Credit where credit's due???????
Before the release they said the SDK might be on the CD with the game... then they said it was coming in at least one of the early patches... then it was one of their "top priorities"... Now a year later it's still something that's going to happen in the future... AND they aren't releasing the SDK they are releasing some sort of Mod Dev Toolkit...... They have been lining thier pockets with useless overpriced expansion packs which could have been developed by mod makers faster. DICE has NEVER supported the average users. They don't go in the forums answering questions and they HINT at future releases and release TINY expansion packs that you have to pay for.
If you want to see customer support AFTER a game is purchased go see what EPIC does for their customers. FREE expansion packs, TONES of patches, SDK right on the CD with the game, ENDLESS help in the forums for how to do things.
EA/DICE is a JOKE as far as customer service goes in my oppinion.