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October 24, 2002
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250 Comments. 13 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: No subject
Aug 20, 2005, 14:33
Re: No subject Aug 20, 2005, 14:33
Aug 20, 2005, 14:33
So no comments on the game yet? Does it play much like Uru, which was also in live 3D?

Re: No subject
Jul 28, 2005, 05:11
Re: No subject Jul 28, 2005, 05:11
Jul 28, 2005, 05:11
Like some have said that there is a case about the full content of the game, or what it is capable of not being advertised or stated right. But then you say to access this content you have to do it yourself full well knowing what's going to happen long before, so you do it at you're own risk.

Though, for parents, if they bought the game already off what was on the box and felt their kid was mature enough but then learn their kid could possibly access adult content through a hack that they can't always be around to stop, there you have the problem. At that point, I think the buyer should only be allowed to return the game and get their money back.

But if the kid already accessed the content, then I guess they could sue. Though, how would parents know the kid accessed it, it's not like someone could accidently hit a key and start it up in the living room with the parents around by mistake.

I'm trying to word this my best, haven't had much sleep the last couple days.

This comment was edited on Jul 28, 05:13.
Re: I'll probably get this
Jan 13, 2005, 01:09
Re: I'll probably get this Jan 13, 2005, 01:09
Jan 13, 2005, 01:09
I don't think the demo for Myst IV did the game justice. Too short and the night version of that area was boring. When you play that same spot in the full game during the day it was amazing. They even had an effect for moving shadows from the clouds. Then falling leaves, birds, etc.

I really liked Myst Uru, so I can't wait to see how Myst V looks now that we know it will be 3D.

Also, for those who think the games are too hard, they did something new with Myst IV. At anytime in the game you could consult a tip area in the options. And incase you didn't want to have it given away, there were three levels, a hint, stronger hint, and then finally the whole thing explained. So you don't have to buy a guide or consult online.

Also, I got Myst IV for I think $30 on release, and the game was in an actual DVD case in the regular game box. it held 2 DVDs for the main game and then a 3rd DVD containing Myst 3 for free. That was a hell of deal seeing how $55 games still come on 5 cds in paper sleeves.

[This message was edited at Jan 13, 01:10.
This comment was edited on Jan 13, 01:11.
Re: Way to go
Jan 12, 2005, 01:10
Re: Way to go Jan 12, 2005, 01:10
Jan 12, 2005, 01:10
Does anyone remember an older game called "Pathways into Darkness" on Mac, I still have the box, but I'm not at home to check the year.

Re: Quake 4!!!
Dec 28, 2004, 02:00
Re: Quake 4!!! Dec 28, 2004, 02:00
Dec 28, 2004, 02:00
I don't know if someone commented on this yet, but in the 2nd pic, is that soldier on the left holding a new type of invisible rifle or shotgun?

Ong Bak
Dec 11, 2004, 05:18
Ong Bak Dec 11, 2004, 05:18
Dec 11, 2004, 05:18
Hey, take a look a different version of the Ong Bak trailer off the japanese website, it shows a little more action and such:

While I'm at it, here's a couple new films:

This comment was edited on Dec 11, 05:23.
Re: No subject
Dec 2, 2004, 06:49
Re: No subject Dec 2, 2004, 06:49
Dec 2, 2004, 06:49
You can't really compare CS to DC, it's two types of gameplay.

Re: HL2 question
Dec 1, 2004, 23:51
Re: HL2 question Dec 1, 2004, 23:51
Dec 1, 2004, 23:51
Re #4: I know what you say about potential damage, but I wonder how hard it is to actually scratch a CD to the point that it doesn't work. I once carried around my Mechwarrior 3 CD in a backback hoping it would get scratched beyond use so that I would stop playing (Long story). It never did. Also, my 5-year old son and I have been handling our Warcraft and Frozen Throne CDs for years now, and they still work just fine. And trust me, he ain't gentle with it.

I lent a friend or so called friend a PS2 game. When I finally got it back I checked the bottom like anyone would. It was so scratched up it looked like someone dropped it on cement and then twisted it into the ground with their foot. It couldn't get past the intro video without locking up.

I made the guy pay for it of course. But sheesh, how careless and disrespectful do you have to be to get it that bad, especially knowing your borrowing it. I think he also lent it to a friend of his, but still. If you saw the disc (2 weeks old when he borrowed it) you'd be like "OMG"

Re: My Prayers, answered
Nov 30, 2004, 22:29
Re: My Prayers, answered Nov 30, 2004, 22:29
Nov 30, 2004, 22:29
I still remember those first few days with HL1's DM. Me running around with the colt, popping people in the head and dominating an entire server for hours. I remember some guy started bugging me for help, worshipping me and admiring my prowess. Ahhh...those were the days. When I could simply shoot at anyone and not worry about teams or class B.S.

