User information for Lactose The Intolerant

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Lactose The Intolerant
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March 16, 2003
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201 (Novice)
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201 Comments. 11 pages. Viewing page 7.
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Re: No subject
Oct 18, 2003, 01:46
Re: No subject Oct 18, 2003, 01:46
Oct 18, 2003, 01:46
You got skills guys, are you hackers?

Re: No subject
Oct 18, 2003, 01:45
Re: No subject Oct 18, 2003, 01:45
Oct 18, 2003, 01:45
Oh wow, they just owned us.

Re: No subject
Oct 18, 2003, 01:44
Re: No subject Oct 18, 2003, 01:44
Oct 18, 2003, 01:44
I'm just glad you fuckers arent going to be playing the retail ver. You are probably whiny tk-ers who have no skill and make for easy cannon fodder.

So quit whinin & go play countersrike you faggots.

Wow FuriousBroccoli and Razorman oh, you're fucking elite man.

Re: No subject
Oct 18, 2003, 01:23
Re: No subject Oct 18, 2003, 01:23
Oct 18, 2003, 01:23
So basically what Randy is saying is you need a 9800pro play Halo, wow, maybe you should of mentioned that on your recommended requirements so I wouldn't of have to wasted my time.

Apparantly my 9700pro cannot handle the burden of "setting new expectations."

Better hurry up with a super patch Gearbox, its hard enough to find a good pinging server with some space left. If this patch is not out in a month as you said, this game is going to die in about 3 months.

Just fix the game and save face, the absurdity of a console port running worse on a PC is ridiculous, no amount of tech gargin you spout as to why is going to satisfy anyone.

Re: put these guys out of their misery
Oct 11, 2003, 17:20
Re: put these guys out of their misery Oct 11, 2003, 17:20
Oct 11, 2003, 17:20
You guys should see the press release on shacknews

A typical mission in CZ looks like this:

- you have to win at least three times, and have won at least two more than your opponents
- in easy mode, you have to get one kill with a pistol
- in normal mode, you have to get one kill with a five seven
- in hard mode, you have to get three kills with a five seven without dying which may take multiple rounds
- in expert mode, you have to get three head shots with a deagle without dying

These are your Tony Hawk like goals guys.

Note to Valve: that's not a mission. That's a bullshit arcade goal system to keep us playing the same damn levels we've always played, only a little bit prettier and with bots.

They aren't missions at all, they're just half-assed excuses to even have a single player mode. Like admitting "well, even though we announced this years ago (hyperbole? I'm not even sure, when did they actually announce CZ for the first time) we couldn't come up with anything other than some single-player bot AI, so now we'll charge you for that, ha ha ha ha."

Gearbox was developing a whole single-player campaign, with objective-based missions and an over-arching plot - kind of like a Swat 3 approach to CounterStrike - which could have seriously kicked ass. Before Valve yanked it out of their hands, discarded the months of work they had done, and gave it to Ritual, the end result they produced was described as bad.

That's what I'm annoyed about. We could've had a good SP game that also had enhanced CS multi - instead they want us to pay for what basically boils down to a patch that adds bot AI. Let's not forget that they hyped CZ as a "game" in multiple publications, with in-depth previews. And now it turns out to just all have been bullshit.

Re: No subject
Oct 7, 2003, 18:49
Re: No subject Oct 7, 2003, 18:49
Oct 7, 2003, 18:49
I'd be careful if your going to download it, there are quite a few torrents of 1.4 gigs of gay porn.

Thank god for message boards, otherwise I would have downloaded three false links by now.

Re: Title
Oct 6, 2003, 21:28
Re: Title Oct 6, 2003, 21:28
Oct 6, 2003, 21:28
XCom fans will probably be disappointed, but it doesn't seem bad so far. I'm not far in the game however, only have 4 bases right now.

Re: You Halo Haters are hilarious
Sep 30, 2003, 21:15
Re: You Halo Haters are hilarious Sep 30, 2003, 21:15
Sep 30, 2003, 21:15
The level design is terrible, thank god for those arrows. Not a bad game overall, but Gearbox has been sloppy in its conversion, I shouldn't have to turn things off on a 9700pro.

