Techie714 © wrote on Dec 6, 2011, 11:04:
Not adding VOIP in this game was a HUGE mistake. I play for team "TAW" and without TS (Team Speak) this game would be further crippled. I still can't believe this game didn't ship with it. As far as the business decision goes my only guess on this is that EVERYTHING that goes into a game is carefully discussed & looked at from a profit standpoint, business deal, etc.
Stolk wrote on Nov 11, 2011, 14:03:
Sure would be nice to be able to bind them numlock keys for movement. I'd hate to sit in front of my computer playing this game with a 360 controller in my hand.
Morgan19 wrote on Nov 2, 2011, 13:35:
Awesome... Now if only I could get the game to progress past the "Initializing" status. Worked the first day and hasn't since.
Beamer wrote on Aug 19, 2011, 18:16:Why are you such an arrogant prick? One can only imagine how popular you must be in real life.
To quote you:
You're such a douche. The difference between you and me is that I know that I'm an asshole
Found that when I went through your history to see who you were. It was right on page 1.
edit - Oh, right! You're the guy that doesn't understand the Constitution and deleted all his posts when he realized that income taxation is in an Amendment!
Cutter wrote on Aug 19, 2011, 18:03:OldScho0l wrote on Aug 19, 2011, 16:27:
I felt like being an asshole today, so naturally, I came to the place with the biggest population of assholes on the net to do some trolling. There's never a shortage of idiots who think their opinion matters on Bluesnews. Feels like home to me. I'm like a pig in shit when I come here.
You know, the vast majority of gripes around here are for a reason. And they're usually well thought out, structured, and entirely valid. You just troll for shits and giggles. And for the record, that's not a very nice thing to say about pigs because they're much better than you are and you wallow in shit no matter where you go or what you do. Are you sad and lonely under your bridge, or just angry and stupid?
Rattlehead wrote on Aug 19, 2011, 16:02:
Gonna have to agree with Darks on this one. Criticizing the game without playing it gives you nothing to back up your worthless opinion.
Rattlehead wrote on Aug 19, 2011, 16:04:But you just assumed he sits on his fatass all day playing video games with zero information. Ironic much?
You sit on your fat ass all day playing video games and it's my life that's boring. Good one! Keep telling yourself that!
descender wrote on Aug 19, 2011, 15:55:
That's funny, I am in the beta as well and I coudn't be more bored with TOR. The only thing about this game worth any money is the cut-scenes... and even that's iffy.
I guess people just have different opinions on what is entertaining.
So, enjoy your boring MMO. He won't be missing much.