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September 18, 2002
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Re: Can't Even Install NOLF2
Oct 14, 2002, 20:51
Re: Can't Even Install NOLF2 Oct 14, 2002, 20:51
Oct 14, 2002, 20:51

What kind of CD/DVD ROM do you have? I've encountered the same problem until I found out that I needed to update the firmware for my DVD-ROM drive which happens to be a Samsung 16x DVD-ROM. After I've updated the firmware, bingo all of sudden my NOLF2 discs were detected and I was able to install the program flawlessly.

Hope this helps.

Re: Can't Even Install NOLF2
Oct 14, 2002, 20:48
Re: Can't Even Install NOLF2 Oct 14, 2002, 20:48
Oct 14, 2002, 20:48

Or Try this if Audio still doesn't work
Sep 18, 2002, 15:08
Or Try this if Audio still doesn't work Sep 18, 2002, 15:08
Sep 18, 2002, 15:08
I got an error while manually installing "WMFAdist.exe" about the file "l3codeca.acm". I removed that file from my System32 folder then ran the install again and it worked fine. I think XP was blocking it from installing an older file because it was not Read Only and the new file is slightly smaller.

Try renaming it to "l3codeca.bak" so you can replace it if needed, but that was the problem for me under Windows XP Pro SP1, with SoundBlaster Live 5.1 with the newest drivers version

Anyway hope this helps.

Found on another site:
Sep 18, 2002, 15:07
Found on another site: Sep 18, 2002, 15:07
Sep 18, 2002, 15:07
So, I installed the Official demo It is beautiful, but I had sound problems. I didn't hear the sound of the dialogs.

I tried everything you wrote about settings,but nothing helped. So, I checked my system , and I found something.

My system.ini file in the Windows folder has changed. I opened it with an editor (Wordpad or so), and now, I will write the difference.

Before installing the demo in the drivers32 section , there was:


After the installing the demo, in the drivers32 section I found this one:


And the other line has disappeared!!! So, I changed back to the two lines to the origin version. I restarted my Windows, and now, everything works well.

------ So, you can try this, if you want, but please make a copy of system.ini before do this.

NOLF2 Sound Problems? Go Here
Sep 18, 2002, 14:33
NOLF2 Sound Problems? Go Here Sep 18, 2002, 14:33
Sep 18, 2002, 14:33
If you experiencing Sound Problems on the NOLF2 Demo, here's what you can do:

If the in-game sounds and dialogue (voices) do not play, or there are problems with the quality of these sounds, then please try each of the following steps (in order) before playing again. Note that you should only try one solution at a time, since trying them all can greatly reduce the overall sound quality of the game unnecessarily.

1. Make sure that you have the latest drivers available for your sound hardware installed. These can usually be found on the manufacturer's website.

2. From your main installation folder (Default C:\nolfdemo), double click on the file named WMFADist.exe, and then follow on-screen instructions. This will manually install the audio codec that is required by the game.

3. From the in-game sound options menu,change the sound quality option from high to low, or vice-versa.

4. Refer to the sections below for specific troubleshooting information for your particular sound card.

5. From the Nolf2 launcher application, click on the "options" button and then click on the box next to "Disable Sound Filters".

6. From the Nolf2 launcher application, click on the "options" button and then click on the box next to "Disable Hardware Sound".

Please note that since No One Lives Forever uses an MP3 codec for sound, the Nimo codec pack may cause speech and sound to drop out completely. Please uninstall the Nimo codec pack before installing No One Lives Forever 2. If you have already installed the game, please uninstall both the Nimo codec pack and the game, and then reinstall the game only.

Also, subtitles will not appear in the game if you do not have a soundcard, or if your soundcard is not detected, or if you have disabled sound completely in the advanced options menu.


You may experience missing sound effects and speech with older drivers (v.4.xx). It's highly recommended that you update to the latest series of drivers (v.5.xx) to correct this issue. You can check your current driver version as follows:

1. Click on the "Run" option from the Windows start menu.

2. Type "Dxdiag" (Without the quotes) in the command line and press <Enter>

This will initiate the DirectX Diagnostic Tool Menu.

3. Select the "Sound" tab to see information on your sound hardware.

4. In the right-hand column of this window is your sound card driver information.


If you're experiencing speech and audio dropout, please try the following:

Initiate the NOLF2 Launcher, click on options, click on the "Disable Sound Filters" option. Also check on the Creative website and obtain the latest driver.


Weapon fire and AI voices may stop playing during heavy firefights. An updated driver for the Audigy will fix this issue. Also, EAX sound filtering effects on some weapon sounds may not reset correctly after climbing out of water or other areas.


All aspects of game audio suffer from high-pitched static and popping noises. An updated driver (V1.13) should correct this problem and can be found on NVIDIA's website. (


If sounds seem missing or the volume of certain sounds changes erratically throughout the game, please install the latest driver (currently v.4161) from the manufacturer's web site. This should correct the problem.

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