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Motherless latchkey kid turned government experiment.
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November 4, 2002
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9 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Mar 27, 2003, 19:35
MONEY Mar 27, 2003, 19:35
Mar 27, 2003, 19:35
the bottom line is what its all about, of course.

EA tried to get their market share on the MMO arena without enough due diligence. E&B and Sims Online have cost those fuckers some real money it would seem. And if i were them ild be milkin' every last penny out of any games i had in my arsenal that DID sell. But hey its only money, you were all born to waste it. But i wouldnt doubt if this is the last "online" game to charge a purchase price and not follow through with a monthly fee. Even if it does have a playable single player element.

Re: Friends is DEEP!
Mar 8, 2003, 09:40
Re: Friends is DEEP! Mar 8, 2003, 09:40
Mar 8, 2003, 09:40
yea well. when you see the XBox port on the shelf at best buy dont appologize, ive forgiven your dumb ass already.

and as for paycheck collecting no brained unconcious republicans running Digital Anvil, NEVER underestimate the greed-heads ability to infiltrate ANY market.

Mar 5, 2003, 17:41
heh Mar 5, 2003, 17:41
Mar 5, 2003, 17:41
i applied for this fuckin beta back in like november. still nothing. and now that they've backed it up again theres no hope for a real deal trade wars 3d MMO type game till summer time. and just like every other pc title released this year, they'll put all kinds of extra time into it just to make it suck that much more. i so cannot wait for the next big disappointment.

No subject
Mar 4, 2003, 14:53
No subject Mar 4, 2003, 14:53
Mar 4, 2003, 14:53
support the developers? for taking the coolest Space Combat franchise of all time and turning it into a console game? Whether it was Microsoft "making them do it" for their X-Box or Digital Anvil is now comprised of paycheck collecting unconscious apes, doesnt matter. i think ild rather hand deliver copies of the ISO to every fucking gamer i know so as to thwart off their inevitable buyers remorse for wasting 50 dollars on this no-substance ARCADE GAME. this games about as epic as an episode of "friends". the first 400 times you notice that the missions in all the bars are all exactly the same, or that every ship goes exactly the same speed, or that it only takes about 2 solo missions for the storyline to come and real you back in, im sure you'll draw the same conclusion.

piss on it.

the great PC Game franchises...
Feb 27, 2003, 16:40
the great PC Game franchises... Feb 27, 2003, 16:40
Feb 27, 2003, 16:40
Between this and MOO3, the modern day PC game industry seems to have been left to the paycheck collecting SUV driving fat greed-heads. This is what happens when the game industry commands enough of the economy that people go after these careers because they "pay well". Not because they love to play games or have shown any aptitude in game design or what-have-you. You get some lame assed project lead whos supposedly been developing software since the early 90's but doesnt even own a PC at home. But no matter how it occured, there is no excuse for taking 2 of the most innovative and enjoyable interactive entertainment titles and reducing them to the mediocrity that plagues the shelves at EB this week... Freelancer has been made so "fisher price" they may as well port it to the consoles, though im sure thats been one of MS's plans all along. So, before i close this post ild like to give a big 'ol "FUCK OFF" to the respective devel teams of Freelancer and MOO3. May all your daughters be impregnated by a jobless immigrant.

No subject
Feb 24, 2003, 08:26
No subject Feb 24, 2003, 08:26
Feb 24, 2003, 08:26
FP sucks but hey this is America, if someone can manufacture a market around something, even something as goofy as game patches for games you already paid for. So get over it or go live in France where nobody plays shit for 3 months after all you whiney brats get to play it. anyways, ive got it installed and runnin, it looks super enjoyable however ive noticed whenever this one particular font they use to announce your ships arrival into a new system makes my machine flip out and run all slow. now i dont care how detailed that font is, a machine that can score 12300 on 3D2001SE should be able to scroll thru war and peace in about 12 seconds while a game is playing, seems they have some minor functionality issues to overcome, but all in all, a very cool game

1.2 Patch
Dec 2, 2002, 16:09
1.2 Patch Dec 2, 2002, 16:09
Dec 2, 2002, 16:09
another first rate implementation here, bad distro's of the patch, all corporate servers running the Tobruk map for the entirety of thanksgiving weekend. and what do ya know the sound still flips out. however i have yet to try to the 44 --> 22 khz thing... im going to try that later. i forget who set this precident way back whenever, but i tell ya i get more and more tired every year of being these game companies beta tester, and paying for the priveledge in some cases. if it were an open source setup and we were all trying to achieve the perfect gaming experience, then i would tolerate months of instability. but i can assure you that EA cares about only one thing, money, and customer satisfaction that lasts just long enough to get them passed the proverbial "30 days". so now i just feel like all the FPS team gamers are being punished by a gaming industry that wishes they would go in a more profitible direction for them, the company? I wonder what FPS game will be the first to cross the "subscription barrier" i wonder how many of those posibilities will use the BF1942 nightmare as their justification.

Re: Juarez baby
Nov 4, 2002, 18:21
Re: Juarez baby Nov 4, 2002, 18:21
Nov 4, 2002, 18:21
im not here to justify anything, much less any of my short comings. i was just trying to bring a little understanding
relax, and enjoy your hair.

Juarez baby
Nov 4, 2002, 16:51
Juarez baby Nov 4, 2002, 16:51
Nov 4, 2002, 16:51
warez are as american as mcdonalds and killing babies. for the most part it will only lessen the integrity of those people who are distributing the data, and even then only if they adhere to the same beliefs and ideals as those who get offended by software piracy. ive been purchasing/playing pc games since star raiders, and even way back then i used to copy tape cassettes with all the other 9 year olds at the Antic meetings while our dads learned how to make databases with "Pilot". the point is, there will always be some mediocre hack trying to release a game with a big pretty box and all manner of convincing testimonials when the truth is its just plain shit. so you pirate the ones worth mentioning and then buy the ones worth playing. if the software vendors didnt want that to happen then they could try to be semi conciencious about releasing titles involving the Barbie franchise. now then you'll say but what about Doom III man, you know thats going to be good, you shouldnt have to pirate that first. well dare i mention quake 3 ? a beautiful game as far as visuals and sound go, but if i had played it and had a chance to see the shitty maps and even worse competition gameplay, ild have never dropped my 50 bux on it. and even if every trustworthy reviewer on the planet says that Doom III is the greatest thing since sliced bread, why then would it be pirated or leaked months before its intended release? because in this commercial existance we are trained since birth to be compulsive, to be first, to be instantly gratified. decades of bad TV cant be helped by anyone....

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