I personally think that UK2k3s gameplay is a breath of fresh air. I think that it has truely captured the spirit of "Sport Combat". Anyone who has spent any time online playing against REALLY good players will know that it hasnt been made that much easier on the n00bs. I am pretty damn sharp and usually paste most of the players on servers, but then theres always the times that one REALLY good player comes on and NO-ONE can touch them. 40 kills 0 deaths and the rounds over in 5 minutes. As far as spam weapons like the Flak cannon, if you pay attention to the spread on it you will notice that it spread out over a much smaller area than it did in UT, bounces much more predicably and evenly and requires more aim. Sure n00bs are gonna get a few kills here and there, thats luck and chaos factor. But no matter what weapon they have they cant hit you if you arent where they're aiming. It doesnt take long to notice the pattern in someones spam firing and predict it.
The new movements like the wall jumps and double jumps make for some really intense firefights and its great to end up in an area with another really good player and be bouncing around each other off walls etc while you dodge each others fire.
Also with the addition of the adrenaline feature at least it means that people cant just cycle powerups, they have to earn them with kills, it takes ages to get 100 adrenaline just picking up the pills. I am sure we all know that friend who just cycles the invisibility EVERY SINGLE ROUND that its on.
Fair enough if UT2k3 isnt your kind of game. I play CS alot aswell but I personally havent had this much fun since I first played Qtest. I think that people are trying to take it too seriously. Its not Counterstrike. This game is about fantasy not reality and its not meant to feature realistic apearing characters. Its meant to be a world that doesnt exist or maybe a world that doesnt exist yet. Open your mind a little and you might enjoy all the games you play more. People have been talking about how they dont like this kind of game and prefer realism FPS's becuase they have "grown up". Why is everyone in such a hurry to grow up. The successfull conclusion of growing up is death. I dont see why people who dont like this game are dissing it so much, isnt that a waste of your time? If you dont like a game then why do you bother giving it your attention? Shouldnt you be posting possitive things to threads about games you DO like?
Cant wait for the full version, I'm getting sick of cycling the same 2 maps and everyone I kill looks the same