Wowbagger_TIP wrote on May 26, 2017, 01:06:
I played this quite a bit for a few months over a year ago. I'm kind of afraid to go back to it now, because with all the changes, I'll probably be a complete noob again. Hell, even if there hadn't been changes, I've forgotten enough by now to be completely useless most likely.
I'm in the same boat, just started playing again with the 2.0 patch. It's a shame that you didn't play this last month because they gave everyone a pack of 20 free characters just for logging in, essentially. There's not much different about the game, really, just that they've consolidated people into having character levels rather than just individual hero levels. Some of the new maps are really cool, but you might see some old ones you recognize come up because there's finally enough for a map rotation now. There's no chat across teams, and you can choose to disable your own team's chat if you wish, too, which means that there is essentially no toxicity to be exposed to. It's a very fun game when you're fighting over map objectives instead of the same old tired 3 lane push game LoL and Dota are.