i don't care how many times it's been said before, i want it to be good. i loved the old rebelstar, laser squad, chaos, lords of chaos, x-com games (gollop games for short) and i long for a new one that's good. if there's one with multiplayer and it's also good i'll be a happy bunny for a long time.
MMO X-Com could be interesting... IF (huge if) it's done right. One set of players could be aliens, the others could be humans. Aliens could have to attack certain places for various effects such as upgrading their technology, weakening X-Com (i.e. attacking their supply centers), harvesting innocent human npcs (muwahaha), or drawing x-com away from somewhere so the aliens can hit somewhere else hard.
I could go on and on but
a) i'd bore you
2) i doubt it's going to happen no matter how hard i wish unless
III) it's like matrix online; it's made but it sucks.