edaciousx wrote on Feb 25, 2013, 20:34:Cypher wrote on Feb 25, 2013, 17:58:edaciousx wrote on Feb 25, 2013, 15:53:
they should have never let westwood studios go.... C&C3 was the last good C&C that I played, probably because it was the last project Westwood worked on. Hopefully this new one is somewhat decent.
Westwood had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with C&C3.
Absolutely nothing? Are you "absolutely" sure? Work was done on C&C3 before westwood closed down but it was concept work and early unit designs and stuff like that. It definitely was the last game Westwood touched before they closed down.
edaciousx wrote on Feb 25, 2013, 15:53:
they should have never let westwood studios go.... C&C3 was the last good C&C that I played, probably because it was the last project Westwood worked on. Hopefully this new one is somewhat decent.
Flatline wrote on May 29, 2011, 05:48:Scottish Martial Arts wrote on May 28, 2011, 18:10:Flatline wrote on May 28, 2011, 17:38:
My problem with SC2 is that while there may be a lot of missions, the overall gameplay length was somewhere around one campaign from SC2 since so many missions were completable in about half an hour. So despite claims to the contrary, it really is paying full price for 3 chapters.
Maybe you haven't played Starcraft 1 recently or something but most of its missions only took about a half hour to finish too. The only hour plus missions I can think of are the last mission of the original Protoss campaign and the last mission of Brood War.
Eh... I got significantly less gameplay and enjoyment out of SC2 than I did the original SC. It felt incomplete, the single player offering didn't actually tell a story (we need all 3 parts to get the story), and the game overall seemed... easier than SC1 (though the last mission was a little bit difficult). Multiplayer is the only robust offering, and I can't see that changing much in the next two releases, which I imagine are going to be full priced releases. If they're 30 bucks they'll be a decent value, but somehow I doubt it.
Let's be honest. If this had any other developer's name on it other than Blizzard there would have been hell and damnation over the initial offering of SC2.