Flatline wrote on Nov 17, 2015, 11:49:pagb wrote on Nov 17, 2015, 11:44:
So much hate comments in every article here... You know hate leads to suffering, and then the Dark Side, right?
I don't think EA is hiring right now.
Cutter wrote on Nov 4, 2015, 01:02:Burrito of Peace wrote on Nov 3, 2015, 23:10:
I read it as "World of Fisting" at first and I thought "Well, I guess the FetLife crowd will be all over it."
Oh man, I do not want to know how you level up and notch skills in that game. Virtual lube for sale in the item shop?
Mac wrote on Oct 23, 2015, 17:06:
But this is business ... they know the people who have been there from the beginning will buy it, so charge as much as you can ...
InBlack wrote on Jul 30, 2015, 06:03:
Go take your apologist bullshit somewhere else, there is no such thing as a militant atheist crusader fighting to eradicate all religion.
Cutter wrote on Jul 30, 2015, 09:40:
Religion is a mental disease of the stupid and insane. If you really believe there's some all-powerful invisible sky wizard who interferes in all aspects of everyone's lives then you should be committed to an asylum for shock treatment and deprogramming.
Cutter wrote on Jul 29, 2015, 22:33:
Because we're sick and tired of the stupidity of religious kooks. We're fed up that we can't have nice things because of them. If it weren't for religious assholes we'd already be livig in a Trekian paradise by now.
Cutter wrote on May 25, 2015, 13:16:
So Memorial Day is for US soldiers and Veterans Day is for all soldiers? How odd.
Jaxx wrote on May 9, 2015, 06:46:Xoxotl wrote on May 9, 2015, 03:24:
I will summarize this article in one sentence: "Amazon is bringing too many white males into Seattle. We find this unacceptable."
So, yeah, it's basically one long racist and sexist rant.
I almost didn't respond because that was pretty idiotic. That was nto what the article was saying.
When I arrived in Seattle in 1991, Tim Wistrom’s art playfully epitomized post-apocalyptic Seattle. But increasingly, the city’s likely doom appears much less fantastic and closer: an unaffordable traffic-filled metropolis dominated by white males and devoid of independent culture — fueled by Amazon.
Ludomancer wrote on Jan 29, 2015, 00:05:
I'm married, AND I fuck other women with the approval of my partner. I live a domestic life others can't even fantasize about, yet I still have the respect and understanding of the sexes that seems to boggle the minds of my peers.
Julio wrote on Jan 20, 2015, 05:29:
Clearly beremots now is going to have PTSD and need such a service as Zoe Quinn is going to provide. When I think of services in context with Zoe Quinn, it's not counseling that comes to mind...