Professional - Adj - 1.
1. Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession: lawyers, doctors, and other professional people.
2. Conforming to the standards of a profession: professional behavior.
2. Engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career: a professional writer.
3. Performed by persons receiving pay: professional football.
4. Having or showing great skill; expert: a professional repair job.
Since Lucas wrote much of the dialogue (not all, he did have other screenwriters for the movies) for his movies, had millions of people watched his work, co-authored a series of books, and has made a gajillion dollars from it; I'd say he qualifies as a professional. Is he Shakespeare? No. But, the guy who painted my living room isn't Davinci either, and he's still a professional painter.
Anyway, the point is, they probably did have a professional writer come up with the dialogue for DMOMM. He probably just wasn't very good.
This comment was edited on Aug 8, 20:57.