Now a days if you are that good in a match, instead of people asking you for help they'd be cussing at you calling you a cheater.

Re: finally finished it
Nov 27, 2004, 20:58
Re: finally finished it Nov 27, 2004, 20:58
Nov 27, 2004, 20:58
Re: No subject
Nov 3, 2004, 21:37
Re: No subject Nov 3, 2004, 21:37
Nov 3, 2004, 21:37
I've never noticed any huge slowdowns in the game as some are saying. Keep in mind the up arrow key during a crash starts slow motion.

Re: No subject
Nov 3, 2004, 21:33
Re: No subject Nov 3, 2004, 21:33
Nov 3, 2004, 21:33
Very fun until you try and win a race. Ok I suck but this is one unforgiving game. Hit one object the wrong way and forget about finishing a race in a position higher than last. Reminds me a little of stunt car racer in areas.

You have nitro, and I think crashing into things or cars gives you more. So that kind of makes up for the the slow down.

Re: hmmm/.
Nov 3, 2004, 21:00
Re: hmmm/. Nov 3, 2004, 21:00
Nov 3, 2004, 21:00
15 screenshots at 1280*960 with AA and AF:

Re: Third-party
Nov 3, 2004, 16:03
Re: Third-party Nov 3, 2004, 16:03
Nov 3, 2004, 16:03
Such as...? I've installed plenty of third-party hardware upgrades in my G4 including Micron RAM, a processor upgrade from Giga, a Western Digital harddrive, and a Radeon videocard. What's the problem?

I think he meant mac clones. I recall the old days when they allowed this and how PowerComputing was becoming big and cheaper than Apple. I guess it became too popular as Apple cancelled it all.

Remember, most PCs are considered clones themselves, or maybe not anymore, but I think IBM clones, right? It's been so long since the word clone has been said.

Re: This is Shiva?
Nov 3, 2004, 15:58
Re: This is Shiva? Nov 3, 2004, 15:58
Nov 3, 2004, 15:58
Since the game has been out I'm sure there have been requests for player owned structures and other features that was said will eventually make it into the game. So finally here's the expansion that will do it. Though, Stations might be a bit further away.

I've kept my account for a year, hardly playing it. But once I saw this expansion I decided to keep it, building up skills while I wait to see if I can get back into the game.

Re: No subject
Nov 3, 2004, 15:41
Re: No subject Nov 3, 2004, 15:41
Nov 3, 2004, 15:41
OMg OMG OMG, dling now, can't wait to try this out. I view this like the HL2 of racing, featuring cool physics, realtime damaging and destructible areas in tracks, even the driver can fly out the window with ragdoll physics.

Re: No subject
Oct 21, 2004, 16:50
Re: No subject Oct 21, 2004, 16:50
Oct 21, 2004, 16:50
Heh, by the name I didn't know this was Imperium Galactica 3. OR at least that's what it was called. Then it was canned, but came back with a new name like Galaxy Andromada something. Now the names been changed a third time.

If I recall the original demo during it's original name, it's worth checking out. The graphics were really good back then and probably better now.

This comment was edited on Oct 21, 16:51.
Re: PCGamer sez ....
Oct 15, 2004, 04:22
Re: PCGamer sez .... Oct 15, 2004, 04:22
Oct 15, 2004, 04:22
I know this is just an idle comment, but after laoding the preload it no longer says a locked copy is stored on your machine, but "when game is released you will be able to paly immediately". To me that kind of pushes the "gold tomorrow" BS hype.(indented/italic)

The play immediately message was already there when I finished preloading the game sometime earlier this week. But now it's only 83% done after this new preload today. So it's already been saying that message before, I bought it last weekend, so it doesn't mean anything new.

Re: No subject
Oct 12, 2004, 22:42
Re: No subject Oct 12, 2004, 22:42
Oct 12, 2004, 22:42
I'd say bloom is like the effect in old movies or soaps where they used a soft or blurry lens when cutting to a actress close up. Or maybe close to the effect of a dream sequence in a movie, where everything is a bit fuzzy. But also with bloom, you get a bit more brightness, like a bit overexposed, but depends from game to game.

Re: No DVD here either
Oct 5, 2004, 12:23
Re: No DVD here either Oct 5, 2004, 12:23
Oct 5, 2004, 12:23
Also, to those that say DVD roms are useless or even own one and never used it, incase you didn't know, they can also read CDs. Plus, don't people usually have set-ups with two drives, a CD-R and the 2nd drive makes no sense not to be a DVD-rom.

This comment was edited on Oct 5, 12:24.
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