster than labor that it isn't a good faith argument anymore, hasn't been for a while.
Re: Game and Mod Development
Dec 30, 2022, 03:48
Re: Game and Mod Development Dec 30, 2022, 03:48
Dec 30, 2022, 03:48
Agreed; I read that they earlier had offers to buyout DF that they refused on principles, glad that they went this route to support themselves and their families, and that their steam sales have been so successful so far.

Re: OotB: Gifted
Nov 22, 2022, 03:39
Re: OotB: Gifted Nov 22, 2022, 03:39
Nov 22, 2022, 03:39
Happy birthday my man. Thank you for running this site all these years. There is no other place I visit with such frequency, honestly. Wish you all the best.
Re: Out of the Blue
Feb 18, 2009, 11:00
Re: Out of the Blue Feb 18, 2009, 11:00
Feb 18, 2009, 11:00
Generally the 'no food/drink' rule exempts black coffee.
Re: No subject
Aug 9, 2007, 23:25
Re: No subject Aug 9, 2007, 23:25
Aug 9, 2007, 23:25

No subject
May 18, 2007, 12:33
No subject May 18, 2007, 12:33
May 18, 2007, 12:33
Doesn't seem like the 60 second turn model makes sense for this genre, wonder if they abandoned it. Meh

Re: Magic Missile
May 15, 2003, 18:19
Re: Magic Missile May 15, 2003, 18:19
May 15, 2003, 18:19
They mention this in the press release:

'Dungeons & Dragons Online' will build on the huge amount of established content in the 'D&D' worlds.

Make of that what you will, but I'd bet its either going to be FR or GH(I'd bet FR for a number of reasons), or if they are really ambitious(probably not) they might do more than one server, with different realms on each. This would work best, since implementing certain races in some settings would be silly(though I'm sure the amount of dual-wielding drow's will be staggering in any campaign setting

Re: real RPGs will never be on a PC
May 15, 2003, 15:59
Re: real RPGs will never be on a PC May 15, 2003, 15:59
May 15, 2003, 15:59
(if you want to get technical, there's a level 30 cap in the Epic Rules Handbook)

There is no level cap with the Epic handbook, you can just keep going...

I'm a big fan of the PnP game, but I will never shell out for any MMORPG, they just don't hold my interest.

Re: No subject
May 14, 2003, 16:17
Re: No subject May 14, 2003, 16:17
May 14, 2003, 16:17
Whats with everyone having to argue in these comment threads? Cue 'Special Olympics' cliche...

Anyway, from the blurb it doesn't sound like anything special. Developers don't seem interested in setting their games apart anymore...

Re: In space...
May 6, 2003, 11:20
Re: In space... May 6, 2003, 11:20
May 6, 2003, 11:20
I tried to keep a open mind on this game, but seriously, the best feature to the game is the portrait creation... its all downhill from there. First time I *regretted* getting into a beta...

Re: Ghoul II, eh?
Apr 28, 2003, 18:46
Re: Ghoul II, eh? Apr 28, 2003, 18:46
Apr 28, 2003, 18:46
I don't know why it was disabled by default for SP, but it would crash MP servers until they patched it.

SOF2's ragdoll was bad, but pretty much every other example I can think of for it(notably the hitman series, and UT2K3) adds a lot to the game; nothing like chopping off someones head, and them ALWAYS doing the same fall-on-my-ass animation afterwards...

Apr 28, 2003, 18:00
AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH Apr 28, 2003, 18:00
Apr 28, 2003, 18:00
I really enjoy JO, so hearing about all these improvements to a already awesome game is making me wish I hadn't even heard of it until it was near release... excuse me while I cryogenically freeze myself.

Re: $$$
Apr 4, 2003, 18:46
Re: $$$ Apr 4, 2003, 18:46
Apr 4, 2003, 18:46
All I've heard regarding Gooseman's(Creator of CS) gains from CS going retail is that "he isn't rich"(This from one of the DoD team members).

Also, some of you may not realize this; if you already own HL, you won't need to pay to play the latest version of DoD, same as CS.

I play DoD because, out of all the games I purchase, it without a doubt has the most replayability. Graphics are decent, gameplay is awesome, and most importantly, the majority of the player base are decent chaps.

Re: Robbin Williams?
Apr 4, 2003, 13:54
Re: Robbin Williams? Apr 4, 2003, 13:54
Apr 4, 2003, 13:54
18 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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