at first, i would agree with you. i was a little upset and dissappointed by the unreal demo. i, like many others, got my greedy hands on one of the prerelease builds floating around.
now, after plenty of more time with unreal and battlefield, i think unreal takes the cake. its my opinion, so why should you care? i dunno, i feel like talking, rather than spying on this site for more than a few years.
unreal has the netcode.
battlefield has the massive levels.
unreal does combat.
battlefield struggles in combat situations. its terrible.
unreal looks awesome.
battlefield looks awesome.
even though battlefield is fresh and new, with all those badass things to do, i believe unreal is a better fighter.
just my thoughts. i wasn't expecting for it to gold so soon, but hot damn! im ready for this game.
cya on the demo servers.
This comment was edited on Sep 20, 14:25.