warez are as american as mcdonalds and killing babies. for the most part it will only lessen the integrity of those people who are distributing the data, and even then only if they adhere to the same beliefs and ideals as those who get offended by software piracy. ive been purchasing/playing pc games since star raiders, and even way back then i used to copy tape cassettes with all the other 9 year olds at the Antic meetings while our dads learned how to make databases with "Pilot". the point is, there will always be some mediocre hack trying to release a game with a big pretty box and all manner of convincing testimonials when the truth is its just plain shit. so you pirate the ones worth mentioning and then buy the ones worth playing. if the software vendors didnt want that to happen then they could try to be semi conciencious about releasing titles involving the Barbie franchise. now then you'll say but what about Doom III man, you know thats going to be good, you shouldnt have to pirate that first. well dare i mention quake 3 ? a beautiful game as far as visuals and sound go, but if i had played it and had a chance to see the shitty maps and even worse competition gameplay, ild have never dropped my 50 bux on it. and even if every trustworthy reviewer on the planet says that Doom III is the greatest thing since sliced bread, why then would it be pirated or leaked months before its intended release? because in this commercial existance we are trained since birth to be compulsive, to be first, to be instantly gratified. decades of bad TV cant be helped by anyone....