Well the time of reckoning is here, and from the moment we saw the infamous word 'Monday' splashed on our screen and waited eagerly as the loading bar reached its limit, till the time we managed to play through and drag ourselves away from our stations we were addicts. Postal 2 is a revolution in the gaming world. Never before have I personally reviewed a game then finding that I sit down time and time again infront of my monitor and replay for hours upon hours on end. For the compay Running With Scissors to go from the origional 2D postal to this is unbelieveable! thats to say the least. Game developers better hold onto their hats because games will never be the same again.
The gameplay couldnt be more straight forward and yet at the same time be complex. Theres a shed-load more to this game then mindless killing sprees and violent shootout robberys. You get the feeling that you shouldnt really cause a scene but queue nicely for your milk. The errands such as 'Buy Milk', 'Cash your Paycheck' and even 'Piss on Dads grave' gradually open up into bigger missions, you find yourself facing consequenses for your actions (in various ways from hilarious to pulse pounding action) This was definatly the point were I was surprised to see that alot of thought had gone into story and scripted action. As you go from mission to mission new NPCs (Computer A.I Characters) open up and you start to see the diversity that has gone into the towns extensive population, I recall seeing just about every ethnic and sexual gender, not to mention lots of generic folk. Its not hard to spot that an extensive amount of thought has gone into humour for this game, I was laughing just about all the way from start to finish, its reminisent of the old Duke 3d humour to the downright funny dick-and-fart type humour as we like to call it so you'll be laughing all the way to the (Paridise City) bank.
The unreal based engine used in Postal 2 in second to none and its utilised beutifully to put in in perspective its like taking a Porshe 911 to your local store just up the street, meaning for such a simple job it isnt nessesary but a lovely bonus all the same. The enviroment is like eye candy and the general outdoor atmosphere and ambience has been well put together. The characters in the game are many and all of which are rendered and textured fantastically from avarege Joe to the well equipped S.W.A.T team and U.S army models.The indoor enviroment is very nice with lots of props like chairs, windows, tables and anything else you can think of to kick around using the very nice karma physics. Apart from the one or two bland textures I cant say a bad word about the general outdoor and indoor textures, they all add to the eerie ambient atmosphere that is 'Paradise'. The decals and blood and liquid effects have to be seen to be belived.. I talked about the humour before and Ill do it again. Many, many of the games humour is littered about the enviroment in the forms of signs, papers, large billboards and general hilarious landscape features. The weapons look lovely and the detail of all the weapons in your arsenal have been maticulously rendered and skinned, and trust me theres a boat-load of weaponage from the sleek desert eagle to the ridiculously disgusting diseased cows head. despite a couple of flat texutures I cant fault the graphics aspect of Postal 2 at all, coming from playing it on our more than capable gaming machines, in a word; sexy.
The sound in P2 has been recorded flawlessly from the loud 'pang' as you clock someone over the head with your shovel to the general humourous quotes from the one and only 'Postal Dude' I couldnt stop laughing when I accidentally asked a policeman to sign my petition with the immortal sentance 'Sign my petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog' which promptly got me arrested, a catchphrase that still echo's round the office. the ambient sounds are nice and the general chitter chatter from the population of Paradise Arizone is crisp and funny as hell..
The new Karma physics used in P2 is absolutly amazing and I dont say that lightly. It really gives you the feel of real gravity for just about everything you can see from bodys to general props and objects. You find your self just kicking things around in sheer amazement as object roll, bounce, spin and react to terrain like you have never seen before, and the ragdoll effects on the human characters are slick and very polished, not a single movement out of place or wierd, it almost makes you feel guilty as you boot your prey down stairs, hills or sheer drops. I must say that there were things in P2 that I never found untill I replayed, the town is that big! there was even a weapon I never knew existed, now thats a big map for you! even places you dont need to visit or journey through on your travells have secrets and funnys a go-go and sometimes new weapons. and Ill wait for you to play it so you can see the liquid physics for your self as puke blood and piss puddles, spills, rolls down hills (nice), drips and spurts.
Size, replay value, graphics, humour, karma physics, liquid physics
some long loads (but you cant really fault this because the town is HUGE)
a score thats rarely given and never awarded lightly