Simon Says wrote on May 29, 2022, 19:45:Good job turning this into an ad hominem attack, instead on continuing to talk about the actual subject.
Starting to think it's a waste of time trying to talk any modicum of sense into that milspec guy.
You can't fix someone who chooses to act like a cultist AND a troll.
One or the other, might be salvageable.
Both, lol, apparently it's a big nope.
jdreyer wrote on Apr 17, 2022, 13:26:You completely contradict yourself.
For the best. While I think that there should be no off-limits targets for comedy, punching down at one of the most vulnerable and sympathetic populations is never a good look.
theglaze wrote on Apr 17, 2022, 20:23:This.
I completely disagree. GTA is trashy, lowbrow, and crude humor. Stereotypes and generalizations are exaggerated to absurd levels. It's overflowing with offensive material. And that's the point.... there is no 'safe place' for any gender, race, politics, class, religion, etc. It's a ridiculous and immature parody of American society.
Steele Johnson wrote on Dec 3, 2021, 10:53:They use an actual flame broiler. I worked for BK for 3 months, 32 years ago, when I was 16. I put the patties on a conveyer that slowly moved the meat over actual flames. I actually like the taste, but to each their own.
I don't go to Burger King because it always had like a fake grilled flavor that didn't agree with my taste buds. I've used liquid smoke in my own cooking to give it the grilled flavor, but I think BK uses something else.
El Pit wrote on Nov 29, 2021, 18:51:This is me. I like buying from Steam. The only thing I buy on GoG are the games that GoG initially stood for when they were called Good ol' Games. The Pre-2000 games that mostly require DOSBox that are nostalgic to me, having been a gamer since Pong, when I was very young.
If it's not on Steam, people won't buy it. Not even DRM free. It must be on Steam. THIS is a pseudo-monopoly that people actually want and seem to like. Which is bad for competitors. But people seem to care more about having their stuff in one place than about DRM.