I played the game in beta for a few days, I could see how it might have a niche audience, wasn't for me though. The interface can be frustrating at times, and development of any other skills beside combat is really, really, really, really DULL!! I though I would work on crafting skill, so I needed some ore (which my class specialized in). You literally park yourself against a rock and click for hours, whats even worse was since the interface was so bad that if you didn't click this exact point on the mountain nothing would happen, this is usually the part where you start pulling hair.
Then maybe once get some ore to craft you haul it to the furnace and attempt to forge something, which will most likely fail, and you get to do it all over again WOOOHOOOO!!!! Yeah, I don't want any of that innovation stuff, give me a game where you do lots of clicking.
If that sounds like you, then you'll have fun with this game.
There might be a good game in there, but I'm not willing to spend the hair pulling hours of lvling to find out.