It is not hard to see why this was so well received on consoles, can you think of anything previous on a console that even resembles Halo?

Its not the "five out of five best damn game ever" it is on the Xbox, but it is still a good PC game, at least it will be if MP is good.

Did anyone else notice those idiots on gamespy gave Halo PC a perfect score right after releasing their "most overrated games" list which included Halo? They even detailed the problems with the game in their list, then they release a perfect review of game.

Re: No subject
Sep 21, 2003, 11:17
Re: No subject Sep 21, 2003, 11:17
Sep 21, 2003, 11:17
Hit the 2nd mouse button on armored opponets, once their sheild is gone just go back to standard attack. Key space will instant kill anyone on the ground, useful for the armored guys with two maces once you knock them down.

The trick to beat is you need to understand you have to survive until 200 people escape, just hide out in the lower right corner and kills what comes to ya.

I find it pretty lame that you can't engage the enemy conventionally. I thought you were suppose to be a badass in this game that could kill hundreds and hundreds of orcs, not some pansy hiding in the corner, this demo was lame.

Re: No subject
Sep 20, 2003, 19:55
Re: No subject Sep 20, 2003, 19:55
Sep 20, 2003, 19:55
Am I going to need a gamepad for this demo?

Re: No subject
Sep 15, 2003, 21:29
Re: No subject Sep 15, 2003, 21:29
Sep 15, 2003, 21:29
They should really just can it.

Re: No subject
Sep 14, 2003, 05:03
Re: No subject Sep 14, 2003, 05:03
Sep 14, 2003, 05:03
steam should absolutely be required... *IF* it helps control hacking like they say it will. All you retards against steam must be nothing more than pissed off cs hackers. die.

The strategy of valve is to make the games impossible to run, thus eliminating all cheaters.

Re: Steam - I actually got it to work!
Sep 14, 2003, 02:47
Re: Steam - I actually got it to work! Sep 14, 2003, 02:47
Sep 14, 2003, 02:47
This pretty much sums up my steam experience

Re: I hope it's not a long delay
Sep 6, 2003, 04:19
Re: I hope it's not a long delay Sep 6, 2003, 04:19
Sep 6, 2003, 04:19
Yes there were a ton of people here experiencing choppiness and/or erratic movement of the mouse. I personally didn't have any problems.

Re: Trolls
Sep 6, 2003, 03:58
Re: Trolls Sep 6, 2003, 03:58
Sep 6, 2003, 03:58
I should mention Marweas was made long before Alex made that post on the relic forum, it was just a small taboo movie posted on the sierra forums.

Re: gearbox
Aug 23, 2003, 20:46
Re: gearbox Aug 23, 2003, 20:46
Aug 23, 2003, 20:46
The longer I worked at 3dRealms, the more disenfranchised I became with the development process there – it was totally disorganized and without any planning. A certain degree of disorganization is not only tolerable, but often welcome – the frustrating thing for me at 3dRealms was that there didn’t seem to be any desire for introspection and improvement in terms of process. Another thing that bothered me, but I couldn’t articulate at the time, was that there didn’t seem to be any real strategy. Any long term objective 3dRealms had seemed to be unannounced or strictly for the owners.

That certainly explains alot.

Preview of posts
Aug 23, 2003, 20:43
Preview of posts Aug 23, 2003, 20:43
Aug 23, 2003, 20:43
blah blah blah halo is old

blah blah blah fuck bungie

blah blah blah I'll mention Half-life 2 since every game revolves around how cool it is in comparison

...they took out coop, someone has to die.

Re: Not even interested in a DS Expansion.
Aug 23, 2003, 15:57
Re: Not even interested in a DS Expansion. Aug 23, 2003, 15:57
Aug 23, 2003, 15:57
That is my feelings also, I don't plan on buying the expansion pack, just the sequel.

Re: U2
Aug 20, 2003, 08:53
Re: U2 Aug 20, 2003, 08:53
Aug 20, 2003, 08:53
There must be a core of fans holding on if they are really going to make this thing, but I didn't play so who knows what they are thinking.

Re: No subject
Aug 20, 2003, 08:43
Re: No subject Aug 20, 2003, 08:43
Aug 20, 2003, 08:43
201 Comments. 11 pages. Viewing page 7.
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